Energy extraction potential

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1 Energy extraction potential
how much energy might be available?

2 Tidal flow power extraction potential
tidal current flows for around six hours in each direction tidal flow reverses direction in less than half an hour this means that power can be generated for around 11½ hours out of each 12 hour, 25 minute tidal cycle different parts of the country have different flow reversal times true base load power generation is possible if units are installed at two or more complementary sites whenever one barrier is either idling or stopped, the complementary one is generating at full capacity electricity from these units is entirely predictable and thus will be much more acceptable to the national supply grid than the electricity produced by wind or wave generators diagram only not to scale © clf anderson plan view

3 standard “squirrel cage” electric motors can be used as
the geometry of the guide chamber ensures that the rotors always start and rotate in the same direction regardless of the direction of tidal flow standard “squirrel cage” electric motors can be used as induction generators when directly connected to the grid the generators will run ahead as motors (consuming only 2% of installed power) when the rotor stops this avoids the need for synchronisation of national grid phase and alternating current frequency because there is no switching, no mechanical, thermal or magnetic shock is applied to the motors because of this they can be rated considerably higher as generators than their nominal rating as motors if their generator rating is doubled, their power consumption when motoring will be halved to 1% roller clutches (ratchets) will pick up the drive to restart generation when the rotor restarts diagram only not to scale © clf anderson plan view

4 * as used on typical wind turbine generator drives
plan view Typical tidal flow extraction installation this guide chamber is 45 metres wide x 110 metres long the rotor is 34 metres diameter x 34 metres depth it rotates at around 2½ revolutions per minute it is supported on 100 bogies which rotate at 55 r/min, each bogie drives a standard squirrel cage motor (or motors) which operate as induction generators multi-pole winding could accommodate speed changes each generator is driven by a step-up ratio * gearbox or a hydrostatic positive displacement hydraulic drive each generator provides 250 kilowatts (330 bhp) † when running on a 2 metres head difference between the water levels upstream and downstream the rotor will provide 25 megawatts to the national grid for approximately 23 hours per day every day of the year * as used on typical wind turbine generator drives diagram only not to scale © clf anderson † helicopter roller clutches can handle 3,000 bhp

5 Calculations Performance of a typical single rotor tidal flow extraction installation Assuming a two metre difference in water level across the diameter of the rotor: Two metres head (2gH) equals 6.26 metres per second flow through the rotor 34 metre diameter wheel, 10.6 m chamber entrance throat width, 34 m deep Flow equals 10.6 x 34 x 6.2 equals 2,256 cubic metres (tonnes) of water per second 2,256 m3 x 0.02 MPa equals 45.1 liquid megawatts (59,300 liquid horsepower) x 70% rotor blade efficiency equals 31.5 megawatts shaft power (41,000 bhp) x 80% transmission/generator efficiency equals 25.2 megawatts to the national grid Wheel peripheral velocity equals 6.26 x 0.7 equals 4.38 m/sec (8 mph) 34 metres diameter wheel is metres circumference divided by 4.38 m/s equals 24.3 sec, ie 2.47 revolutions per minute of waterwheel.

6 Calculations Horizontal force applied to the tidal barrier generator unit: Assuming a two metre difference in water level across the width of the unit 45 metres width x 35 metres deep equals 1,575 square metres: 1,575 square metres x 2 metres head difference in water level across the barrier equals 3,150 tonnes horizontal force against the barrier unit

7 Calculations Mass of each barrier unit base plate is 45 x 110 x 3 x 1.6 equals 23,760 tonnes Mass of the barrier unit side walls is 110 x 40 x 10 x 1.6 equals 70,400 tonnes Mass of the generator machinery, equipment and housing at say 5,000 tonnes Mass of the deck and the rotor is 15,000 tonnes Total mass of each barrier unit is 114,000 tonnes Buoyancy force applied to the underwater concrete parts equals 1 tonne/M3 Subtract 52,250 tonnes buoyancy for the base plate and the submerged walls 114,000 minus 52,250 tonnes equals 61,750 tonnes weight on the seabed 3,150 tonnes side force divided by 61,750 tonnes weight of the unit on the seabed equals 0.05 co-efficient of friction required between the base plate and the seabed filling the buoyancy chambers with sand will significantly increase the weight ridges cast onto the base plate will help to grip the seabed venturi passages may be installed which apply a vacuum to the base plate bottom if necessary, each unit may be fixed in place using drilled or driven piles

8 plan view of a typical 150 megawatt partial barrier in a sea passage
there are six rotor units in this 150 MW barrier section rotors would be built in a range of standard diameters and the rotor blade length and the height of the guide chamber would be varied to suit the depth of water at the installation site 320 metres 230 metres © clf anderson diagram only not to scale plan view of a typical 150 megawatt partial barrier in a sea passage

9 plan view of a typical 150 megawatt partial barrier in a sea passage
rotor units are installed at 45º to the direction of tidal current flow this allows more rotor units to be installed in the width of the channel and allows floating objects to be swept safely past the barrier 320 metres 230 metres © clf anderson diagram only not to scale plan view of a typical 150 megawatt partial barrier in a sea passage

10 plan view of a typical partial barrier in a tidal passage
clockwise rotors on this section anticlockwise rotors on this section shipping and escape passage between barrier sections flow guides may be added at each leading corner to suit the local geography Note: Coriolis forces may influence the performance of such large rotors © clf anderson diagram only not to scale

11 each of these six-rotor barrier sections will generate 150 Megawatts
Plan view of a practical and effective alternative tidal flow energy extraction system 230 metres each single rotor unit will generate 25 Megawatts for around 23 hours per day each of these six-rotor barrier sections will generate 150 Megawatts this group of four sections will provide 600 Megawatts Scotland’s total electricity demand is around 6,000 Megawatts ten of these four-unit barrier groups installed in tidal channels around the country will provide all of this demand with no adverse impact on the environment overlapping generating periods will provide continuous power excess “off-peak” and spring tide capacity can be used to produce hydrogen apart from capital and maintenance costs, the electricity is free © clf anderson diagram only not to scale

12 this group of barrier sections will produce 900 Megawatts
Island of Stroma Skerry Duncansby Head St Johns Point Gills Bay Ness of Hunna Caithness Pentland Firth Inner Sound of Stroma Swilkie Point Scarton Langaton Red Head the island forms part of the barrier 900 mw capacity barrier 1 kilometre the Inner Sound of Stroma with six tidal barrier sections in 30 metres depth of water this group of barrier sections will produce 900 Megawatts shipping can pass freely around or between the barrier sections

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