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vs vb cc VDD VDD VDD M9 M12 M11 vo Iref M1 M2 vin vin+= voQ CL vf=vin

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1 vs vb cc VDD VDD VDD M9 M12 M11 vo Iref M1 M2 vin vin+= voQ CL vf=vin
Rc R M5 M6 M10 M7 M8 vin2

2 From last time: Some book talk about choosing Rc to cancel p2 and achieve first order like behavior. Not possible.

3 If we let Rc = a/gm10 If appropriate Cf is used in parallel to Rf, b is real is = Ri/(Ri+Rf). Then at wt, we have:



6 Strategy: Use an appropriate C in parallel with Rf so that b is independent of s Use binary search between C1 and CL to find a good Cc. Start with Cc=(C1+CL)/2 Sweep Rc to find Rc to maximize PM If PM about right, stop. If PM too large, reduce Cc, else increase Cc, but go back to 2 to use binary search for new Cc

7 Cascoded current mirrors:
Ro = rds2 * A4 VDD Large, good! Io Iin Vomin = Veff2+Vt4+Veff4 Vo M3 M4 Too high M1 M2

8 Wide swing cascoded current mirrors:
Ro = rds2 * A4 VDD Large, good! Io Vomin = Vg4 – Vt4 = Vg2 + IR – Vt4 = Veff + Vt2 + IR – Vt4 = Veff + IR Vds2 = IR > Veff Vomin = 2Veff R Vo M4 M3 M1 M2

9 Regulated cascode: Suppose test signal it. vd2 = vs1 = it *rds2, vg1 = -Avd2. vgs1=(1+A)vd2 id1=gm1(1+A)vd2 +gs1vd2 vt= it *rds2 + it *rds1 + id1 *rds1 Rout= rds2 + rds1 + gs1rds1rds2 + gm1(1+A)rds1rds2  Agm1rds1rds2

10 A(s)=gm5gm7/{gm6(gds7+gds8+sCdb7+sCdb8+sCgs4)}
VDD VDD VDD 4 transistor and 1 resistor Io M6 M7 R Vo M4 M3 M5 M1 M2 M8

11 A(s)={gm7/(1+gm7(1/gm1+1/gm2}/ (gds7+gds8+sCdb7+sCdb8+sCgs4)
VDD Only 2 transistors Io Gain reduced by about 3X Vo M7 M3 M4 M1 M2 M8

12 Folded cascode For single stage, For two stage,
Telescopic cascode has OSR limited by Vic Folding makes OSR independent of Vic, and always large For two stage, Both tele and folded have large OSR independent of Vic Folded has less stacking Folded allows better ro control Folded consumes more power


14 Self biasing vb vb cc VDD VDD VDD VDD M13 M3 M4 M12 vo CL M5 M6 Iref R
Rc R vin M1 vin+ M2 M7 M8 M11 M14 M9 M10 vin2

15 Current mirror amplifier

16 Self biasing with resistors
Same gain expression

17 Non cascoded Same gain expression, but Go is just gds8+gds14

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