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History Jeopardy Exp#1 Exp#2 Fact#1 Fact#2 Flags Misc

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1 History Jeopardy Exp#1 Exp#2 Fact#1 Fact#2 Flags Misc. 200 200 200 200
400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2 200 3 Main reasons for Exploartion

3 200 GLORY - Nationalism GOD - Religion GOLD - Wealth & Power

4 400 Best title for diagram Colonies raw materials natural resources
Mother Country Manfactured goods Military protection Best title for diagram


6 600 Once they arrived in this New World, what did all the European explorers keep searching for?

7 600 A Northwest Passage to Asia

8 800 Describe the experience of the Jamestown settlers

9 800 Survival was difficult Experienced the “starving time”

10 1000 Why was slavery so important to Southern Colonies such as Virginia?

11 1000 Because of the high profits of cash crop agriculture…like tobacco

12 200 Major reason European rulers sought to colonize North America

13 200 To expand their power with riches from the New World.

14 400 Primary reason France sought to colonize North America

15 400 Fur- trapping and fur-trading

16 600 Explorer who claimed the entire Pacific Ocean for Spain?

17 600 Balboa

18 800 Sailing for Spain, first explorer to circumnavigate or sail all the way around the world?

19 800 Ferdinand Magellan

20 1000 What year was Jamestown founded?


22 200 One of the reasons leading to the Age of Exploration… European merchants wanted goods from_____

23 200 Asia

24 400 One of the reasons leading to the Age of Exploration… advances in _______________ at Prince Henry’s school

25 400 navigational technology

26 600 One of the reasons leading to the Age of Exploration… they had to find an all-water route to Asia since they could not go by ______?

27 600 By land

28 800 How were slaves involved in the triangular trade routes?

29 800 Slaves were traded for rum

30 1000 Cash crop that saved Jamestown

31 1000 Tobacco

32 200 What are religious reasons for European exploration and colonization?

33 200 Spreading Christianity Converting Indians

34 400 European explorers who came to the “New World” were looking for a Northwest Passage in order to find a shorter water route to _____ ?

35 400 Asia

36 600 After the arrival of Europeans, many Native Americans died because of _______.

37 800 Diseases?

38 800 Economic theory where a nation’s power is based on its wealth

39 800 Mercantilism

40 What was the name of this economic theory?
1000 -A nation’s power is based on its wealth. -Rulers tried to increase wealth. -Increased rivalry between nations. -Rulers tried to develop trade. -Provided opportunities for individuals to prosper. What was the name of this economic theory?


42 200 What country was Columbus born in?

43 200 Italy

44 400 Best title?

45 400 Columbian Exchange

46 600 What country did Columbus sail for?

47 600 Spain

48 800 The historical time period of intellectual and artistic creativity

49 800 The Renaissance

50 1000 In mercantilism, rulers tried to increase wealth by acquiring ___ and ___?

51 1000 Gold, silver, riches or more trade

52 200 What is the transfer of plants, animals and diseases from one hemisphere to another called?

53 200 Columbian Exchange

54 400 In mercantilism, what raw materials were colonies expected to send to the Mother Country?

55 400 Lumber, fur and other natural resources

56 600 In mercantilism, what did the Mother Country give and sell to the colonies ?

57 600 Give – military protection Sell – Manufactured goods

58 800 Negative effect of Columbian Exchange

59 800 Diseases were bought to the New World

60 1000 Sunday, 9 September 1492 Sailed this day nineteen leagues, and determined to count less than the true number, that the crew might not be dismayed if the voyage should prove long. In the night sailed one hundred and twenty miles, at the rate of ten miles an hour, which make thirty leagues. The sailors steered badly, causing the vessels to fall to leeward toward the northeast, for which the Admiral reprimanded them repeatedly The Journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492 Name one fact learned from the Journal of Columbus

61 1000 Many answers

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