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2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877

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1 2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877
To what extent could Antietam be considered a turning point in the war? 2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877

2 2. Why do you think the war had not finished by 1862?
: The battles July 1861 Dec 1862 Battles to cover: First Manassas/Bull Run Shiloh Peninsular Campaign Shenandoah Valley Seven Days Second Manassas Antietam Fredericksburg What to include: - Generals involved No. of troops Who won Decisive factors that lead to success Importance/impact (eg. Missed opportunities, etc) Challenge: 1. Do you think there were any key turning points during this period? Explain 2. Why do you think the war had not finished by 1862?

3 Antietam: A turning point?
To what extent could Antietam be seen as a turning point? Now that we have our overview, we can now see whether Antietam was a key turning point in the war. It has been claimed that ‘No other campaign and battle in the war had such momentous, multiple consequences as Antietam.’ Watch the following clip and using the information you have already gathered, make a list of the different reasons that could suggest this was a turning point. Now swap your answers with a partner and lets see what you managed to get: Emancipation Proclamation Britain and France won’t recognise the Confederacy Bloodiest Battle (scale) McClellan’s removal Ended Lee’s Strategic invasion

4 Who made the best start to the war?
Confederacy Union

5 Which was the most important battle in 1863?
Good learning: Understand what happened during the battles of 1863 Great learning: Explain the impact of the different battles Even better: Evaluate which was the most important battle during 1863 Key Words:

6 1863: By 1863 both sides had seen success. For the Confederates it was in the East, whilst out West the Union had made progress. The year 1863 had started off with the Emancipation proclamation formally coming in to effect (after the ‘victory’ at the Battle of Antietam, which Lincoln so desperately needed). This declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebel states “are, and henceforward shall be free”. Technically, the final proclamation only freed slaves in the rebellious states, leaving all those in boarder states and in Union-held portions of the Confederate states still in bondage. Whilst those on the deep south would have to wait until well after the war to hear about this, those close to Union lines, the news started to spread much quicker. Many stated to feel that this might start to bring an end to the war.

7 The Battles of 1863: Despite the proclamation, the war continued and during 1863 we see some key battles taking place, such as the famous Battle of Gettysburg. However, was this the most important battle to take place during this period? TASK: Each table has been given one of the 4 battles to look at. You will need to create an re-enactment of the battle using your tub of play-do and also add key information on to your sheet of paper. You are only limited to 30 words, though can have as many pictures as you like. 7

8 The Battles of 1863: Battle of Chancellorsville
Who was involved and No. of troops What happened What decisive factors had an impact on the outcome What was the impact of the battle The Battle of Gettysburg The Capture of Vicksburg The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaign

9 Its time to share…. Now that you have collected your information, it is now time to share with the other groups. TASK: One person must stay and teach people from the other groups, whilst the other 3 people on your table must go to one of the other tables (there will be one person from each table covering each battle). They will then collect the information and bring it back to your table so that you can share the information.

10 The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaign
Its decision time…. We now need to come to a decision on which was the most important battle of 1863.On your post-it note come and place it on one of the four battles. You will need to explain your choice. The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaign Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Chancellorsville Capture of Vicksburg

11 Overall, who was in the better
position by the end of 1863? Confederacy Union

12 Flip Learning Have a look a the task opposite in terms of what you need to do for your next America lesson…. TASK: Read through pages and explain why the Union army was successful during the final years of the war.

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