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Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

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1 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome to Worship! Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost A candle in remembrance of a loved one

2 Please join us for Holy Communion!
Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this Congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape juice are also available. Please join us for Holy Communion!

3 Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 16.
We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.

4 CHOIR ANTHEM Give Me Oil in My Lamp
Today’s Anthem is based on an old Quaker Hymn. It was purchased by our Choir members as a way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pastor Christie’s Ordination.

5 We’ll offer blessings to Students and Teachers during
TODAY! We’ll offer blessings to Students and Teachers during Rally Sunday Service. BBQ following Service! Sponsored by

6 Annual General Meetings
Lutheran Outreach Ministries & Lutheran Social Services September 16th after Worship Service. Please sign the sign-up sheet in the Narthex for lunch and if you are planning to attend.

7 Prayer Partners We’re looking for volunteers to daily prayers to our college and university students. We’ll provide the address and all we ask is that you offer a short prayer for them. If you’re interested, please give your name and address to Edmond.

8 Prayer Partners If you know of a student, please ask them if they would like to be a partner in prayer. If they do, please give their name and address to Edmond.

9 Blessing of the Animals Service September 30
Bless them who curl themselves around our hearts, who twine themselves through our days, who companion us in our labour, who call us to come and play. Well-behaved and socialized pets are welcome to attend. Owners are responsible for their animals.

10 Returns Wednesday, October 17 @ 5:30 p.m.

Annual Meeting: Sat. Sept. 22, 2018 Martin Luther University College Waterloo, Ontario Theme: Doors to the Future Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Mark Harris ‘From Our Past to the Future’ For more information, please contact: Helen Weber (President) Phone Ruth Jones (Vice-President) Phone or visit our web-page at

12 We contributed $400 in gift cards to OSHaRE
Well done! We contributed $400 in gift cards to OSHaRE

13 Photo Directory Volunteers sought
We’re looking for a few people interested in working on the next Photo Directory Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris or to any member of Congregational Council

14 Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour.
Please see the 2018 Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour.

15 The Witness Committee members are collecting eye glasses and plastic milk bags for Third World Missions and the homeless. Boxes are available in the Narthex for collection.

16 Also in the Narthex is a collection box for the distribution of evangelical literature through the Christian Salvage Mission….Please donate.

17 Volunteer Volunteer Worship help needed: Liturgical Assistants Sacramental Assistants Lectors Greeters Service Recorders Ushers & Greeters Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris

18 For details, please speak to either Gloria Pfeffer or Don Statham.
Applications are available in the Narthex.

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