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Population Growth Population Density

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Presentation on theme: "Population Growth Population Density"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Growth Population Density
# of organisms per unit area Factors that affect population size: # of births # of deaths # of people immigrating and emigrating

2 Exponential Growth Individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate Population gets larger and larger very quickly Occurs under ideal conditions Unlimited space, food, no predators, etc.

3 Logistic Growth Many real life situations have limitations on growth
Eventually the growth of the population will slow down or stop

4 What limits population growth? (Limiting Factors)
Density-Dependent Produces a logistic growth pattern Only become limiting when the population gets large: Competition (for food, water, space, shelter) Predation Parasitism Disease Density-Independent Produces a “Boom and Bust Curve” Limit growth of the population regardless of the size of the population: Weather Natural disasters Seasonal cycles Certain human activities

5 Boom and Bust Curve: Results from Density-Independent Factors

6 Application: complete Analyzing Data on p.123 in your text

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