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The Persian Empire The Achaemenid Empire.

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1 The Persian Empire The Achaemenid Empire

2 Key Questions Who were the leaders of the Achaemenid Empire?
Why were these leaders significant?

3 The ACHAEMENID Empire The first Persian Empire = 533BC
Persians led by CYRUS THE GREAT overthrow the Medes. Cyrus becomes master and names the dynasty the ACHAEMENID Empire.

4 Some of the leaders of the ACHAEMENID Empire include:
Cyrus the Great Darius I Xerxes I

5 Activity – Personality profiles
Create a Personality Profile for each of the Kings. Each profile must include a picture of the leader, an outline of who he was and when he ruled, and a list of his greatest achievements. You should also write a short paragraph explaining why the leader was significant.

6 Cyrus the Great (580-529 BC) Father of the Iranian nation
First world ruler to be referred to as “The Great” Founded the Achaemenid Empire He was remembered as a humane leader who allowed his conquered subjects to worship their own religions

7 Cyrus the Great – ( BC) His empire included Babylonia, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor

8 Cyrus the Great ( BC) During Cyrus’ reign the people of Persia built beautiful temples and established trade routes such as the Silk Road in order to make travel safer and easier Cyrus died in 529BC

9 Darius I (522-486 BC) Strong and wise ruler
Tolerant towards other religions and cultures, promoted learning, agriculture and the construction of highways

10 Darius I – ( BC) He built the great palace city of Persepolis

11 Darius I (522-486BC) He followed an expansionist policy
He invaded Greece which led to his defeat in the Battle of Marathon He died in 486 BC

12 Xerxes I (485-465BC) Xerxes (“ZERK-ses”) Son of Darius the Great
Suppressed revolts in Egypt and Babylon

13 Xerxes I ( BC) He took away from Babylon the golden statue of Bel-Marduk and this made him very unpopular with the people of Babylon and led to two rebellions Determined to defeat Greece. The Greek army defeated the Persians, with the Persian fleet almost destroyed at the Battle of Salamis

14 Xerxes I ( BC) In the Battle at Plataea in 479BC the Persians were finally driven from Greek soil This forced the ACHAEMENID Empire into decline Xerxes was assassinated in 465BC

15 Which Leader… Founded the Achaemenid Empire?
Destroyed the golden statue of Bel-Marduk? Was a humane leader? Was defeated at the Battle of Marathon? Was assassinated?

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