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Outcome Based Education

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1 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Inside the Planet Earth What Causes Gravitational Pull?? Is Earth core made of Liquid Molten Iron? If Earth is a huge dynamo, What is the Source of Earth's B field? Is the source depleting? EARTHQUAKE... VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS.. Nuclear radiation.. Falling from the sky Standing firm on the ground Gravitational Acceleration Terminal Velocity Air Density; Air Friction Website: HP#: Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

2 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 How old is Earth? How much longer can earth sustain life? Why worry about Ozone? Whats with Deforestration? The Telegraph; March 29th, 2011 “Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation Exclusive: Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”, Nasa has warned. …Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013, The Daily Telegraphcan disclose. In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken..” B field weakening Aurora; Field Reversal Violent Storms; Heat Sun; Atmosphere; Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

3 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcomes-Based Education Curriculum Design & 21st Century University Education Live Curious: Facts about Earth First person to measure Earth’s circumference was a Greek by the name of Eratosthenes. He travelled between two Italian cities and measured the angle of the sun in a well. Earth's Circumference at the Equator: 24, miles (40, km)  Earth's Circumference Between the North and South Poles: 24, miles (40,008 km)  Earth's Diameter at the Equator: 7, miles (12,756.1 km)  Earth's Diameter at the Poles: 7, miles (12,713.5 km)  Radius of Earth (the distance from the surface to the middle) = kilometers or about 3961.3 miles.  Read more: 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

4 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Exotic Nature Why Does a Snake Stick Its Tongue Out?? Collect Data How is this similar or different from knowing about the learning process?? Find food Survival of the Species Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaafar Jantan aka Dr. JJ, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UiTM, Shah Alam Invited Lecture & Workshop, Fac of Arts & Design-UiTM Kedah Campus; May 17th-19th, 2011 Website: HP#: Howard Gardner Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2010

5 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Skills Employers Seek from Graduates “What carries more weight appears to be soft skills rather than brainpower or technical skills.” “Hard skills” refer to academic and technical knowledge. “Soft skills” are generally categorised into three areas – character, interpersonal skills and critical and creative thinking – all of which are required to survive and succeed in the workplace. These skills enable one to communicate effectively, manage relationships, lead a team, solve problems and so on. Source: The Star Online: Sunday September 23, “The MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010 revealed that 68% of the companies surveyed named communication skills as the top quality required in job applicants, followed by working experience (67%), interpersonal skills (56.2%) and passion and commitment (55.7%). MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said globalisation had changed the nature of jobs, making communication skills, specifically in English, a valuable asset for today's worker…” Source: THE STAR, April 15th, 2011 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

6 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Skills Employers Seek from Graduates The objective of Malaysian Higher Education system is to produce professionals as demanded by the nation for human resources Source:HE Transformation Agenda One purpose of higher education is to graduate students who will become productive citizens. Skills employers consistently seek from university graduates: Communication skills Scientific (problem-solving) skills decision-making skills which enable students to become leaders well developed analytical skills teamwork skills well-practiced leadership skills. good interpersonal skills 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

7 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcomes-Based Curriculum Design Howard Gardner Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

8 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Who Am I?? Liason Officer UiTM-JPT Certified Coach, AKEPT Transformational Heart of Coaching Facilitator, Developer, Assessor, Teacher, Student, Agent of Change & Person with A Heart DrJJ, Zollman, Law, TS Zul Born & Raised in the state of Hang JEBAT… Early education at St. David’s, Science Malacca & SDAR (Seremban) B.Sc. Physics (1983); M.Sc. Condensed Matter (1985) – Kansas St. Univ. Teaching Certificate (1986) – MPTI, Johor Bahru Served ITM – Jan 1987 PhD Physics Education ( ) - Kansas St. Univ. Physics & Education expert (Recipient of UiTM’s 2010 T&L Academic Award) Practiced OBE & Active Learning on my own since 1997. OBE, OBTL workshop speaker, facilitator & consultant at national level Vice-Chair Asian Physics Education Network (ASPEN), UNESCO Chair for ASPEN, Malaysia. Nominated for Innovative Teaching & Learning National & International Active Member, Science Educ. Committee, Academy Science Malaysia since 2005. Keynote, Plenary and Invited Speaker in Conferences Nationally & Internationally Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 8

9 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Why Am I Here?? AIM: This 2-days workshop intend to provide you with the understanding and the skills of Outcomes Based Curriculum Design by Designing Backwards The objectives (what I plan to do) of this 1-day workshop are: Describe the characteristics of 21st Century Learners, the philosophy of Outcomes-Based Education & the design of Outcomes-Based Education Curriculum in Malaysian Higher Education. Describe Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and its matrix. Describe the LOKI curriculum mapping process (curriculum and depth matrix) using Dr JJ’s curriculum mapping template. Explain the formulation of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Verbally criticize your products. YOUR PLANS: New programs; Business & Law, Finance & law, Bsc. Applied Islamic Finance, Diploma  in Applied Islamic Finance and Mathematics Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

10 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Why Am I Here?? AIM: This 2-days workshop intend to provide you with the understanding and the skill to develop Outcomes Based Curriculum Design by Designing Backwards Learning Outcomes (what YOU will know and be able to do- this is your TAKE-AWAY for today) Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will be able to: Explain the impact of Malaysian Qualification Framework and the concept of Learning Outcomes on designing new curriculum. (conceptual knowledge-C2-LO1). Critically review existing Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). (Functional-C4-LO3). Construct a PLO-PEO and PLO-LOKI matrix. (Functional (Procedural) Knowledge C3-LO3). Construct the Curriculum Matrix (Course-LOKI) (Functional (Procedural) Knowledge C3-LO3, the Curriculum Depth (Competency) Matrix & the Soft Skills (KI) Depth Matrix (Functional (Procedural) Knowledge C3-LO3). Critically review and communicate your Course Learning Outcomes (Functional Knowledge C3-LO3. Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

11 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 TRANSFORM... The Change in HE Quality Assurance & Accountability in HE Accreditation & Reaccreditation of Programmes Maintaining Quality & Standards of Higher Education WHY OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION?? 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

12 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 21st Century University Education Live Curious: Life-long Learning If you are, you breath.  If you breath, you talk.  If you talk, you ask.  If you ask, you think.  If you think, you search.  If you search, you experience.  If you experience, you learn.  If you learn, you grow.  If you grow, you wish.  If you wish, you find.  If you find, you doubt.  If you doubt, you question.  If you question, you understand.  If you understand, you know.  If you know, you want to know more…  And if you want to know more, you are alive. Video courtesy of National Geographic Channel 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

13 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Objective 1 Malaysian Qualification Framework & Lesson Outcomes 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

14 Purpose of Quality Assurance
To promote confidence to the public; stakeholders (any group which has an interest in, involvement with, dependence on, contribution to, or is affected by, our graduates); that the quality of provision and standards of awards in higher education institutions (HEIs) are being safeguard and enhanced. 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

15 Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF)
Point of reference & joint understanding of HE Qualifications in Malaysia An instrument that develops and classifies qualifications based on a set of criteria that are approved nationally and benchmarked against international best practices, and which clarifies the earned academic levels, learning outcomes of study areas and credit system based on student academic load (Student Learning Time, SLT). These criteria are accepted and used for all qualifications awarded by recognised higher education providers. Hence, MQF integrates with and links all national qualifications. MQF 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

16 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcomes-Based

17 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 MQF Framework for Diploma level-Outcomes: C3,P4, A3 MQF 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 17

18 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 MQF – Bachelors degree (Hons.) – C4, P4, A3 MQF 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 18

19 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
Functions of MQA To implement MQF as a reference point for Malaysian Qualifications To develop standards and criteria and all other relevant instruments as national references for the conferment of awards with the cooperation of stakeholders To assure quality of HEIs and programmes To accredit courses that fullfill the set criteria and standards To facilitate the recognition and articulation of qualifications To maintain the Malaysian Qualification Register (MQR) 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

20 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 MQA Code of Practice Good Practices: MQA Code of Practice ….the quality assurance process is built on the following attributes: encourages a variety of teaching and learning methods ensures the choice of credible student assessment methods appropriate for the teaching and learning methods chosen; ensures there are adequate resources to deliver the curriculum; is concerned with good outcomes rather than detailed specifications of content 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

21 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
MQA Aspects of Standards Vision, mission, and learning outcomes Curriculum design and delivery Assessment of students Student selection and support services Academic staff Educational resources Programme monitoring and review Leadership, governance and administration Total continual quality improvement OBE provides Consistency Accountability Accessability MQA Code of Practice Accreditation 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

22 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Purpose of University Education A Change of State 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

23 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Objective 2 Characteristics of 21st Century Learners 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

24 Developing 3 Domains of Education-Learn
Outcome Based Education Outcome Based Education 11/11/2018 Why Educate-Behavioral changes-(3+1)H Developing 3 Domains of Education-Learn Cognitive Knowing, the Head The KNOWLEDGE (F,C,P) Intellectual Skills (FC) Affective Feeling, The Heart The CARE, Emotions Psychomotor Doing, The Hand, Body The SKILLS (3+1)H? 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 24

25 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 OBE & 21st Century Skills Learning is what students know (factual, conceptual, procedural & metacognitive knowledge). what they can do with what they know (functional knowledge) Knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The 21st Century MUST HAVE skills: “Learning should be relevant to the variety of graduates ‘roles included in their working, civic and personal life.” “It is an emphasis on what students can do with knowledge, rather than what units of knowledge they have, that best describes the essence of 21st century skills.” Elena Silva in the Education Sector Report 2008 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 25

26 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Goal of 21st Century University Education “A university is an institution that provides experiences for intense interaction between students & teachers” – Syed Naquib quoted by Deputy Minister of HE at the opening of EDUCATE conference, Nikko Hotel, Oct 7th, 2010 One of the most important goals of a university is to develop individuals who have advanced literacy skills in their discipline: people who can participate effectively by critiquing information and ideas and by contributing with rigour and creativity to new insights and knowledge, who are self-aware as learners, and who are rhetorically versatile, confident communicators able to adapt and contribute to the demands of employment and life in a changing society and wider world. 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

27 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 21st Century Learning What is True Understanding Can explain: provide thorough, supported, and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data. Can interpret: tell meaningful stories; offer apt translations; provide a revealing historical or personal dimension to ideas and events; make it personal or accessible through images, anecdotes, analogies, and models. Can apply: effectively use and adapt what we know in diverse contexts. Have perspective: see and hear points of view through critical eyes and ears; see the big picture. Source: Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design; Chap 4. 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

28 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 21st Century University Education 3R's Sternberg suggests Curriculum must develop the other 3 R’s. Reasoning which include analytical, critical thinking, and problem solving skills Resilience which encompasses life skills such as flexibility, adaptability, and self-reliance Responsibility wisdom, which he defines as “the application of intelligence, creativity, and knowledge for a common good.” Sternberg, R. & Subotnik, R., eds. (2006). Optimizing Student Success with the Other Three Rs: Reasoning, Resilience, and Responsibility. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

29 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 ACTIVITY: In 1 minute, REFLECT on the Purpose of University Education In 2 minutes, Share your thoughts with Peers In 6 minutes, Share it with Me Time: 10 minutes 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

30 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Purpose of University Education A Change of State Uncover & Discover Learn, Unlearn & Relearn Autonomous Learners Lifelong Learners 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

31 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 31

32 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 21st Century Curriculum Design Learning is Active Teaching is What the Students Do Knowledge is Constructed Assessment is FOR Learning -Formative Focus on Achievement of Learning Outcome Outcomes-Based 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

33 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 WHY I AM HERE.. I am here to coach & facilitate your Transformation process Paradigm Shift-TRANSFORM Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

34 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 GTP & Transforming HE Teaching & Learning Transformation Framework Institutional Pillars Critical Agenda Source: National Higher Education Action Plan Human Capital with First-class Mentality Governance Leadership Academia Teaching and Learning Research and Development Academic Performance Audit Apex Universities Lifelong MyBrain15 Graduate Training Scheme Shaping the future of Malaysia & the Blue Planet Strategy 2: Improving quality of Teaching and Learning a.k.a. Outcomes-Based Teaching & Learning (OBTL) Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

35 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 21st Century Curriculum Design Constructive Alignment OBTLA-OBA-OBG Outcomes-Based Interdisciplinary Project-based Research-driven Thematic & NOT textbook-driven (textbook as a resource) Connected to community Incorporates Bloom’s HOTS Multiple Intelligences Learning Preferences Technology & multimedia Multiple literacies Authentic Assessment (tasks) Students work independently & interdependently Knowledge is constructed through research and application, and connected to previous knowledge, personal experience, interests, talents and passions is NOT memorization of facts Assessment is demonstration of understanding through application in a variety of contexts NOT REGURGITATION By self, peer & facilitators By multiple ATs to show achievement of CLOs By using holistic rubrics 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 35

36 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 CONTRACT Creating Outputs & Committments Task 1 Time: 20 mins 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

37 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Pre-workshop Activity: Accountability Reflect & communicate on the following tasks: Rate yourself in terms of factual, conceptual, procedural & functional knowledge of OBE-OBTL; 1-Novice, 2-Advanced beginner, 3-Competent, 4-Proficient, 5-Expert What do you hope to achieve in this workshop??. Why are you here-HONESTY Pls.. Write down your goal and state at least 3 learning outcomes you intend to achieve. (cognitive?? Process?? Product??) How do you propose to effectively & meaningfully achieve the outcomes?? List out your own committment in achieving the outcomes.-This is YOUR contract with me.. How can I facilitate your achievement of the intended outcomes? List out at least 3 specific tasks and actions that you expect me to do in facilitating your achievement. This will be my contract to you… Guidelines to perform the tasks Individually, spend 5 minutes doing this task. Pick a name for your learning community & a spokesperson.. Spend 7 minutes to discuss and conclude the learning group’s decision on each of the task above. Pick a name for your learning group. Verbally communicate (powerpoint presentation) with the learning community the decision of the group. Include names, ranks, programs/course for each group member. 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

38 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Objective 3 Outcomes-Based Education Designing Down/Backwards 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

39 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcome-Based Curriculum Design Designing Backwards The Outcomes-Based approach to course design is intended to make the expectations of the designer/educator more transparent to both the student and any regulatory or accrediting body (KPT, MQA, EAC). Unlike the traditional model of course design in higher education (focus on coverage), where the lecturer would decide what to include on a syllabus, based on his or her own judgement of what was important for students to know; or on personal research or other interests; the outcomes-based approach starts with a specification of what the student will be expected to achieve by the end of the program/course/unit/lesson Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 39 11/11/2018 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 39

40 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 4 Principles of OBE? Clarity of focus about outcomes Always have the significant, culminating exit outcomes as the focus. Let the students know what they are aiming for. Designing backwards Design curriculum backward by using the major outcomes as the focus and linking all planning, teaching and assessment decisions directly to these outcomes CMAP-S CMAP-EDU CMAP-A CMAP-M Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

41 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 4 Principles of OBE? Consistent, high expectations of success Set the expectation that OBE is for ALL learners. Expect students to succeed by providing them encouragement to engage deeply with the issues they are learning and to achieve the high challenging standard set (Spady, 1994b). Expanded opportunity Develop curriculum to give scope to every learner to learn in his/her own pace. Cater for individual needs and differences, for example, expansion of available time and resources so that all students succeed in reaching the exit outcomes. Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

42 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 What is Intelligence?? Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (2003) Analytical intelligence, the ability to complete academic, problem-solving tasks, such as those used in traditional intelligence tests. These types of tasks usually present well-defined problems that have only a single correct answer. Creative or synthetic intelligence, the ability to successfully deal with new and unusual situations by drawing on existing knowledge and skills. Individuals high in creative intelligence may give 'wrong' answers because they see things from a different perspective. Practical intelligence, the ability to adapt to everyday life by drawing on existing knowledge and skills. Practical intelligence enables an individual to understand what needs to be done in a specific setting and then do it Robert Sternberg, Yale Psychology Professor & President of the American Psychological Association Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

43 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Multiple Intelligences: Howard Gardner Howard Gardner on his Multiple intelligences Theory "Until a hundred years ago, if you wanted to have higher education, linguistic intelligence was important. I teach at Harvard, and 150 years ago, the entrance exams were in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. If, for example, you were dyslexic, that would be very difficult because it would be hard for you to learn those languages, which are basically written languages.“ "While your IQ, which is sort of language logic, will get you behind the desk, if you don’t know how to deal with people, if you don't know how to read yourself, you’re going to end up just staying at that desk forever or eventually being asked to make room for somebody who does have social or emotional intelligence." Intelligence is "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting" (Gardner & Hatch, 1989) Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

44 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Multiple Intelligences: Howard Gardner Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

45 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcome-Based Curriculum Design Learning Outcomes  "Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. They are not simply a listing of discrete skills, nor broad statements of knowledge and comprehension. They describe performances that demonstrate that significant learning has been verified and achieved by graduates of the program." 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 45

46 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcome-Based Education OBE Two Approaches Traditional/Transitional OBE emphasises student mastery of traditional subject-related academic outcomes (usually with a strong focus on subject-specific content) and some cross-discipline outcomes (such as the ability to solve problems or to work co-operatively). Transformational OBE emphasises long-term, cross-curricular outcomes that are related directly to students’ future life roles (such as being a productive worker or a responsible citizen or a parent). Spady (1994) Source: Killen, Roy (2005). Programming and assessment for quality teaching and learning. Chapter 2. Thomson Social Science Press

47 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcome-Based Curriculum Design Learning Outcomes Very general (not measurable) General (not directly measurable) General (not directly measurable) 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

48 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
MQF LOs Domains MOHE LOs, 2009-KSA MQF Domains of LOs & MOHE LOs Knowledge (K) Practical skills (S) Social skills and responsibilities (S) Ethics, professionalism and humanities (A) Communication, leadership and team skills (A) Scientific methods, critical thinking and problem solving skills (K) Lifelong learning and information management (A) Entrepreneurship and managerial skills (A) Knowledge (K) Practical Skills (S) Thinking and scientific skills (K) Communication skills (A/S) Social skills, teamwork and responsibility (A/S) Values, ethics, moral and professionalism (A) Information management and lifelong learning skills (A/S) Managerial and entrepreneurial skills (A/S) Leadership skills (A/S) 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

49 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Educational Objectives & UiTM's Vision UiTM’s VISION To establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing leadership  to Bumiputeras’ dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards in order to produce globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing. Mission To enhance the knowledge and expertise of Bumiputeras in all fields of study through professional programmes, research work and community service based on moral values and professional ethics. Programme Educational Objectives are specific goals consistent with the mission and vision of the IHL, contains the 9 MOHE attributes, responsive to the expressed interest of programme stakeholders and describing the expected achievements or milestone of graduates in their career and professional life few years after graduation. PEOs are employability attributes and selling points of your program. The sentences begin with: Three to five years upon successful completion the program, our graduates will be…. EAC Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 ABET WA Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 49

50 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcome-Based Curriculum Design Designing Backwards Design ATs PLOs Program PEO CLOs Course or Year of study LOs MOHE LLOs Lessons Align with Vision & Mission Deliver OBTLA 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 50

51 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Educational Objectives ABET’s definition of PEOs: The program must have published Program Educational Objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution, the needs of the program’s various constituencies, and these criteria. There must be a documented and effective process, involving program constituencies, for the periodic review and revision of these program educational objectives. EAC’s definition Programme Objectives are specific goals consistent with the mission and vision of the IHL, that are responsive to the expressed interest of programme stakeholders, describing the expected achievements of graduates in their career and professional life few years after graduation. EAC Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 ABET WA Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 51

52 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Educational Objectives TCM Health EAC Eng Tech ABET WA MQA-Std-Business Generic Program Educational Objectives (PEOs are employability attributes and selling points of your program) for FSG Diploma Programs. The sentences begin with Three to five years upon successfully completing the program, our graduates will be: semiprofessionals in applied sciences who analyze and apply the knowledge, understanding and laboratory experiences to provide quality products and services to the government agencies and science-related industries. semiprofessionals in applied sciences who lead and engage in teams in problem solving tasks across disciplines through effective communicative abilities semiprofessionals in applied sciences who continue to advance their knowledge and abilities by utilizing ICT to explore business opportunities in the science-related industry semiprofessionals in applied sciences who practice ethical and professional values in providing services to the recipients and provider of the science-related industry. Task DRJJ-PEO-PLO Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 52

53 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) TCM Health EAC Eng Tech ABET WA MQA-Std-Business Generic Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs are what graduates will know and be able to do to attain PEOs) for FSG Degree Programs. The sentences begin with Upon successful completion of the program, our bumiputra graduates will be able to: apply and acquire knowledge and understanding of laws, theories and principles of science and mathematics. (LO1) safely prepare samples and operate a range of machineries and laboratory equipments. (LO2) conduct experiments, process, interpret and analyze experimental data. (LO2) apply the scientific reasoning in solving authentic problems. (LO3) verbally communicate scientific ideas with experts and non-experts. (LO4) articulate scientific investigations in written form. (LO4) effectively engage in a multidisciplinary team. (LO5) apply values, ethics, morality and professionalism in their scientific pursuit. (LO6) manage information and engage in life-long learning. (LO7) apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills. (LO8) demonstrate leadership skills. (LO9) DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP UniKL PEO-PLO Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 53

54 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Educational Objectives TCM Health EAC Eng Tech ABET WA MQA-Std-Business Generic Program Educational Objectives (PEOs are employability attributes and selling points of your program) for FSG Degree Programs. The sentences begin with Three to five years upon successfully completing the program, our bumiputra graduates will be: scientists or science practitioners who synthesize and apply the knowledge, understanding and laboratory experiences to provide quality products and services to the government agencies and science-related industries locally and globally scientists or science practitioners who lead and engage in teams in problem solving tasks across disciplines through effective communicative abilities. scientists or science practitioners who use ICT to advance their knowledge and skills and to explore business opportunities in the science-related industry locally and globally. scientists or science practitioners who practice ethical and professional values in providing services to the recipients and provider of the science-related industry locally and globally. Task Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 54

55 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) TCM Health EAC Eng Tech ABET WA MQA-Std-Business Generic Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs are what graduates will know and be able to do to attain PEOs) for FSG Degree Programs. The sentences begin with Upon successfully completing the program, our bumiputra graduates will be able to: Analyze problems by applying and acquiring knowledge and understanding of laws, theories and principles of science and mathematics. Safely prepare samples and operate a range of advanced machineries and laboratory instruments. Identify problems, propose research questions and hypothesis, design science investigations and defend the conclusion of investigations. Apply the scientific reasoning and critical thinking in providing solutions to authentic problems in their field of study. Verbally argue and communicate scientific ideas with the learning communities and the public. Articulate scientific ideas and investigations in written form with the learning communities and the public. Effectively engage in a multi-disciplinarity team locally. Practice empathy, responsibilities, integrity and professionalism in their scientific pursuit. Manage information and engage in life-long learning. Apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills. Demonstrate leadership skills. DRJJ-PEO-PLO Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 PEO-PO MAP Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 55

56 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 FSG LOKI Curriculum Mapping: Course-LOs Dr JJ's Example DRJJ-PEO-PLO DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP LOKI Template LOKI Template Blanck Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

57 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 FSG LOKI Curriculum Mapping: Course-LOs Example from A Program DRJJ-PEO-PLO DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP LOKI Template LOKI Template Blanck Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

58 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 FSG LOKI Curriculum Mapping: Course-LOs Example from A Program DRJJ-PEO-PLO DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP LOKI Template LOKI Template Blanck Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

59 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 FSG LOKI Curriculum Mapping: Course-LOs Example from A Program DRJJ-PEO-PLO DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP LOKI Template LOKI Template Blanck Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

60 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Content-Based Education (Traditional) Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

61 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Outcomes-Based Education Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

62 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Program Standards for Business Program TCM Health EAC Eng Tech ABET WA MQA-Std-Business GENERAL EDUCATIONAL GOAL To produce holistic Business and Commerce graduates who could function effectively and ethically in any business enterprise and environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the program, the graduates should be able to: Apply the principles of management in business activities. Identify and take advantage of business opportunities locally and globally. Apply and use ICT in business environments. Apply the tools and techniques in major functional areas of business. Demonstrate conduct that is consistent with business ethics and local culture Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 62

63 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 FSG LOKI Curriculum Mapping: Course-LOs Plan DRJJ-PEO-PLO DRJJ-PEO-PLO PEO-PO MAP LOKI Template LOKI Template Blanck Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

64 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Course-Competency Matrix (Taxonomy)considers... Depth (according to year of study in BSc program) Refers to the levels in the cognitive domain, practical skills & scientific skills. Cognitive Analysis Year 3 Application Year 2 Year 1 Comprehension Knowledge Bloom Cognitive Domain Simpson Psychomotor Domain Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

65 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Course-Competency Matrix (Taxonomy)considers... Depth (according to year of study in BSc program) Refers to the levels in the cognitive domain, practical skills & scientific skills. Report Year 3 Sample Prep Techniques Data Interpret Bloom Cognitive Domain Experiment Manipulate Year 2 Simpson Psychomotor Domain Practical & science skills Year 1 Procedures Physical Hypothesize Organic Inorganic Observe General Chem Problem Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

66 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
MQF LOs Domains MOHE LOs, 2009-KSA MQF Domains of LOs & MOHE LOs Knowledge (K) Practical skills (S) Social skills and responsibilities (S) Ethics, professionalism and humanities (A) Communication, leadership and team skills (A) Scientific methods, critical thinking and problem solving skills (K) Lifelong learning and information management (A) Entrepreneurship and managerial skills (A) Knowledge (K) Practical Skills (S) Thinking and scientific skills (K) Communication skills (A/S) Social skills, teamwork and responsibility (A/S) Values, ethics, moral and professionalism (A) Information management and lifelong learning skills (A/S) Managerial and entrepreneurial skills (A/S) Leadership skills (A/S) Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

67 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 WORKSHOP 1 1. Formulate/Critically Review PEOs 2. Formulate/Critically Review PLOs DRJJ-PEO-PLO Time: 1 hour Bloom LOKI Guide Bloom Cognitive Domain Simpson Psychomotor Domain Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

68 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 WORKSHOP 2 Given the blank matrix (Dr JJ's Template- password drjjfsg) 1. Map the PLOs with the PEOs 2. Map the PLOs with the MOHE LOKI 3. Generate the Course-LOKI Matrix 4. Generate the Course-KI Matrix Bloom LOKI Guide Bloom Cognitive Domain Time: 3 hours Simpson Psychomotor Domain Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

69 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 WORKSHOP 3 Given the blank matrix (Dr JJ's Template- password drjjfsg) 1. Generate the Course-Competency matrix. 2. Generate the Course-KI Competency Matrix 3. Communicate to Facilitator & Peers Bloom LOKI Guide Time: 2.75 hours Bloom Cognitive Domain Simpson Psychomotor Domain Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

70 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

71 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Bloom Cognitive Action Verbs Taxonomy Bloom LOKI Guide 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

72 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 11/11/2018 Taxonomy Bloom LOKI Guide Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

73 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Notional Credits & Calculating SLTs SLT PHY407 example SLT Program example 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

74 How Does MQF Affect Teaching-Learning?
Teacher - centered Student - centered Contact hours Reflects Credit value Student Independent Learning Not Calculated Total SLT reflects Credit value Student independent Learning Time Calculated No mapping of learning outcomes Course Objective is the Learning Target Learning Outcomes is the Learning Target Mapping of learning outcomes necessary MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

75 Lecturer-Centred to Student-Centred (incorporating SLT)
Academic Activity (some examples) Face 2 Face Student Self- Learning* Total 1 Lecture 2 3 Tutorial Laboratory/Practical 5 4 Assignment words 20 Presentation 6 30 36 Unaccounted for in the present system * Using the Proposed student independent learning in relation (Slide 17) MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

76 Achievement of Learning Outcomes Teaching/Learning + Assessment
the measurement of students’ academic load Credit = A credit is the agreed-upon value used to measure a student workload in terms of learning time required to complete course units, resulting in learning outcomes’ (UNESCO, 2004) Teaching Learning Activities Achievement of Learning Outcomes Revision Study Tour Case study Work attachment Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Group Discussion Field Work Clinical E-Learning Demonstration Industrial training Research Project Assignments Examination Studio work Project Work Group Assignment Presentation Directed reading Teaching/Learning + Assessment e.g notional SLT = 120 credits Total SLT 40 Credit Student Learning Time (SLT) MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

77 Factors In Calculating Credit
Face to Face / Guided Learning Time + Student Self Learning Time Total Assessment Time MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

78 Student Categories &130 credit Bachelors
Least Diligent Very Diligent 1 Number of weeks in a semester (A) 17 2 Recommended SLT per week (B) 40 48 55 3 Recommended total SLT per semester (C) [A x B] 680 816 935 4 Recommended credit per semester (D) [C ÷ 4o] 20 (20.4) 23 (23.4) 5 Total graduating credit for programme (E) 130 6 Number of semesters (long semester) (F) [E ÷ D] 7.6 (7.64) 6.5 5.7 (5.65) 7 Number of academic year (2 long semesters 1 year) [F ÷ 2] 3.8 3.3 (3.25) 2.9 (2.85) MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

79 Proposed student independent learning time
Item Duration (hours) or requirements Proposed Student Self Learning Time (hours) Lecture 1 1-2 Tutorial Tutorial (involving case studies) 3 Laboratory (including report writing) 2-3 Undergraduate Final Year Project/ Dissertation credits Studio Work 2 Presentation 3-4 Coursework/Assignment 2000 words Creative Writing (or a project that last a whole semester) 100 – 150 pages 8-10 Examination 10 – 20* Source: Bengkel Kebangsaan Pemantapan Sistem Kredit MQF, 31 Jan. – 2 Feb by Quality Assurance Division, Ministry of Higher Education (Malaysia). * Proposed by MQA, depending on the field of study and the intensity of the examination. MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

80 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
Learning Outcomes and Student Learning Time (A subject with 6 learning outcomes and 1.5 credit hours) Learning Outcomes Lecture Tute Self -learning Total SLT 1 explain the types of contracts; 2 3 6 distinguish between offer, acceptance and an invitation to treat; 5 10 differentiate the types considerations; 4 describe the principles concerning termination and breach of contract; Summarise principles of damages; Examine, analyse, compile, apply and justify the principles of contract in given scenario. 9 - Assessment (1 coursework and one 3-hour examinations) 12 16 63 MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

81 Module Academic Load & Credits
Outcome Based Education Outcome Based Education 11/11/2018 Module Academic Load & Credits Learning Activities SLT (in hours) 1 Lectures (54) a Attending Lectures 24 b Pre and Post preparation* 30 2 Tutorial (18) Attending tutorial 9 Preparation for tutorial* 3 Laboratory (36) Practical Prepreparation and Report writing* 12 Learning Activities SLT (in hours) 4 Assessments (23) a. 1 continuos assessement (1 hour + 3 hours preparation*) b. 1 presentation (1 hour + 5 hours preparation*) 6 c. 1 Final Examination (3 hour + 10 hours preparation*) 13 Total 131 Subject Credit (131 ÷ 40 = 3.27) 3 * See Proposed student independent learning in relation (Slide 17) MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 81 81

82 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
Credits per semester Modules Face to Face Learning Independent Learning Lab Hours Evaluation Total SLT Credit 1 Genetics 42 (2+1) 42 26 16 126 3 2 Biochemistry Cell Biology 12 112 4 ICT 28 (2+1) 28 14 10 80 5 English 63 7 127 6 Moral/Islamic Studies 28 (1+1) Anatomy 70 (3+2) 128 294 301 92 91 778 19 PHY407 FSG500 MQF.Roz.Roadshow 11/11/2018 MQF in Programmes.Roz.Roadshow Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

83 Outcome Based Education
11/11/2018 Purpose of Education Your Role: Agents of Change “The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done -- men who are creative, inventive and discoverers” Jean Piaget “Teachers are powerful people and keepers of the future. Help your students dream big!” Leslie Owen Wilson My Role: Facilitate Your Change Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011 83 Copyright DR JJ, ASERG, UiTM, Shah Alam 83

84 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
Reflections Dr JJ: ; “Education, we see, is not merely gaining knowledge or skills helpful toward productive work, though certainly that is a part of it. Rather it is a replenishment and an expansion of the natural thirst of the mind and soul. Learning is a gradual process of growth, each step building upon the other. It is a process whereby the learner organizes and integrates not only facts but attitudes and values. The Lord has told us that we must open our minds and our hearts to learn. There is a Chinese proverb: Wisdom is as the moon rises, perceptible not in progress but in result. As our knowledge is converted to wisdom, the door to opportunity is unlocked.” Barbara W. Winder “The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” Herbert Spencer “The one real goal of education is to leave a person asking questions.” Max Beerbohm 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

85 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011
Reflections You can know the name of a bird (or element) in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird (or element)... So let's look at the bird to see what it's doing—that's what counts.  I've learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something. —Richard Feynman TASK-CA 11/11/2018 Copyright DrJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM. March 2011

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