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EU Developments 2007 EU Port Policy October 2007 ECASBA.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Developments 2007 EU Port Policy October 2007 ECASBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Developments 2007 EU Port Policy October 2007 ECASBA

2 Communication on Port Policy
Communication gives opinion of Commission is no legal instrument! includes also Action Plan result of a consultation publication foreseen for October 17th October 2007 ECASBA

3 Port Policy-2 Operational
inefficiencies are considered to still exist in ports but COMM considers subsidiarity is better tool to address these port hinterland connections should further be supported through TEN October 2007 ECASBA

4 Port Policy-3 Environment
TREN: port development may well be of overriding public interest Guidelines should be issued (2008) to further clarify implementation of environmental rules in the port’s sector Waste reception: COMM will consult stake-holders on how to improve implementation Shore side electricity: limit to MoS and ferries October 2007 ECASBA

5 Port Policy-4 Modernization
Short Sea Shipping: in the context of he Common Maritime Space (paper) borders for Community Cargo should be abolished E-maritime: Policy will be developed with a view to implement full electronic maritime data exchange October 2007 ECASBA

6 Port Policy-5 Modernization
Research budgets should serve also for equipment modernization Performance indicators could be interesting Cooperation/specialization between ports and terminals could be interesting None of the instruments is compulsory; COMM has no tools to act legally October 2007 ECASBA

7 Port Policy-6 Level Playing Field
no intention to harmonize port management models State aid guidelines by 2008 Expansion of Transparency Directive to all merchant ports October 2007 ECASBA

8 Port Policy-7 Concessions Selection procedure
Public authority has the obligation of transparency Adequately advertised, fair procedure and subject to review Duration should allow proper depreciation Upon expiry, renewal subject to selection Provision to protect legitimate port and community interests acceptable if not infringing Treaty Rights of workers in case of transfer have to be clarified October 2007 ECASBA

9 Port Policy-8 Technical-Nautical Services
Monopolies can only be accepted if if can be demonstrated that safety would not be ensured without monopoly or without open selection procedure Safety arguments for monopolies in case of mooring are even more questioned than in the case of pilotage October 2007 ECASBA

10 Port Policy-9 Labour pools
Pools are different amongst eachother in structure Pools should however be in line with Treaty rules The wording is rather ‘diplomatic’. Even if there is a Treaty infringement, COMM actually does not say that it will actively investigate and remedy October 2007 ECASBA

11 Port Policy-10 Continuation work RELEX Port Dues
Port dues should become more transparent and linked with demonstrable costs COMM would like to disseminate best practices and stimulate Green Charging Third Countries Continuation work RELEX City relationship Port’s Day in maritime week Co-funding Study impact security measures October 2007 ECASBA

12 Port Policy-11 Social Support for social dialogue
Development of common training requirements for dockworkers Mutual recognition of qualifications Monitoring of correct implementation of safety and health rules Social dialogue should play role in the above October 2007 ECASBA

13 Port Policy-12 Dialogue COMM appreciated the dialogue nature of the consultation and would like to see such structure continued October 2007 ECASBA

14 Communication on Logistics Policy
The Action Plan will not be accompanied by any major legislative proposals, at this stage Stakeholders will further be closely involved in the development of planned actions Publication forseen October 18th Bottlenecks exercise already started October 2007 ECASBA

15 Logistics Policy-2 The concept of Freight Integrator seems to have disappeared COMM seeks to develop a framework of minimum qualifications and training requirements Key performance indicators are investigated, but not leading to binding quality standards Single window and one-stop administrative shopping should lead to administrative simplification October 2007 ECASBA

16 Logistics Policy-3 Further investigation into a single transportation document is announced; no legislation yet Dependent on UNCITRAL outcome, there will be further investigation of intermodal liability Possible revision of 96/53 on weights and dimensions of HGVs Concept of Green Corridor under study – not yet very mature October 2007 ECASBA

17 Security Minimum security standards – start of process
European Port Access Identification Card – study midway Integration port security and ISPS Code Logistics security on ice AEO ongoing 100% scanning October 2007 ECASBA

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