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Michigan Fishes II 6 November 2012.

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1 Michigan Fishes II 6 November 2012

2 Non-native species 26 total in Michigan!
Petromyzontidae: Petromyzon marinus – sea lamprey Anguillidae: Anguilla rostrata – American eel Clupeidae: Alosa pseudoharengus - alewife Osmeridae: Osmerus mordax – rainbow smelt Gobiidae: Neogobius melanostomus – round goby Cyprinidae: Cyprinus carpio – common carp Salmonidae: Oncorhynchus mykiss – rainbow trout Salmonidae: Salmo trutta – brown trout Centrarchidae: Lepomis microlophus – redear sunfish

3 Threatened species ~35 threatened, endangered, or extirpated in Michigan Acipenseridae: Acipenser fulvescens – lake sturgeon (T) Hiodontidae: Hiodon tergisus – mooneye (T) Lepisosteus oculatus – spotted gar (SC) Noturus stigmosus – northern madtom (EN) Noturus miurus – brindled madtom (SC) Source:

4 Commercially important fishes
Esocidae: Esox masquinongy – muskellunge Salmonidae: Coregonus clupeaformis – lake whitefish Percidae: Stizostedion vitreum – walleye Centrarchidae Ambloplites rupestris – rock bass Lepomis macrochirus – bluegill Lepomis gibbosus – pumpkinseed Micropterus spp. – smallmouth and largemouth bass

5 Misc. Lepisosteidae: Lepisosteus osseus – longnose gar

6 Petromyzontidae Petromyzon marinus – sea lamprey
Lampreys: family characteristics Body eel-like Mouth is a sucking disc No jaws, no paired fins, no scales Single median nostril Seven external gill openings on each side Petromyzon marinus – sea lamprey Separate dorsal fins Teeth in radiating rows Adults parasitic – disc as wide as body Big – commonly cm or more Native to Finger Lakes of New York, introduced to Great Lakes in mid-1800s, decimated local fish populations in 1930s and 40s Control efforts, including electric current, chemical lampricides, and barriers, vary in success

7 Anguillidae Anguilla rostrata – American eel
Freshwater eels: family characteristics Body anguilliform Pectoral fins present, pelvic fins absent Terminal mouth, jaws well toothed Small, embedded, linear scales Median fins (dorsal, caudal, anal) continuous Anguilla rostrata – American eel Sharp pointed head, jaws present Only eel species in Michigan Catadromous Leptocephalus larval stage Introduced to Great Lakes in 1800s – stocked in rivers in Illinois, thrown overboard from ships carrying them as rations Impacts in Michigan unknown, but in Texas and S. Carolina have brought Asian nematode

8 Clupeidae Alosa pseudoharengus – alewife
Shads and herrings: family characteristics Compressed body Thin cycloid scales Head naked Midline of belly with spiny scutes No lateral line Gill rakers numerous and long Alosa pseudoharengus – alewife Body more elongate and streamlined than Dorosoma cepedianum Upper margin of mandible forms strong shoulder Invaded Lake Ontario in late 1800s, successful due to overfishing of large Salmonid predators Distributed to Great Lakes in mid-1900s Impact: restructures food web May be responsible for decline of native salmonids (e.g., lake herring, arctic grayling) Periodic large-scale die-offs in 1960s  annoying and a health hazard!

9 Osmeridae Osmerus mordax – rainbow smelt
Smelts: family characteristics Body slender and compressed Single soft-rayed dorsal fin Adipose fin Head naked, body scales cycloid, mod. size Large mouth with strong teeth Tongue with fangs! Osmerus mordax – rainbow smelt Only Osmerid in Michigan Long slender body Closely resembles Salmonids (both families in Order Salmoniformes) Like many salmon species, spawn in streams (in this species, in early spring) Rainbow smelt eggs were stocked in 1912 in Crystal Lake which drains into Lake Michigan Now commercial fishery May have contributed to loss of blue pike from Great Lakes, compete with juvenile lake trout

10 Gobiidae Neogobius melanostomus– round goby
Gobies: family characteristics Large head, sharp teeth, usually terminal mouth Two dorsal fins Flexible spine at beginning of anal fin and 2nd dorsal fin Pelvic fins fused to form disc-like cup Family extremely speciose Neogobius melanostomus– round goby No opercular spines – distinguish from? Black spot at posterior of first dorsal fin Native to Eurasia Compete with native species for food Feed on eggs and fry of sculpin and darters

11 Non-native review species
Cyprinidae: Cyprinus carpio – common carp Native to Eurasia Records in all states but Alaska Deteriorates habitat by eating vegetation, increasing turbidity Salmonidae: Salmo trutta (brown trout) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) Both stocked for fisheries Centrarchidae: Lepomis microlophus – redear sunfish Native to Southeast/lower Midwest Intentionally stocked for sportfishing Molluscivorous, so may compete with L. gibbosus

12 Acipenseridae Acipenser fulvescens – lake sturgeon
Sturgeons: family characteristics Body with five rows of bony plates Caudal fin heterocercal Mouth ventral and protrusible Conical snout with two pairs of elongate barbels Partly cartilaginous skeleton Acipenser fulvescens – lake sturgeon Juveniles with long, pointed nose and large bony plates Barbels (usually 4) surround mouth Threatened due to: Overharvesting Pollution Closing of migratory channels

13 Hiodontidae Hiodon tergisus – mooneye Mooneyes: family characteristics
Body compressed and herring-like Midline of belly keeled but without spiny scutes Large eye, no adipose fin, single short dorsal fin Hiodon tergisus – mooneye Silvery body Lateral line distinct Moth strongly toothed, including toothed plate on tongue One of only two Osteoglossomorph spp in N America Impact factors: Isolated populations Intolerant to silt and turbidity Agriculture and industrialization

14 Review threatened species
Ictaluridae: Noturus miurus & N. stigmosus Intolerant to pollutants Sensitive to increased turbidity, siltation, and stream flow alterations Are in decline all across range N. miurus competes for spawning ground and cover with round goby Lepisosteidae: Lepisosteus oculatus Requires clear vegetated water  these habitats in decline across range Sensitive to siltation, dredging, and harbor improvements

15 Esocidae Esox musquinongy – muskellunge Pikes: family characteristics
Body elongate, terete Single dorsal, opposed to anal, far back on body Snout duck-like with canine teeth Caudal fin forked Esox musquinongy – muskellunge Scales on only upper half of cheek and opercle Dorsal, caudal, and anal fins with dusky spots Dark bars on light background (not always visible in large specimens) “Legendary for its size” – record 65” and 70 lb

16 Salmonidae Coregonus clupeaformis – lake whitefish
Trouts: family characteristics Body terete to moderately compressed Single soft-rayed dorsal fin, adipose fin present Cycloid scales on body, head naked Coregonus clupeaformis – lake whitefish Mouth subterminal Snout rounded Axillary scale present Two flaps between nostrils Most important commercial fish in lakes Ontario and Huron More than $5mill in catches from these two lakes in 1 yr Critical component in Lake Michigan commercial fishery Popular sport fish in all of the Great Lakes

17 Percidae Stizostedion vitreum - walleye
Perches: family characteristics Body usually elongate Two dorsal fins that may be contiguous or separate Anal fin with 1 or 2 spines Lateral line usually complete Stizostedion vitreum - walleye Dusky blotch on webbing between last dorsal spines (1st dorsal) Tip of lower lobe of caudal fin and anal fin white Grow to 25” and 5 lb In peak years, make up half the value of Lake Erie fishery

18 Lepisosteidae Lepisosteus osseus – longnose gar
Gars: family characteristics Body elongate with ganoid (rhombic) scales Snout and jaws extended into strong flattened beak with conical teeth Caudal fin abbreviate heterocercal Lepisosteus osseus – longnose gar Snout beak-like, long and narrow Head not spotted Black streak across body Grows to 72” in length

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