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Processing of the sensory information

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2 Processing of the sensory information
Levels of neural integration in sensory systems: Receptor level — the sensor receptors Circuit level — ascending pathways in the CNS Perceptual level — neuronal circuits in the cerebral cortex

3 Processing at the Perceptual Level
Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex Thalamus Reticular formation Cerebellum Pons Medulla 2 Circuit level (processing in ascending pathways) Spinal cord Free nerve endings (pain, cold, warmth) Muscle spindle 1 Receptor level (sensory reception and transmission to CNS) Joint kinesthetic receptor Figure 13.2



6 Rexed’s Lamina Some important nuclei Substantia gelatinosa (II)
Nucleus proprius (IV) Dorsal nucleus of Clark Intermediolateral cell column Motor neuron pools


Ascending (afferent) pathways (sensation) Descending (efferent) pathways (motor commands) * *

9 Spinal Tracts

10 Dorsal Column Ascending Pathway
Deep touch, visceral pain, vibration, and proprioception Fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus carry signals from arm and leg Decussation of 2nd order neuron in medulla 3rd order neuron in thalamus carries signal to cerebral cortex

11 Spinothalamic Pathway
Pain, pressure, temperature, touch, Decussation of the second order neuron occurs in spinal cord Third order neurons arise in thalamus and continue to cerebral cortex

12 Spinoreticular Tract Pain signals from tissue injury
Decussate in spinal cord and ascend with spinothalamic fibers End in reticular formation (medulla and pons) 3rd and 4th order neurons continue to thalamus and cerebral cortex

13 Corticospinal Tract Precise, coordinated limb movements
Two neuron pathway upper motor neuron in cerebral cortex lower motor neuron in spinal cord Decussation in medulla

14 Pain inhibitory complex
Nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis Pain inhibitory complex


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