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The American Labor Force

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1 The American Labor Force
Chapter 12 The American Labor Force

2 Civilian Labor Force Total number of people 16 years old or older who are either employed or actively seeking work Excludes disabled people, prisons, mental institutions, armed forces, homemakers, or just not seeking work

3 Types of workers Blue-Collar Workers - Video White-Collar Workers
Craft, manufacturing, nonfarm laborers White-Collar Workers Office workers, businessmen, salespeople, highly trained Service Workers Cooks, health-care aides, repair people, mechanic, barbers, McDonalds

4 Categorized by skill level
Unskilled Workers Little training, little education, disposable. Waiters, custodial work, assembly-line Semiskilled Workers Require some training, often technology Nurses aide, secretaries Skilled Workers Learned trade or craft Police officer, electricians, plumber Professionals College degrees + Teachers, architects, accountants, white-collar workers

5 Supply and demand Factors that affect wages: Minimum Wage Law Skill
Type of Job Location Minimum Wage Law Advantages or Disadvantages? My book pg Video

6 Labor unions Association of workers organized to improve wages and working conditions for its members - Video

7 Labor Unions Strikes – deliberate work stoppage by workers to force an employer to give in to their demands

8 Types of Unions Craft Union – union made up of skilled workers in a specific trade or industry Industrial Union – union made up of all the workers in an industry regardless of job or skill level

9 Local Union Members of a union in a particular factory, company, or geographic area MSTA – Missouri School Teachers Association

10 Shops Closed Shop – company in which ONLY union members can be hired
Union Shop – company that requires new employees to join a union after a specific period of time (usually 6 months) Agency Shop – Company in which employees are not required to join the union, but must pay union dues

11 Right-to-work laws State laws forbidding unions from forcing workers to join and pay union dues Lets look up some Missouri Right-to-Work Laws

12 How do unions work? Members pay to be a part of union, union works to get fair pay, benefits, hours, retirement, conditions, they do this by… Collective bargaining – process by which unions and employers negotiate the conditions of employment Mediation – a neutral person to help reach an agreement Arbitration – union and management submit the issues they cannot agree on to a third party for a final decision

13 COLA Cost of Living Adjustment – provision calling for a wage increase each year if the general level of prices rise

14 If union member do not get what they want…
Strike Picketing – action of strikers who walk in front of a workplace carrying signs that state their disagreement with the company

15 If union member do not get what they want…
Boycott – economic pressure exerted by unions urging the public not to purchase the goods or services produced by a company

16 If management does not want to give in…
Lockout – situation that occurs when management prevents workers from returning to work until they agree to a new contract Injunction – court order preventing some activity

17 Cesar Chavez

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