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ESS-VIP ICT Project Task Force Meeting, Luxembourg, 5 March 2013.

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1 ESS-VIP ICT Project Task Force Meeting, Luxembourg, 5 March 2013

2 The ESS is facing new challenges
Inside the ESS, the statistical systems have to interact to cover new cross-cutting dimensions (i.e. climate change, sustainable development) New ways of working need to be developed (including the use of common standards) There is an increased demand to reduce burden on respondents Resources constraints and budget cuts pushing us to improve performance The ESS started to organise itself: COM (2009) 404 – A Vision for the next decade One of the main objectives: Industrialisation of the production of statistics Inside the ESS the statistical systems have to interact to cover new dimensions like Sustainable development, Climate change or green growth. A lot of information is available on the Internet, data collected by administrative bodies are getting more accessible. This is driving us to find new ways of working. The new generations were born with Internet and therefore have a different approach to information. There is as well an increased demand to reduce the burden on respondents, enterprises and citizens. Last but not least resource constraints and budget cuts are pushing us to improve performance. In order to tackle these challenges; the ESS started to organize itself: The Communication – A Vision for the next decade was adopted in 2009 One of its main objective is the industrialisation and standardisation of the production of statistics.

3 COM (2009) 404 "There are considerable challenges of a technological and methodological nature. Standardisation and integration of formerly separated production processes will demand great efforts and an effective change management. Re-engineering of a production system with a group of around 30 producers will only be feasible in a stepwise approach with intensive collaboration."

4 Monitoring progress towards green growth
The foundations and the indicator architecture Measuring the progress of societies OECD work and Global project – GDP and beyond Monitoring progress towards Green Growth OECD indicators UNEP indicators EU indicators Review & selection: Policy relevance Analytical soundness Mesaurability SEEA OECD indicators and statistical databases Economic performance National accounts Productivity Environmental performance Material flows and resource productivity Science& Technology Innovation Entrepreneur-ship Development aid Investment Employment Education Energy Agriculture Trade Transport Member countries 4

5 Measurement framework
Indicator groups and topics The environmental and resource productivity of the economy Carbon and energy productivity Resource productivity: materials, nutrients, water Multi-factor productivity The natural asset base Renewable stocks: water, forest, fish resources Non-renewable stocks: mineral resources Biodiversity and ecosystems The environmental dimension of quality of life Environmental health and risks Environmental services and amenities Economic opportunities and policy responses Technology and innovation Environmental goods & services International financial flows Prices and transfers Skills and training Regulations and management approaches Socio-economic context and characteristics of growth Economic growth and structure Productivity and trade Labour markets, education and income Socio-demographic patterns 1 2 3 4 5

6 The stovepipe model The communication is proposing a more integrated approach for the production of statistics Most of the production processes today are following the stovepipe model including ICT statistics. In this model, each domain is managed separately: The NSIs are pushing the data via the single entry point. This model has its advantages: The solution is tailor made for the domain and therefore usually optimised It also allows for a quick adaptation of minor changes But there are also disadvantages: The data collection between the different domains is done in an uncoordinated way There is no real adaptation to phenomena covering multiple dimension There are a lot of redundancies in the development, production and disseminations processes.

7 To-be-state Users European Statistics - Dissemination
Interoperability standards & common metadata Shared Services Storage Production Dissemination European Statistics – Production Processes NSI ESTAT European Statistical System STAT Other Statistical Actors ESS Secure Bus European Statistics - Dissemination Primary Collection Administrative Sources - Surveys – Official Sources – Private Sources Users Other Partners OECD IMF

8 It proposes a renewed collaborative approach within the ESS
ESS VIP PROGRAMME Combines concrete business cases with the development of horizontal activities towards the target system It proposes a renewed collaborative approach within the ESS To optimise available resources Streamline developments Enhance the flexibility of the system to react to new requirements.

9 ESS VIPS SIMSTAT Single Market Statistics – Exchange of micro-data on Intra-EU trade in goods. ESBRs European System of Statistical Business Registers ICT Web infrastructure for ICT statistics using the experience of the Census Hub. PRIX/TRANS Price and Transport statistics NAPS National Accounts Production System ADMIN Administrative Data Sources VIPV Validation

10 Cross Cuttings Technical Projects
Standards/ Information Model Identification, adoption and support of standards business processes, information, methodological solutions ESDEN (European Statistical Data Exchange Network) The building or upgrade of a secure exchange infrastructure fir the exchange of confidential and non-confidential data among ESS partners Shared Services ESS service oriented platform and related governance mechanisms Information Infrastructure / Data warehouses Storing, processing and redistributing shared data and metadata across ESS partners

11 Governance ……… Eurostat ESS Eurostat Core Group DIME group DG ESSC
Elaboration of the programme and co-ordination Eurostat Core Group DIME group DG Programme ownership and decision making ESSC Supporting group PG Board of Directors ITDG BSDG DMES DIMESA DSS RDG EA extended team EA core team Entreprise Architecture and cross-cutting technical projects Legal Frameworks Financial HR Domain-oriented ESS-VIPs ESS-VIP1 ESS-VIP2 ESS-VIPn ……… PGM coordinator Programme Co-ordination Other DG Eurostat ESS

12 Scope and Business Case of the ICT Project
Annual Surveys on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in enterprises and by individuals ICT Project will tackle both (enterprise and household) surveys and their respective production and dissemination processes In a narrow sense, the purpose of ICT is to reengineer the production and dissemination processes of ICT statistics In a broader sense, ICT should generalise the proposed solutions to establish a generic approach to statistical data production and at ESS level The Census Hub experience was presented by Albrecht during the Working Group of March

13 ICT: Step by step approach – Phase I (2013)
Detailed analysis and documentation of the processes using a BPM tool (ARIS) Consider only DISSEMINATION of aggregate data from Enterprise survey Carry out a methodological study to reflect on data models, data transmission, processing and data confidentiality of aggregate and micro-data Set up a prototype to test the three different SDMX transmission modes

14 ICT: Phase II Phase II The overall output of this phase (T+2 = 2014) would be a prototype for a production system of ICT statistics based on aggregate data, which transposes data processing steps performed at Eurostat level to the shared service based infrastructure. Methodological guidelines for generalisation of the approach to similar processes. Analysis and methodological work would precede any implementation work beyond the ICT pilot.

15 ICT: Phases III and IV Phase III Phase IV
At the end of this phase (T+3 years = 2015), a new production system for the Enterprise survey will be in production. Phase IV At the end of this phase (T+5 years = 2017), a full production system for the Enterprise and household surveys fully SDMX compliant will be in production. As for the previous phases, the experience of the use case would allow the creation of methodological guidelines for the generalisation of the approach.

16 Conclusion This project has a medium/long term perspective.
The project will build on developments that were made in the context of the Census Hub and reuse an infrastructure (SDMX-RI) already installed in most of the countries. The scope of the project is European Statistics. There will minimal no impact of the production processes of the ESS partners and on their legacy systems. Enhanced standardisation will also enable quicker policy relevant analysis and cross-domain analysis.

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