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Character Point-of-View in “The Southpaw” and “Summer Diamond Girl”

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1 Character Point-of-View in “The Southpaw” and “Summer Diamond Girl”
Choose a character whose point of view (POV) you will represent Which character will your sock puppet represent? Circle one. Richard from “Southpaw” Janet from “Southpaw” Toni from “Summer Diamond Girl” 2. How does your chosen character feel about girls playing baseball? Can they play as well as boys? 3. Piece of Evidence from the text that shows your character’s POV: Page #_______ 4. Piece of Evidence from the text that shows your character’s POV: Page #_______ Write a script for your character puppet that states how he/she feels about girls playing baseball. Use two things that he/she says in the selection to support his/her feelings. You will read this when you record what the puppet says. “Hi, my name is __________________________. I feel that girls… Your Sock Puppet video will be scored on the following: If representing Richard, the puppet is male. If representing Janet or Toni, the puppet is female. Puppet says how he/she feels about girls playing baseball and if they can play as well as boys. Puppet uses two pieces of evidence from the story to support his/her POV. The puppet speaks clearly. Class time was used wisely.

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