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Martin Luther King Jr..

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther King Jr.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther King Jr.

2 Famous for: ‘I Have a Dream Speech’ March on Washington Bus Boycott
‘Letters From a Birmingham Jail’ which spoke of the reasons for the use of ‘Non Violent’ Protest.

3 Kent State University

4 Know For: Deaths of 4 students who were shot by National Guard troops during a protest of the invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War

5 Truman Doctrine

6 Truman vowed to aid countries who resisted communism

7 Brown v. Board of Education

8 Ended the segregation of Public Schools
Over turned the ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson of separate but equal

9 Miranda v. Arizona

10 A person must be read their 5th Amendment rights when arrested.
A person must know what their charge is.

11 Civil Rights Act of 1964

12 Ended segregation of public places
Ended unequal voter registration practices

13 Bakke v. California

14 Ended racial quotas as a consideration for entry into colleges.

15 Roe v. Wade

16 Legalized Abortion

17 Marshall Plan

18 US would provide funding to help Europe rebuild after WWII.

19 Richard Nixon

20 Known For: 37th President Trip to China Watergate scandal
Tapping conversations in the White House and refusing to turn them over to Congress when asked to. Resigned before he could be impeached

21 Johnson’s Great Society

22 President Lyndon Johnson Advocated for:
Medicare: Free medical care for the elderly Medicaid: Free medical care for the poor and children

23 Interstate Highway Act

24 President Eisenhower started the Interstate Highway Act in 1956:
It was to meant to move the military if needed quickly in times of crisis. It increase suburban growth More people own cars Spurred the growth of places like Levittowns, which were suburbs that featured inexpensive homes anyone could afford.

25 Containment Policy

26 US attempt to prevent the spread of Communism.
Example of this is the Korean War. Korea became divided into the Communist North and Democratic South after the War.

27 Baby Boomers

28 Generation of children born after 1945 to 1964

29 Joseph McCarthy

30 Senator from Wisconsin who held hearings stating he had a list of communists in government and Hollywood. (The list was a blank piece of paper) Part of the Red Scare

31 Silent Spring

32 Written by Rachel Carson
Discussed the dangers of pesticides on the environment

33 Betty Freidan

34 Wrote the “Feminine Mystique’
Book discussed the discontent among middle class women who felt they were trapped in their lives. Member of NOW

35 NOW

36 National Organization For Women
Advocated for: Equal pay Maternity Leave Paid Day care

37 Iran Hostage Crisis

38 Americans held by Iranian students for 444 days in the 1970’s.
Started when the US provided medical treatment for the Shah of Iran

39 Iran-Contra Scandal

40 A complicated arms deal where the US would send military aid to Iran and them Iran would send aid to anti communist rebels and drug smugglers in Nicaragua. This secret deal was uncovered during the Reagan Administration.

41 Robert F. Kennedy

42 Brother to John F. Kennedy
Attorney General of the US under JFK administration RFK assassination at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 sparked violence.

43 Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee
SNCC Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee

44 Organized: Freedom Rides Voting Registration Sit Ins In 1969 changed its name to Student National Coordinating Committee

45 President Bill Clinton

46 Impeached for perjury over a land deal called ‘Whitewater’ before he became President.

47 Kennedy v. Nixon

48 Television played a large role in this election
Nixon looked sickly and Kennedy looked tan and healthy.

49 Johnson vs. Goldwater

50 Television commercials and speeches used as a medium for both candidates.
‘Daisy Girl’ commercial is one of the most famous. Goldwater accused of being the one most likely to start war with the soviets.

51 Cuban Missile Crisis

52 Showdown in the Atlantic when the United States blockaded the Soviet Union’s ships when they were bound for Cuba with missiles. Missiles were discovered in Cuba and aimed at the US.

53 Camp David Peace Accords

54 US President Jimmy Carter brings the leaders of Israel and Egypt together for peace talks.

55 Vietnam War

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