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Heritage & Mission Jack Mudd, Senior Vice President Mission Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Heritage & Mission Jack Mudd, Senior Vice President Mission Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heritage & Mission Jack Mudd, Senior Vice President Mission Leadership

2 Strengthening our Heritage Building our Community

3 Montreal Early 1800s

4 Emilie Gamelin

5 1856

6 Articles of Incorporation Washington Territory 1859
. . . The ends of such corporation shall be the relief of needy and suffering humanity, in the care of the orphans, invalids, sick and poor, and in the education of youth.

7 Providence Hospital – Seattle
First Health Plan Providence Hospital – Seattle “… the Sisters will furnish tickets to any person in health, who desires them, at $10 each, the holders of which shall be entitled to admission to the hospital whenever incapacitated from any cause whatever during the year for which the ticket is issued.” Advertisement1880s

8 Schools and Hospitals founded by Mother Joseph

9 Statuary Hall – National Capital
“An architect and artist, she was actually responsible for designing the buildings, supervising their construction, and fund raising…. “She is recognized as one of the first architects in the Northwest.” Mother Joseph of the Sacred Heart

10 Joining Providence (Recent Partial List)
Dominican Sisters’ Hospitals (Eastern Washington) Little Company of Mary Sisters’ Hospitals (California) Tarzana Medical Center (California) Willamette Falls Medical Center (Oregon) Facey Medical Group (California)

11 Swedish Health System 1910 Founded by Dr. Nils Johanson

12 Swedish Health System EDMONDS – Hospital MILL CREEK - ACC
REDMOND - ACC EDMONDS – Hospital BALLARD – Hospital ISSAQUAH Campus ISSAQUAH ASC CHERRY HILL Heart & Neuro Center Net Rev = $310M FIRST HILL Tertiary Center Net Rev =$770M

13 Pacific Medical Centers
Originally Part of the Marine Hospital Service 1933 New US Public Health Service Hospital 1981 Public District Authority Nine Clinic Locations

14 Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Founded 1944 Named for Lt. Col. Harry R. Kadlec 1950s Transferred to the Methodist Church “Kadlec Methodist Hospital” 1969 Transferred to the Community

15 Mission Accountability of the Board
Bylaws: “The Community Board has responsibility authority and accountability for … Mission integration and effectiveness”

16 Strengthening our Heritage Building our Community

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