Blake, Dillon,& Jason Third Grade Technology Club

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Presentation on theme: "Blake, Dillon,& Jason Third Grade Technology Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blake, Dillon,& Jason Third Grade Technology Club
Chemicals Blake, Dillon,& Jason Third Grade Technology Club

2 When Using Chemicals Remember: You need to have safety gear.
Chemicals are very dangerous. They sometimes fizz. They sometimes explode. You can not drink chemicals. They are very toxic. There are different kinds of chemicals. They come in all kinds of colors.

3 What Can Chemicals Do? They fizz. They bubble. They explode. They mix.
They fuse. They turn colors. They make fumes. They can turn different shapes.

4 How Can Chemicals Help You?
They can provide medicine for you. They can provide food for you. They can help clean. They can teach you through experiments. They can provide hot and cold water for you. They can test stuff for you.

5 Why Are Chemicals Dangerous?
They can explode. They can hurt you if you put them in your eyes. They can burn you. They could kill you. They are very toxic. They could make you sick.

6 Experimenting Chemicals

7 What Happens When Chemicals Mix
Medicine is made. Food is made. Drinks are made. Products are made. Plants are changed. Poison can be made. Acid is made. Gas is made.

8 Mixing Chemicals

9 Let’s Find Out More Can Chemicals mix? -Yes!
Can we eat them? -Sometimes! Can they turn colors?-Yes! Are they dangerous?-Sometimes! Can they cause medical problems?-Sometime! Can they make medicine for you?-Yes! Can they kill you?-They could!

10 Experimenting with Chemicals

11 Exploring Chemicals We mixed We explored We experimented We wrote
We examined We thought We tested We had fun

12 Chemical Tray

13 Chemicals are fun but be careful
You can do lots of things with chemicals You can experiment with chemicals. You can test chemicals. You can have fun.

14 Writing about Chemicals

15 Bibliography Thank You Science Textbooks AMSTI Kit: Chemical Test
Exploreum minds on lab

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