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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

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Presentation on theme: "King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals"— Presentation transcript:

1 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Welcome to the Colleges of Engineering Sciences & Applied Engineering End of the Year Party

2 Reading from the Quraan

3 Dean’s Address Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat
Dean, Colleges of Engineering Sciences & Applied Engineering

4 Overview of the College


6 % of KFUPM Student and Faculty Population

7 % of KFUPM Funded Research Projects and Short Courses
Source: CGS and KFUPM Annual Reports

8 CES & CAE in Saudi Arabia

9 Number of Undergraduate Engineering Students in Saudi Universities

10 ISI Indexed Papers (2004) Source: ISI Web of Knowledge

11 % of all KACST Funded Projects under the General Grants Program (Years 1421 to 1424).
Source: KACST

12 CES & CAE in the World

13 Graduate Student Enrollment (2004)
Source: U.S.News & World Report, 2006, Data for year 2003/2004

14 Number of PhD students/Faculty
Source: U.S.News & World Report, 2006, Data for year 2004

15 Total Number of ISI Indexed Papers (2004)/Total Number of Engineering Faculty (Source: ISI-2004)

16 Accomplishments of the College

17 Program Assessments and Accreditation
ABET Accreditation for CAE Programs until 2008. Program Self Assessments: AE, CHE, CE and PETE are in the final stages of completing their assessments.

18 Promoting Innovation Innovation Fund: In teaching, service and research. 31 Innovation proposals were received this year.

19 Chair Professorships CHE: Saudi Aramco extended the contract of its Chair Professor to three more years and increased the chair fund to SR3 million. PETE: Saudi Aramco increased the fund of its chair in petroleum engineering to SR4,837,500. The chair holder is expected to join the PETE department in September 2005.

20 Chair Professorships EE: A new Chair-Professor position in electrical power engineering in cooperation with the Saudi Electrical Company.

21 Research Funding The total budget of research projects being conducted by engineering faculty exceeds SR40,000,000.

22 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
Co-organized the 2nd IEEE-GCC conference in Bahrain on November More than 600 researchers from 22 countries participated with 135 papers. Co-organized the establishment meeting of the Scientific Society of Saudi Electrical Engineers on October 12, 2004.

23 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
Co-Organized the 12th IEEE meeting on May, 2005.

24 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
Organized a workshop on “Ceramic materials and nano structures for chemical sensing and catalysis” Organized a workshop on LABVIEW control software.

25 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
CHE Co-organized two meetings of the Saudi Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Co-organized the 5th Annual AIChE Award Banquet for the Best Design and Co-op Report in the Department. Organized a workshop on FEMLAB CFD software.

26 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
PETE Organized a Saudi Aramco Management Night during which Senior Executives from the company met with 200 orientation and freshman students.

27 Establishment of Saudi Engineering Societies
EE, CE and ME Leading the efforts of establishing and supporting activities of Saudi Engineering Societies.

28 National and International Agreements
AE: The first group of 20 Royal Air force students joined KFUPM under the memorandum of understanding between the AE department and the Royal Saudi Air Force which was approved by H.R.H. Prince Sultan Bin AbdulAziz, second deputy & Minister of Defense and Aviation and General Inspector.

29 National and International Agreements
EE: initiated cooperation ties with the Saudi Electrical company that include research, expertise exchange, and student training. CHE: held meetings with representative of the Japan Oil Institute to discuss the establishment of a new catalysis research lab in the department in cooperation with Saudi Aramco.

30 New Programs The AE started the MS program and 4 graduate courses were offered. The CE revised its M. Eng Program (the only one at KFUPM).

31 Developments in Teaching
Online courses EE 7 courses. ME 1 course. More online courses are currently under preparation. PETE, ME and EE Invited industrial experts to teach full courses as well as specific topics to undergraduate students.

32 Establishment and Development of Laboratories
AE: 4 new teaching and research labs. CHE and ME: Nanotechnology Labs CHE: Upgraded its Polymer Research Lab with instruments (SR4 million) utilizing funds from KACST and KFUPM.

33 Establishment and Development of Laboratories
The material science labs were upgraded with state of the art equipment. CE A new Microbiology lab A new lab for nondestructive testing of concrete structures. EE Several labs have been computerized and upgraded with new equipment.

34 Faculty Achievements

35 Awards and Honors Dr. Ahmad Al-Garni, Dr. Sidqi Bukhamsin,
Dr. Amro Kutub and Dr. Mohammad Abu-Hamayel were awarded King Abdul-Aziz Legion of Honor Medal of first degree for their patents.

36 Awards and Honors Dr. Alzaher, Hussain Dr. Asrar Shaikh
Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for young Arab researchers. Dr. Asrar Shaikh IEEE - Fellow in 2004

37 Awards and Honors Dr. Bekir Yilbas:
The Higher Doctorate in Engineering by Birmingham University in 2005. A silver Jubilee medal by Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Silesian University of Technology in Poland.

38 Awards and Honors Dr. Zaki Ahmed
Fellowship of the Institute of Nanotechnology, UK in April 2004.

39 Journal Editorial Boards and Conference Organization
20 faculty members in the college were elected on the editorial boards of national and International Journals and participated in organizing National and International Conferences.

40 Patents Dr. Mohammad Hawwa was awarded two patents on Piezoelectric optical switches and microactuators.


42 College of Engineering Sciences Awards

43 Recipients of the University Excellence in Teaching Awards
Dr. Nesar Merah Dr. Izzedine Zerguine

44 Recipients of the University Excellence in Research Awards
Dr. Ahmet Shahin Dr. Ibnelwaleed Hussein ME CHE

45 Recipient of the University Distinguished Researcher Award
Dr. El-Sayed A. Osman PETE

46 Winners of the CES Departments Research Awards
AE: Dr. Farooq Saeed CE: Dr. Naser Al-Shayea Dr. Omar Al-Amoudi CHE: Dr. Basel Abu-Sharkh Dr. S.M. Javaid Zaidi EE: Dr. Asrar Ul-Haq Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Deriche ME: Dr. Iyad Al-Zaharnah Dr. Shahzada Z. Shuja PETE: Dr. Hasan Al-Hashim

47 Winners of the CES Departments Teaching Awards
AE: Dr. Abdullah Al-Garni CE: Dr. Nidal Ratrout Dr. Shamsad Ahmad CHE: Dr. Habib Zughbi Dr. Usamah Al-Mubayedh EE: Dr. Hussain Al-Zaher ME: Dr. Mohammad Antar PETE: Dr. Mohammad Al-Marhoun Dr. Sidqi Abu-Khamsin

48 Winners of the CES Departments Short Course Awards
AE: Dr. Ahmad Al-Garni CE: Dr. Hamad Al-Abdul Wahhab CHE: Dr. Mohammad Al-Arfaj EE: Dr. Mohammad Shwaihdi ME: Dr. Majid El-Sharawi

49 Winners of the CES Departments Funded Projects Awards
CE: Dr. A. Azad CHE: Dr. Ramazan Kahraman EE: Dr. Mohammad Ali Abido Dr. Mohamed Mohandes ME: Dr. Hasan Badr PETE: Dr. El-Sayed Osman

50 Winners of CES Departments Service Award
AE: Mr. Mueyyet Tozan CE: Dr. Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan Dr. Mohammad Baloush CHE: Mr. Nasir Tukur EE: Dr. Mahmoud Kassas Dr. Zakaria Al-Hamouz ME: Dr. Abdul-Aziz Bazoun Dr. Esmail Mokheimer Mr. Bangalore Abdul-Aleem PETE: Dr. Mahmoud Doklah

51 College of Engineering Sciences Staff Service Award
AE: Mr. Sayed Jalal Mr. Syed Shahid CE: Mr. Abdullah Essa Mr. Mohammad Erfan CHE: Mr. Ibrahim Salem Mr. Mariano Gica EE: Mr. Fazal Sher Mr. Mohammad Al-Ghamdi ME: Mr. Mohammad Al Hamdan Mr. Abdul Lateef Abdul Ghani PETE: Mr. AbdulRahim Muhammadain Mr. Ahmad Al-Shuwaikhat CES: Mr. Abdul-Samad Al-Qahtani Mr. Mohammad Arshad

52 Leaving Faculty

53 Leaving Faculty CE: Dr. Saleh Bakhraibah Dr. Fahd Dakhil
CHE: Dr. Rafat Al-Naizy EE: Dr. Talal Halawani Dr. Mosaddeq Rahman ME: Mr. Alan Thomas

54 CES Outstanding Student Award
AE: Mr. Ayman Abdullah CE: Mr. Ibrahim Mousuli Mr. Zakariya Al-Helal CHE: Mr. Ali Al-Shareef Mr. Majid Al-Ghamdi EE: Mr. Abdullah Al-Dhuwaian Mr. Sultan Al-Anazi ME: Mr. Abdullah Al Hammad Mr. Waleed Al Wahaib PETE: Mr. Hasan Al-Ahmadi Mr. Karam Al-Yateem

55 Members of the CES Special Functions Committee
Dr. Alaa El-Din Hussein Dr. Mohammad Al-Sughaiyer Dr. El-Sayed Osman Dr. Abdullah Al-Garni Dr. Mahmoud Kassas (Sports Coordinator) Dr. Sayed Said Dr. Basel Abu-Sharkh

56 Thanks to: AL-AbdulKareem Group for sponsoring tonight's function.
To members of the Industrial Advisory Committees of all departments. To those who supported the continuing education and research activities of the college.

57 Thanks to: KFUPM administration; H. E. The Rector Professor Khalid Al-Sultan, Vice Rectors and Supervisors for their continuous support of the college.

58 Thanks to: Mr. Abdel-Aleem Dr. Myassar Al-Haddad
Dr. Ibnelwaleed Hussein Mr. Omar Al-Johar Dr. Iyad Al-Zaharnah Dr. Mohammad Deriche For their help in organizing this activity.

59 Thank you

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