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Microsoft 365 Firstline Worker Partner Playbook June 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft 365 Firstline Worker Partner Playbook June 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft 365 Firstline Worker Partner Playbook June 2018
For Microsoft partner internal use

2 Purpose of this playbook
Update for FLW Purpose of this playbook This playbook is designed to help partners understand the Firstline Worker opportunity, supporting Microsoft technologies, and resources to help build an offering.  Once you have reviewed the information, share the playbook across your practice area and start discussions with your sales, marketing, and managed services teams.  Suggested actions you can take to use the content effectively: Learn more about The Partner Business Opportunity for Maximizing the Impact of Firstline Workers with Microsoft 365 in the latest Forrester TEI Study. Use the customer journey to have a discussion with your sales and marketing team. Align your sales and marketing team with the Firstline Worker opportunity and leverage the Firstline Worker Business Value Assessment to drive sales. Download the latest playbook here

3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..…………………………………….. 1 Firstline Worker overview ………………………..………………………………………………….………………..………………………………………..….. 4 Partner opportunities …………………..……….…………………..………………………..……………………..……………………………………..……… 8 Industry examples ………….…….………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… 20 ………….…….……………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… 25 Build a practice ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………..…………………………………… 33 Resources

4 Firstline Worker Overview

5 Information Workers The Boardroom Firstline Workers
Digital Transformation is impacting all levels of the organization. It now encompasses Firstline Worker, a crucial role that’s historically under-served when it comes to technology. The challenge has been finding new ways to empower Firstline employees to do their best work in order to expand the digital transformation a customer is trying to achieve. Information Workers The Boardroom Firstline Workers Firstline Workers are the people who are the first to engage customers, the first to represent an organization’s brand, and the first to see a product in action. These are the people behind the counter, on the phone, in clinics, hospitals, and on the shop floor. These are the more than 2 billion people who form the foundation for some of the world’s largest industries. Their ambition, creativity, and action can unlock new ideas, differentiate the customer experience, and bring organizational strategies to life. Executives must be proactive in investing and developing their Firstline Workers, approaching it with the same rigor and discipline with which they tackle an operational transformation. This may include changing the firstline roles, processes, technologies, and tools used today that run counter to the digital transformation a customer is trying to achieve. The challenge is finding new ways to empower employees to do their best work.

6 Firstline Workers drive your bottom line
Majority of the workforce 80% of total global workforce Building for success 78% of leaders see empowering Firstline Workers as critical to their long-term strategy Realizing the benefits 83% see higher customer satisfaction 82% see higher employee satisfaction 64% see lower employee turnover 3x more likely to be a high-growth company Firstline Workers challenges you can solve Disconnected from team and company Outdated and obsolete tools and processes Actions governed by time, task and location Slow to receive information and resources High onboarding and training requirements Uneven security practices and governance First with products and operations First with customers First to represent your brand

7 Maximizing the impact of the Firstline Workforce
By 2018, two-thirds of the Global 2000 CEOs will have digital transformation at the heart of their corporate strategy. Companies are investing in technology to optimize operations, transform products, engage customers, and empower employees. Executives must be proactive in investing and developing their Firstline Workers, approaching it with the same rigor and discipline with which they tackle an operational transformation. This may include changing the firstline roles, processes, technologies, and tools used today that run counter to the digital transformation a customer is trying to achieve. At Microsoft, we see an opportunity for technology to give Firstline Workers a more intuitive, immersive and empowering experience. The five pillars for Microsoft 365 F1 are below, and we will support partner engagements in each area. Foster culture and community Train and upskill employees Digitize business process Deliver real-time expertise Minimize risk and cost 21% higher profitability with high engagement1 Help employees find and share best practices across the company and enable every worker to turn their ideas into action. 1 Gallup, “State of the American Workplace 2017” 16%-20% the cost of replacing an employee (% of salary)2 Easily distribute role-based content, videos for training and onboarding while managing institutional knowledge from one highly secure place. 2 Gallup, “Well-Being Enhances Benefits of Employee Engagement’ ~50% of current work activities are automatable with today’s technologies3 Automate everyday activities, simplify collaboration across boundaries, and build and extend firstline worker capabilities and applications. 3 McKinsey & Company, “Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in the time of Automation” ~20-25% increase in worker productivity with improved communication & collaboration tools4 Close technology gaps and connect firstline workers to the tools, resource and expertise they need to do their best work. 4 McKinsey & Company, “Capturing business value with social technologies” ~11% lower IT support costs for firstline worker solution in the cloud5 Protect and secure your firstline workforce with identity-driven security innovations and comprehensive app, device, and service management. 5 Forrest Total Economic Impact Analysis, “Improving Firstline Worker Performance with Microsoft Office 365” Our vision is to help customers maximize the impact of their firstline workforce. For more information see the Firstline Worker partner presentation

8 Firstline Worker Partner Opportunities
Microsoft 365 Firstline Worker Partner Opportunities .

9 11/12/ :10 PM Microsoft 365 delivers Firstline Worker business opportunity to partners Forrester Consulting was commissioned by Microsoft to the revenue and profitability opportunities available to Microsoft partners that build practices and business solutions that support firstline workforces leveraging the Microsoft 365 F1 SKU. The interviews revealed many incremental revenue and profit opportunities available to Microsoft partners that invest in building Microsoft 365 product and service offerings focused on firstline workers. By working with a user base that has been traditionally underserved by IT, partners expanded their total addressable market to include new customer segments and verticals, upsold and grew their business relationships with existing Microsoft 365 customers, and created recurring revenue streams through the delivery of managed services and value-added resalable intellectual property (IP). The revenue and profit opportunity analysis is representative of those experienced by the companies interviewed and surveyed, as realized by the 20,000-employee composite organization that was built for the study. Ratio of firstline to corporate workers in industries such as hospitality, manufacturing, retail, and healthcare 4:1 Anticipated increased revenue for leading Microsoft 365 firstline worker solution partners, per user, over three years $509 Average gross margin on end-to-end Microsoft 365 firstline worker solutions 38% See the full study here Source: The Partner Business Opportunity for Maximizing the Impact of Firstline Workers with Microsoft 365. A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Analysis, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2018. © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

10 Microsoft 365 Enterprise Plan Overview
Microsoft Envision 2016 11/12/ :10 PM Microsoft 365 Enterprise Plan Overview M365 F1 $10/u/m M365 E31 $32/u/m M365 E51 $57/u/m Operating System Edition Windows Enterprise Office Applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint ●2 OneNote, Access & Calendar Outlook, Exchange ●3 Chat-based Workspace Microsoft Teams Schedule & Task Management Microsoft StaffHub, PowerApps, and Flow ●7 Voice, Video & Meetings Skype for Business ●4 Audio Conferencing, Phone System Social & Internet SharePoint & Yammer ●5 Threat Protection Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics, Windows Defender Antivirus, Device Guard6 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Advanced Threat Protection, O365 Threat Intelligence Identity & Access Management Azure Active Directory Plan 1, Windows Hello, Credential Guard and Direct access6 Azure Active Directory Plan 2 Device & App Management Microsoft Intune Windows AutoPilot, Fine Tuned User Experience, and Windows Analytics Device Health Information Protection Windows Information Protection, BitLocker & Azure Information Protection Plan 18 Office 365 Data Loss Prevention Azure Information Protection Plan 2, Microsoft Cloud App Security, O365 Cloud App Security Advanced Compliance Advanced eDiscovery, Customer Lockbox, Advanced Data Governance Analytics Delve Power BI Pro, MyAnalytics 1Productivity Server Rights – SharePoint, Exchange and Skype for Business productivity server rights for M365 E3 & E5 customers (Hybrid Rights unavailable in CSP Channel).   Office Professional Plus – M365 E3 & E5 customers will receive one copy of Office Professional Plus for each From SA Full USL M365 purchased; enabled for the duration of their subscription and downgrade rights included. 2Office Web and Mobile Apps Only, Includes Microsoft StaffHub. 32GB Inbox, No Commercial Outlook App or Integration, No Voic . 4Meetings are join only, 1:1 audio/video calls are supported, No Desktop or App Sharing 5Cannot be Site Administrators, No Site Mailbox, No Personal Site, Cannot Create Form 6Not available on Windows 10 Enterprise E3 in S mode 7PowerApps are limited to consumption only. Flow is limited to 750 users per month 8Coming to M365 F1 June 2018 See Speaker Notes for footnotes Microsoft Internal & Partner Use Only Pricing is No Level – Final pricing may vary due to rounding and geo location © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

11 Opportunities to drive revenue with Firstline Worker offers
Begin with the basics to shorten time to value and then expand into more complex scenarios Good Better Best Pull-through project services Continuous learning, adoption, and innovation services Licensing Microsoft 365 F1 licenses Pull-through project services Change management and adoption consulting SharePoint portals and Teams applications Custom application development Direct project services Assess current state technologies and employee personas; build road map Deploy critical identity, threat protection, communication, collaboration, and productivity tools Managed services Security monitoring and remediation services Device-as-a-service (DaaS) Managed services Provide technical and end user support Manage Firstline Worker devices, kiosks, and applications Repeatable IP SharePoint social and intranet solutions Microsoft 365 usage reporting and applications Vertical and line-of-business solutions Opportunities to drive revenue Here you can see an extensive list of services and solutions that partners can offer to monetize the Firstline Worker opportunity. The project services listed under “Good” address the fundamentals needed to digitally enable Firstline Workers and deliver value quickly. These services may not drive a lot of revenue for partners but the intent at the first stage of engagement is to deliver value quickly to create a base from which to grow. Services and solutions such as process automation, resource optimization by surfacing IoT-based signals, and mixed reality service management solutions address core aspects of a customer’s operations and could lead to a dramatic transformation of the customer’ business. In the partner scenarios section that follows, the Microsoft technologies that would be used to support each of these service / solution opportunities is provided. Start by upselling existing customers….

12 Enable your Firstline Workers to do their best work
To help companies enable their Firstline Workers to do their best work and maximize impact, Microsoft is delivering new value in Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1 plan against these key technology areas: Schedule & Task Management Create, update and manage schedules and tasks Communications & Community Connect your organization with modern tools Training & Onboarding Enable easy access to training videos and content Identity & Access Management Manage employee access and digital identity Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1

13 11/12/ :10 PM Schedule & Task Management Solutions to create, update and manage schedules and tasks Enable StaffHub to create, manage, and publish shifts schedules Publish and update team schedules Rollout StaffHub to stay up-to-date with work schedules from any device and can digitally request time off, swap shifts  Manage up-to-date with work schedule Integrate LoB applications with StaffHub and Teams to manage and optimize day-to-day tasks Integrate LoB application The role of a Firstline manager or supervisor is to ensure that their team functions as required and meet, or exceed, their goals; and managing day-to-day tasks to ensure work is completed on time. It can be difficult and time consuming to manage a large team of workers on scheduling, as well as assigning and managing tasks. For Firstline Workers, it starts with being at work on the right day and time. It is also very important for Firstline Workers to have clear understanding of their responsibilities and tasks at hand. With Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1 Spend more time with customers and less time creating and managing schedules and tasks. Provide a single app for Firstline Workers and managers to manage their workdays, simplifying schedule management, tasks, communication, and access to important resources, training documents, and company news. Firstline Workers can view schedules, swap shifts, request time off, and manage tasks Digitize repetitive tasks and processes like request approvals to empower workers with modern LOB apps (Power Apps and Flow)* *F1 users can only consume PowerApps and Flows. Building them requires an E-suite. Features coming soon Digitalize process by automating tasks with custom workflows using PowerApps and Flow Turn tasks into a workflow © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

14 11/12/ :10 PM Communications & Community Build platforms to connect Firstline workers with modern tools Leverage Skype Meeting Broadcast to connect Firstline Workers with company announcements and latest policy changes Broadcast company town halls Enable Yammers, SharePoint for Firstline Workers to exchange info on best practices, trouble shooting, customer service and other new ideas Share best practices Deploy Teams to allow Firstline workers to communicate in real-time across remote sites and collaborate from anywhere Stay up-to-date, Collaborate from anywhere Keeping Firstline Workers engaged is critical to company success. Failure to do so often leads to higher turnover and lower productivity. A higher level of employee engagement can positively impact customer service and increase profitability. Communication is critical to an organization’s culture. Firstline Workers can feel isolated and disconnected from the organization. Therefore, communication is the key to creating a solid connection between employees and the organization’s culture.  Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1 helps Connect your locations and workforce to the information they need to do their best work, such as promotional offerings, corporate announcements, and real-time sales trends and insights. Allow supervisors to recognize employees via Yammer – employee of the month, for example. Sales associates can use Yammer to pass along customer feedback heard in stores to the home office on products or what competitors are doing Protect customer information by reducing the use of personal to exchange information Roll-out Teams and SharePoint to equip Firstline workers with right information for best customer services Engage with customers and solve any issues © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

15 11/12/ :10 PM Training & Onboarding Enable easy access to training videos and content Build Training Portal or onboarding materials using Teams, SharePoint to allow access anywhere  Build digital, paperless training Portal Develop solutions that allow subject matter experts to support Firstline Workers in context across physical and virtual space Develop Mixed Reality solutions Management creates dynamic training videos on new products, promotions, and customer service with Microsoft Stream, and SharePoint Configure dynamic video content for training Well planned and impactful onboarding & training content for Firstline Workers can result in higher employee engagement. They have immense responsibility, and they are the ‘face & voice’ of the organization. Providing the skills to tackle tough challenges and enable them to provide great customer service and increase productivity. Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1 helps Prepare new hires by delivering targeted training materials to them and seamlessly scheduling their onboarding activities Support sales associates and all Firstline Workers by keeping them updated on the latest products, policies, and procedures Provide change management and adoption trainings to help Firstline Workers onboard to new tools that drives productivity Provide onboarding services © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

16 11/12/ :10 PM Identity & Access Management Manage employee access and digital identity Provide and manage unique digital identity to Firstline Workers to protect corporate assets while empowering productivity with single sign-on with Azure Active Directory Premium Provide and manage digital identity Provide comprehensive protection with Windows Defender Antivirus for shared kiosk and Firstline devices from viruses, malware, spyware, and other threats. Manage Firstline Worker devices and kiosks Provide services to classify data and apply policies with Azure Information Protection  Provide data access management Firstline Workers tend to bring their personal devices or use shared devices on the job; it is important for IT to centrally manage digital identities and provide secure single sign-on to all available applications. At the same time, supervisors need the flexibility to add or remove team members quickly to ensure information flows timely to their employees, but to also protect customer and company data. Microsoft 365 Enterprise F1 helps protect customer information, track and control data access, and centrally manage your employees’ digital identities. IT still manages all worker access on Microsoft 365, and they can secure workers’ device with built in MDM support Help secure mobile devices with MDM © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

17 Building the case for empowering Firstline Workers Help customers understand the value of digitally transforming their firstline workforce Analyze Personas Identify the personas that make up and interact with the Firstline Workforce. Include executives and managers that need to broadcast to a division or the entire company Assess Processes Map the business and IT processes that touch Firstline Workers. Prioritize manual and poorly defined processes for automation and optimization. Build Roadmap Create a roadmap for addressing process optimization opportunities. Begin with core capabilities and then extend to include custom workflows. Calculate ROI Calculate the customer benefits. Incorporate time savings and cost reductions from lowering staff turnover, preventing security incidents and removing redundant point-solutions 1 2 3 4 Build out a library of common processes for the target industry. Leverage resources on the Firstline Worker partner site.

18 We’re partnering with Microsoft to reinvent the employee experience, to build a modern and secure workspace and to empower every employee, from the boardroom to the firstline worker, to achieve more everyday. VCA is a leader in veterinary care: 800+ locations 25,000 employees Brandon Antin Vice President of Social Responsibility and Innovation Firstline Workers Drive Business Impact

19 “Firstline workers represent the majority of the world’s workforce
“Firstline workers represent the majority of the world’s workforce. That’s a lot of opportunity we can go after and a lot of ways we can help our clients. With Microsoft 365 F1, we now have something really compelling to offer. For me, that’s very, very exciting.” Tim Wallis, CEO Content and Code

20 Industry Examples .

21 The Firstline Workforce expands your opportunity
11/12/ :10 PM The Firstline Workforce expands your opportunity Firstline Workers represent a majority of the global workforce and a significant new business opportunity across industries. Firstline Workers can be found in almost every industry but we have prioritized these six based on the size of the opportunities they represent: Manufacturing Retail Transportation Enterprise Firstline Workers Firstline Workers Shop Floor Workers Warehouse Clerks Services Technicians Maintenance Case studies: Customer:  Fruit of the Loom Customer: Owens-Illinois Cashiers Sales Associates Store Managers Inventory Associates Case studies: Customer: Lowes Ground Crew Drivers Flight Crew Maintenance Crew Hospitality Public Service Healthcare The Firstline Workforce expands our opportunity A study commissioned by Microsoft shows that the global Firstline Workforce consists of ~2.4B employees. The study also shows that ~690m of these employees can be found in enterprise organizations with 500+ employees. While Firstline Workers certainly represent an opportunity in smaller customers too, we expect these larger customers to be the ones most likely to invest in empowering and transforming their Firstline Workforce at scale. The size of the Firstline Worker employee base is significantly greater than the corresponding number of knowledge workers within these organizations and we have only scratched the surface of capitalizing on this very significant opportunity. Priority industries Firstline Workers can be found in almost every industry but we have prioritized these 6. Additional insights into these industries can be gained by reading the Gartner Industry Addressability Study at: Front of house staff Guest Services Event Staff Housekeepers Case studies: Customer: Virgin Trains Clerks Fire Fighters Police Officers Parks & Recreation Providers First Responders Nurses Case studies: Customer: Familiehulp FOR MICROSOFT PARTNER INTERNAL USE © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

22 Example: Manufacturing Connect and engage with manufacturing workers
Supervisor Associate Create, update and publish shift schedules Approve time cards Dispatch and track equipment repairs Assign and track tasks Stay up-to-date with shift schedules on any device Submit time cards. request time-off or swap schedule with other team members Report task completion Communicate team and individual updates Track daily meeting updates and take action on equipment issues, reported incidents Find and share best practices with other teams Post floor alerts and notifications for their work area Send messages, chat, IM with supervisor, team members Report incidents and equipment problems Check for floor alerts and updates, equipment issues Find and consume best practices from other teams Connect by , chat, IM with experts on specific equipment Access required training to stay informed on corporate announcements and new procedure updates to stay compliant Update and share training and onboarding content on process updates, and safety manuals for operating equipment Access and required role specific training, onboarding content on new job procedures, process updates Stay up-to-date with plant announcements Schedule & task management Communications & community Connect and engage with manufacturing workers Training & onboarding

23 Example: Hospitality Connect and engage with hospitality workers
Supervisor Associate Create, update and publish team schedules Approve time cards Dispatch and track daily onsite repairs Assign and track tasks Stay up-to-date with work schedules on any device Submit time cards. request time-off or swap schedule with team members Report task completion Communicate team and individual updates Track daily meeting updates and take action on reported incidents Find and share best practices with teams Share corporate announcements and upcoming maintenance projects Send messages, chat, IM with supervisor, other team members Report incidents to supervisor Access service manuals and videos for troubleshooting and repairs on hotel equipment and other amenities Access required training to stay informed on corporate announcements and new procedure updates Update and share training and onboarding content on service updates, and service/repair content for onsite maintenance Access and required training, onboarding content on new job procedures, service updates Stay informed with corporate announcements for upcoming maintenance projects Schedule & task Management Communications & community Connect and engage with hospitality workers Training & onboarding

24 Example: Retail Connect and engage with retail workers Supervisor
Associate Create, update and publish schedules for associates in the store Approve a shift swap request among two Sales Associates Assign and track tasks Stay up-to-date with work schedules on any device Request time-off or swap shifts with other associates Communicate team updates, corporate and store-wide announcements One-on-one communication with individual employees via , IM, chat Track daily meeting updates and update store metric dashboard with relevant data Send messages, chat, IM with supervisor, other store associates, employees in other locations and corporate office Share best practices with other associates Access and update required training and onboarding content to stay compliant, and to drive employee engagement Share corporate announcements with associates to keep them informed Access and update required training, onboarding content and corporate announcements for job readiness, and to stay informed Schedule & task management Communications & community Connect and engage with retail workers Training & onboarding

25 Firstline Worker Conversation Starters and Partner Tools
This Section covers: Conversation starters for Firstline Workers Industry examples Compete landscape Resources

26 Starting the conversation Customers
11/12/ :10 PM Starting the conversation Customers CxOs: CEO, COO, CFO, CTO , CIO Line of Business: HR, IT, Learning & Development, Customer Services, Facilities, Operations, Store Management Key customer concerns: Connecting all employees to the company mission Capturing and scaling best practices and institutional knowledge Eliminating manual processes, legacy systems and tools Accelerating business process, schedule management and tasks Keeping workers up to date on the latest training and policies Preventing shadow IT solutions from entering the workplace © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

27 Maximizing the impact of the Firstline Workforce
Foster culture and community Train and upskill employees Digitize business process Deliver real-time expertise Minimize risk and cost Our vision is to help customers maximize the impact of their firstline workforce.

28 8% Foster Culture and Community
With Microsoft 365, you can enable customers to foster culture, community, and inclusivity by connecting Firstline Workers to each other and the organization. Determine if the customer needs help establishing new communication channels: Can they send messages from the C-suite directly to the Firstline Workforce? How do they facilitate communication and coordination between distributed team members? Can Firstline Workers and managers communicate with each other to share and find best practices? Are Firstline Workers and managers empowered to connect with and contribute towards communities of people who share their role or interests? 8% Reduction in Firstline Worker turnover rate for customers using Microsoft solutions due to an increased sense of belonging and engagement * * Source: Improving Firstline Worker Performance With Microsoft Office 365: A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Analysis, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, September 2017

29 58% Train and upskill employees
With Microsoft 365, you can help customers equip their Firstline Workforce with the content and training they need to grow and develop their skills. Determine if the customer needs help building and distributing training content: How do they onboard new Firstline Workers? How do they train and retrain their Firstline Workforce to ensure they stay current and effective? Can their Firstline Workers access self-service training from their devices? Do they lose the knowledge of experienced Firstline Workers when they leave or retire? Can their Firstline Workers access and contribute to a library of institutional knowledge? 58% Organizations that expect to adopt learning and performance management solutions for their Firstline Workers in the next 2 years * * Source: Building for success at the firstline of business, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services Survey, 2017

30 116 Digitize business processes
With Microsoft 365, you can digitize and optimize customers’ business processes to help them accelerate performance and compete more effectively. Determine if the customer needs help redesigning and automating their business processes: How do they create and manage Firstline Worker schedules and tasks? Can their Firstline Workers request shift swaps and have them approved by their managers from their mobile devices? Are there any manual or paper-based processes that could be optimized if they were digitized? What operational insights could help Firstline Workers be more efficient and effective in the way they perform their jobs? 116 Number of hours saved annually per Firstline Worker by customers using Microsoft solutions * * Source: Improving Firstline Worker Performance With Microsoft Office 365: A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Analysis, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, September 2017.

31 16% Deliver real-time expertise
With Microsoft 365, you can enable customers to leverage the knowledge and expertise of their workforce more effectively Determine if the customer needs help facilitating access to expertise in real-time: How do you tap into the insights, expertise, and knowledge of Firstline Workers to gather new ideas and find solutions to problems? Can a Firstline Worker communicate in real-time with a subject matter expert if they need assistance completing a complex task? What tools do they have to allow a subject matter expert to see a problem scenario and provide visual support to a Firstline Worker? 16% Increased Firstline manager productivity by customers using Microsoft solutions * * Source: Improving Firstline Worker Performance With Microsoft Office 365: A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Analysis, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, September 2017

Minimize risk and cost With Microsoft 365, you can equip your customers to better manage their identity, access controls, and devices to stop breaches before they escalate in severity. Determine if your customer needs help securing the front door: Do they have digital identities for their Firstline Workers? Do they know who is accessing their data? Do they have mechanisms to reduce IT costs for managing Firstline Worker identities such as self-service password reset? Are the apps and devices used by their Firstline Workforce up to date and secure? Can they quickly identify and react to a breach originating from a Firstline Worker? 61% Reduction in Firstline Worker related security breaches experienced by customers using Microsoft solutions 1 1 Source: Improving Firstline Worker Performance With Microsoft Office 365: A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Analysis, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, September 2017 FOR MICROSOFT PARTNER INTERNAL USE

33 Firstline Worker resources for partners
Build your Firstline Worker practice with the resources listed here:  Understanding the business opportunity Develop skills and business plan Launch the offer Grow the business Business opportunities Microsoft 365 customer site Microsoft 365 partner site Microsoft 365 F1 video Harvard Business Review survey Firstline Worker infographic Gartner industry addressability report Forrester TEI study: Firstline Worker Partner business opportunity Forrester TEI study: Value of Firstline Worker productivity Teamwork, Security & Compliance, and Microsoft 365 Powered Device playbooks Learn about Microsoft 365 F1 Office 365 F1 trial Enterprise Mobility and Security trial StaffHub Getting Started Guide Build your skills Collaboration course catalog Security and Compliance course catalog Microsoft 365 Powered Device course catalog Customer-ready information Tools for you Firstline Worker offer development guide Firstline Worker business value assessment Firstline Worker Quick Start Guide for Partners Engage with customers Firstline Customer Handout Firstline Worker customer presentation Firstline Worker in Retail customer presentation Windows 10S for Firstline Workers presentation Firstline Worker sales playcard Firstline Worker demo StaffHub demo script Tools to use with customers Firstline Worker business value assessment Business Value Tools: Value Discovery Workshop, Customer Immersion Experience, Value Calculator Learn more at:


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