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Certification User Interface Changes

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1 Certification User Interface Changes
Snapshot Redesign This training will review the Certification User Interface changes and explain the revised snapshot process. Also covered is how the snapshot redesign will impact the fall-1 submission. Affects all submissions

2 Certification Changes & Impact
The Snapshot process has been redesigned to improve performance and efficiency. Previously, users had to wait overnight for the snapshots to refresh. The snapshot process has been changed to update reports during submission windows when any relevant data have been posted for an LEA. Snapshot reports will be generated after an LEA posts at least one student record online, or in batch AND the system detects at least 15 minutes of posting inactivity. Generally, reports should be available within a few hours after posting is complete. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

3 ODS Data Submission Cycle CALPADS Staging Snapshot Online Maintenance
Local Student System Batch File Staging Errors Posted records Warnings Online Maintenance ODS Applicable records The workflow for updating CALPADs remains the same. 1. The error and warning cleanup process can be repetitive depending on the accuracy of the data submitted. 2. Once errors have been resolved and warnings reviewed, 3. the file can be posted to update the operational data store, or ODS. Records with warnings will also be posted. 3. Online Maintenance can be used for LEAs that do not have a student system, or for those doing individual updates. 4. After the data completes posting 5. Applicable records will be pulled from the ODS 6. into the snapshot. 7. certification reports are produced along with any certification errors. Certification warnings will not be produced for the data collections. Snapshot Certification Reports Certification Errors Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

4 What Changed View Submission Status Screen Updated
Certification User Interface Updated Columns added Revision Date/Time Available In Statuses added Posted Revision in Progress Revision Complete Status deleted Complete Columns added Snapshot Create Date Revision Status New Revision Status Types Revised Uncertified In Review Uncertified Certified Decertified CALPADS now generates new snapshot revisions as data are posted to the ODS during collection windows. A snapshot revision is a version of the snapshot reports with a specific date and timestamp. To help LEAs track which data are incorporated into a snapshot revision, additional changes were needed in the View Submission and Certification Status screens. The View Submission user interface was updated with additional columns, Revision Date/Time and Available in. The revision Date/Time is linked to a new column in the Certification User interface, the Snapshot Create Date. All jobs posted with matching Revision Date/Time and Snapshot Create Date will be included in the aggregate counts of the snapshot revision. The Available In column indicates which collections are affected, Fall 1, Fall 2 or end of year. Three new statuses, Posted, Revision in Progress, and Revision complete, were also added to track the posting process. The Status labeled complete was deleted. A new revision is triggered based on changes in the operational data store, or ODS, within the defined reporting period.  A Snapshot can be updated multiple times during the day, depending on the system load and the posting backlog. In addition to generating new snapshots as data are updated, CALPADS has new functionality related to the handling of the snapshot revisions. Four snapshot revision statuses were added, Revised Uncertified, In Review Uncertified, Certified and Decertified were added to give the LEA flexibility in managing the snapshot results. The snapshot revision status defaults to Revised Uncertified. This is simply the most current version of the snapshot reports. Flagging a revision as In Review will enable an LEA to retain a specific snapshot revision. Once a submission has been certified, that revision status will be available.  If a submission is decertified, all four revisions statuses will available in the dropdown for selection. *Enables LEAs to connect posted data with snapshot revisions to identify which data are included in the aggregate counts Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

5 Job Processing System processing Waiting on user Processing done
In Queue Processing done In Process Upload Failed Ready for Review In Review Excluded Post Requested Partial Post Let’s review the job processing cycle found on the View Submission status screen. This shows when data is processing and when action is needed. When you upload a batch file to CALPADS, its status will be Processing while CALPADS reads in the file. It will move to In Queue until the transactions ahead of it are processed. Once the system starts processing the file, the status will change to In Process. If the processing completes successfully, the status will change to Ready for Review; if not, the status will show Upload Failed. Upload Failed usually occurs when the file does not conform to the extract specifications. If you get this status, you should contact your student system vendor to determine why the file is not being produced correctly. A job in the Ready for Review status will remain until job name is clicked to review the errors, warnings, and/or counts, Which changes the status to In Review. At this point you need to decide whether to post the records which have passed or submit a new file with corrected data. Records which you do not want to post can be excluded. If all the records in a job are excluded, the status will change to Excluded. If you post the records, the job status will become Post Requested. During this step the system will process your file. If the processing fails you may get a status of Post Failed, otherwise the status will become either Posted or Partial Post depending on whether you posted all of the job’s records or a subset of the records. For a partial post, you can usually post the other records at a later time. If a submission window, such as Fall 1, is currently open, data from Posted jobs will be pulled into the applicable snapshots. During this time the job’s status will show as Revision in Progress. After the snapshot processing has completed, the status will change to Revision Complete. Posted* Post Failed * Posted is the last step if no snapshot windows are currently open (e.g., Fall 1) Revision in Progress Revision Complete Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

6 File Submission Status: New Statuses
There are two additional file statuses, Revision in Progress and Revision Complete, which indicate the progress of the file processing relative to creating a new snapshot. Two new columns related to this change, Revision Date and Time and Available in, have also been added to the view submission status screen. {Read thru the file statuses on the slide…} File Status Definition Revision in Progress Posted records are being extracted and in process of generating the Snapshot reports Revision Complete New snapshot reports generated successfully Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

7 Snapshots: Generation
Snapshots will be updated any time relevant data has changed (i.e., been posted). 10/21/15 8:37 a.m. 10/5/15 3:01 p.m. 11/1/15 5:45 p.m. Rerecorded The revision frequency will be based on server load and data updates, including Online posting Batch posting Anomaly resolution Direct Certification Foster Youth matching CALPADS runs a detector which checks for newly posted data. Once data are posted and there are no jobs or online transactions in IN QUEUE for the LEA for at least 15 minutes, a new snapshot revision will be generated. Update frequency will be based on server load and other factors. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

8 Snapshots: Jobs and Revisions
1 2 3 The split screen shows how the Revision Date/Time fields on the view submission status correlate to the snapshot Create date on the certification status screen. 3 2 A snapshot revision includes any jobs that meet these three criteria: File Status is Revision Complete Snapshot Create Date is the same or earlier than Revision Date/Time Available In contains a matching snapshot code Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

9 Snapshots: Revision Status
Definition Revised Uncertified Most recent revision that has not been certified. In Review Uncertified Revision flagged by the LEA to be kept. Newer revisions may exist. Certified LEA has approved snapshot revision as complete and accurate. Decertified LEA chose to remove its certification. Most recent decertified revision will be kept. Rerecord The certification user interface has been updated. Snapshot revisions now have two additional status types. Revised Uncertified indicates the snapshot has been updated but not certified. This is the default status. Once errors have been resolved and reports appear to be complete, you may opt to flag a snapshot revision to be kept, at which point the that specific revision status will change to In Review Uncertified, and will not be refreshed. Typically this would be used when reports have been distributed for verification and you need to retrieve this particular set of reports, or even certify this set of reports if the review went well. Once you verify the reports are accurate and complete, the snapshot should be certified. If you certify a snapshot revision, the status will change to Certified. A Revised Uncertified revision will continue to be generated reflecting updates even after certifying, and also with snapshots in review. However, only data in certified snapshots will be used for official purposes. As deadlines approach, LEAs may want to compare the Revised Uncertified counts with Certified reports counts. Actions by other LEAs may potentially affect counts. The Revised Uncertified revision allows users to review how data updates will affect counts as well as any potential fatal errors. If you find that the revised snapshots are more accurate and want to use those counts, you will need to decertify and recertify Level 2 prior to the final deadline. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

10 Snapshot: Keeping revisions
Revisions can be marked to be kept so you do not lose the errors or reports you are currently working on. Rerecorded A snapshot revision can be flagged as “In Review” to retain a set of reports. This will keep the reports from changing. Typically, this would be used while others are reviewing and verifying data and counts. This step is optional. STOP PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

11 Select In Review Warning
Only one revision can be kept as “In Review” at a time. When you select a different revision as “In Review” the previous one will cease to be available. Only one revision can be kept in the In Review status. If you have a snapshot revision as In Review and try to flag a different revision, you will receive this warning message. The message warns that the current reports “In Review” will no longer be available if you proceed. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

12 Deselect In Review Warning
If you remove a revision from “In Review” that revision will no longer be available. You will also get a message if you have a snapshot revision currently marked as In Review and you remove the check mark. By clicking “yes,” you are confirming that you want the snapshot to be replaced by a newer revision, if one exists. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

13 Uncertified Watermark
Another new feature is the NOT CERTIFIED watermark. Because CALPADS will now allow up to four snapshot revisions the uncertified revisions will be identified with a “Not Certified” watermark. Once the snapshot is Certified the watermark will be removed. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

14 Viewing Snapshot History
Rerecord The snapshot history can be viewed by scrolling down on the Certification details screen. Revisions will be listed starting with the most recent generated, the date the snapshot was created, the revision id, revision status, the certification status, the user taking the action, the total records, and total errors for the snapshot. As discussed on slide 9, revised uncertified versions will continue to be generated during the submission windows as changes are made to the data. The revisions are reflected in the snapshot history. Changes include LEA actions like batch uploads and online maintenance, system matches, and updates by other LEAs that might impact your data, such as enrollments and anomaly resolutions. Any new fatal errors that might be generated will be displayed in the far right column. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

15 All Certification Warnings Disabled for 2015-16 Fall 1
LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions No data Graduates (among last year’s 12th graders) Dropouts (in a school with grades 9-12) FRPM GATE Homeless Special Ed Title I Part C Migrant Title III Significant changes in school School LEA Enrollment X Enrollment by grade Enrollment by race/ethnicity Graduate % Graduate % (UC/CSU requirements met) Dropouts and dropout rate LEP and LEP % ELs / FEPs / RFEPs FEP proportion FRPM Gate Special Ed Title I Part C Migrant Title III Eligible Immigrants Conflicting numbers More Graduates than prior year 12th Graders Rerecorded As mentioned earlier in the presentation, certification warnings will not be generated for the school year. However, it is important to review the certification warnings that would have been generated. Listed are the warnings for Fall 1. It is recommended that your LEA compare prior year certified data for any significant changes., and check reports to verify all required data are reported, verify any potential conflicting numbers, and check for invalid records and questionable special ed counts. For Fall 2 and EOY reporting, disabled warnings will be covered in training. Invalid records Title I Part C Migrant Questionable proportions Over 25% of students in school are in Special Ed Over 25% of students in LEA are in Special Ed Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

16 Strategies Compare Revised Uncertified to Certified Data
Scenario When appropriate Flag a revision “In review” All fatal errors have been resolved and counts reconciled . Reports are ready for others to review and you want the revision to stay unchanged while it is in review. Flag a revision “In Review” Reports are ready to certify, but there are outstanding defects. Once the state fixes the defects you can compare the new revision to the one In review to verify that the fix corrected the problem(s). Certify Level 1 and Level 2 All fatal errors have been resolved and the reports are accurate for your LEA. Other staff have reviewed the reports and verified the reports are accurate. Compare Revised Uncertified to Certified Data Use the Revised Uncertified reports to compare to Certified data when approaching deadlines to verify counts are consistent. Data updates from other LEAs could potentially affect counts. Decertify The Certified revision is not accurate and you want to certify another revision. The snapshot processing was redesigned to facilitate reporting for the required annual submissions. Snapshots will be refreshed as data changes during the collection windows, and LEAs have the opportunity to hold a revision “in review” to freeze data, as well as looking at how any updates may affect counts and errors. Here are some potential strategies to take full advantage of the revised functionality. Flag a revision “In review” after All fatal errors have been resolved and counts reconciled and Reports are ready for others to review. This will allow the revision to stay unchanged while it is in review while others are trying to reconcile. Flag a revision “In Review” when reports are ready to certify, but there are outstanding defects. Once the state fixes the defects you can compare the new revision to the one In review to verify that any problems have been corrected. Certify Level 1 and Level 2 once all fatal errors have been resolved, appropriate staff have reviewed the reports and verified the reports are accurate. Use the Revised Uncertified reports to compare to Certified data when approaching deadlines to verify counts are consistent. Data updates from other LEAs could potentially affect counts. Decertify if the Certified revision is not accurate and you want to certify another revision. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

17 Support Web:
Phone: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through a service ticket. If you have yet saved this URL, please do so. The URL allows you to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS and CDE websites. The service ticket allows you provide detailed information to the support desk which will enable them to more quickly respond to the problem. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines. to expedite service requests. If you call , you will be directed to the voice mail system. is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to create a service ticket. The listserv is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which is announcements only. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, new requirements, and other related information. If you have not yet subscribed, we recommend that you You join today. Thank you Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

18 Background and What Changed
Impact View Submission Status screen can track posted jobs 2 new columns added 3 new statuses added 1 status deleted (Complete) Enables LEAs to connect posted data with snapshot revisions to identify which data are included in the aggregate counts Multiple snapshot revisions are now available in CALPADS Snapshot reports refresh as new updates post to ODS New column added to manage revisions 2 new snapshot statuses have been added User can freeze a snapshot so it is not modified by any new updates The default snapshot version will be Revised Uncertified LEAs will be able to see new snapshots after each successful data update/post LEAs may need to consider how to take advantage of multiple revisions or when to even check for a new revision The Revised Uncertified version can be refreshed multiple times daily depending on system load and posting backlog REWORK to reflect table The CALPADS snapshot process was redesigned to generate new snapshots as data are updated during collection windows. Additional changes were needed to track which data are incorporated into a snapshot revision. The View Submission user interface was updated to include additional columns to assist LEAs in determining if a posted job is included in the most recent snapshot revision. A revision is a version of the snapshot reports with a specific date and timestamp.    A new revision is triggered based on changes within the operational data store, or ODS, within the defined reporting period. LEAs should use the default snapshot revision labeled "Revised Uncertified" while updating required data for a specific data collection. LEAs also have the ability to mark a revision as “In Review,” which will prevent that snapshot from being overwritten by new revisions. The “In Review” status is appropriate to use when an LEA is close to certifying and ready to share the reports with local staff for review and verification. Certification User Interface, v1.0, November 10, 2015

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