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Also known as the “Arctic”

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1 Also known as the “Arctic”
The North Also known as the “Arctic” Yellowknife

2 Location This region is located in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Northern Quebec and the northern tip of Labrador and Newfoundland. The whole region is North of the 60 N latitude.

3 Landscape This is the only region where there is permafrost (the ground is frozen all year round) In the summer the top layer may thaw and can form lakes and swamps.

4 Igloo

5 Landscape..... glaciers fjords (a deep bay surrounded by cliffs)
barren tundra northern lights polar ice cap (permanently frozen sea ice)

6 Resources Oil and gas industry (off shore drilling) Hunting Trapping
FIshing Zinc, lead, diamonds and gold are some of the minerals that we find)

7 Rocks near Crater Lake

8 Climate Extreme Cold in the Winter months
Due to the tilt of the earth’s axis this regions has 6 months of sunlight and 6 months of darkness. Due to the weather, this region has the lowest human population in Canada.

9 Animals The people in this region depend on the caribou and muskox for food and clothing. Some villages rely on the narwhale for their entire existence.

10 Animals........ Arctic Fox Polar Bears Whales Walruses Seals Snowy Owl
Arctic Hare Arctic Fox

11 Bowhead Whale

12 Other Information Click onhttp:// opics/canadas_north/index.cfm The website above has many cool games and activities on Canada’s North.

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