Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World

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1 Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World
Part 2: Jan. 28, 2013

2 Self-Knowledge How good are we at explaining our behavior or predicting how we’ll feel ? Harassment studies as example – Known as “Affective Forecasting” –

3 Leads to “Impact Bias” =
when is this worst? Why? Dan Gilbert’s research on synthetic happiness vs. natural happiness – Effect of ‘Psychological immune system’ -

4 Self-esteem Positive and negative evaluations of ourselves
What purposes are served by SE? 1. 2. Correlations w/self-esteem:

5 Contributors to Self-Esteem
Self-discrepancy theory – What is compared? We differ in degree of self-awareness:

6 Extreme Self-Esteem & Narcissism
High SE - 2 possible dimensions: How does narcissism differ? Narcissism is correlated with:

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