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Fan and Pick History Game Responding to Biographies

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1 Fan and Pick History Game Responding to Biographies
Tell one sentence that would accurately describe the life of the person you read about? Was the person you read about treated unfairly? If so, what happened? What would you have done in the same situation? Discuss three or four personality traits that helped make this person achieve her/his goal.? Describe a person you know that is similar to the person you read about. How are these two people alike? How are they different? Use a visual to illustrate your thoughts. Create an analogy to describe the person you read about. Include yourself in one-half of the analogy. example: Ben Franklin is to electricity as Mrs. Jones is to homework. Describe an event that shaped the life of the person you read about. Tell about something that happened to you that changed your outlook on life. Create a jingle, song, or rhyme that would describe the life of the person you read about. Create a timeline of important events for the person you read about. Describe the life of this person if he/she were born today. What would they be doing?

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