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Hypertension in pregnancy

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1 Hypertension in pregnancy
Hypertensive disorders complicate 3.7% of all pregnancies and is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Identification of patients at high risk and timely detection with proper management can prevent life threatening complications. Diagnosis-working group report(2000) 1)Gestational hypertension- Bp >/= 140/90 mm of hG for first time during pregnancy No proteinuria Bp returns to normal within 12 weeks postpartum So final diagnosis-only post partum

2 2)Pre-eclampsia -minimum criteria bp>/=140/90 mm of hg after 20 weeks gestation. Proteinuria >/= 300 mg /24 hrs Increased certainity of pre-eclampsia Bp>/= 160/110 mm of hg Proteinuria 2g/24 hrs or >/=2+dipstick S.creatinine > 1.2 mg%(unless previously elevated) Platelets<100,000/ Microangiopathic hemolysis Elevated ALT/AST Persistent headache/cerebral/visual disturbances/persistent epigastric pain.

3 3)eclampsia-seizures that cannot be attributed to other causes in a woman with pre eclampsia
4)Superimposed preeclampsia(on chronic hypertension) New onset proteinuria >/=300 mg/24 hrs but no proteinuria before 20 weeks. Sudden increase in proteinuria/BP/platelet count<100,000/cumm if hypertension & proteinuria before 20 weeks 5)Chronc hypertension-BP>/=140/90 mm of hg before pregnancy or before 20 weeks gestation (excluding hydatidiform mole/acute polyhydramnios) OR Hypertension first diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation and persistent after 12 weeks post partum.

4 HISTORY Age –more common in young primigravidae and elderly primigravidae >35 years(increased incidence of hypertension with superimposed pre-eclampsia) Poor socioeconomic status-poor antenatal care and poor nurtition Residence-high altitude-increased incidence of pre-eclampsia Race-african american women are more prone Obstetric history-parity-primigravidae,h/o pregnancy complications like h.mole,multiple pregnancy,polyhydramnios,rh-incompatibility,gestational diabetes Marital history-h/o new paternity Past h/o any medical disorders-essential HT,chronic renal disease,diabetes mellitus,endocrine disorders,connective tissue disorders Family h/o of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in mother/siblings

5 h/o symptoms of pre-eclampsia(usually after 20th week)
h/o swelling of ankles which persists on rising from bed in the morning Tightness of the finger ring Swelling may extending to face,abdomen,vulva or whole body. Ominous symptoms Headache-occipital/frontal,disturbed sleep Dimished output of urine Epigastric pain/vomiting-due to hepatocellular ischemia/necrosis,edema,with stretching of glissons capsule,subcapsular hge Blurring/dimness of vision,blindness-spasm of retinal vessels,retinal edema,retinal detachment,occipital lobe lesions(hypodensities on MRI)

6 SIGNS Abnormal weight gain-greater than 5 pounds/month or1 pound/week
Edema-common feature in 80% of normotensive pregnancies,so no longer incloded in the definition of pre-eclampsia Mild edema-ignore Sudden,severe widespread edema-pathological-may indicate imminent eclampsia

7 Blood pressure measurement-ideally woman should be seated for 5 minutes before measuring BP with feet supported on the ground & arm resting on a table at the level of the heart.( Each cm above/below-0.8 mm hg change in bp recording) BP recording in LLP-spuriously reduced by mm of hg. The same arm should be used on each occasion Cuff should be of appropriate size (12 cm bladder width for regular patients & 15cm for more obese women) Readings should be recorded to the nearest 2 mm of hg. Use korotkoff phase 5(disappearance of sound)

8 To diagnose HT in pregnancy BP should be >/= 140/90 mm of hg at 2 separate readings at least 4 hrs apart. MAP=systolic BP+2* diastolic BP 3 MAP>/=105 mm of hg or ^ in MAP by 20 mmof hg from previous is also diagnostic of HT in pregnancy Diastolic BP tends to rise first followed by the systolic

9 P/A-the fundal height will be less than period of gestation-oligohydramnios,iugr
Abdominal wall edema may be present-FHS may be difficult to localise Signs of IUD/abruption/preterm labour Fundoscopic examination-retinal edema,arteriolar constriction,alteration of normal vein to arteriole diameter from 3:2 to 3:1,nicking of veins by the arterioles Patient may present with eclampsia in the antenatal period(50%) Eclamptic fit-premomitory stage,tonic stage,clonic stage,stage of coma. Fits usually multiple episodes at varying intervals/status epilepticus

10 Premonitory stage-unconscious,twitching of the muscles of face ,tongue and limbs,rolling f eyeballs-30 sec Tonic stage-tonic spasm of all voluntary muscles with opisthotonus,limbs flexed,hands clenched.respiration ceases,tongue protrudes.cyanosis appears ,eyeballs are fixed-30sec Clonic stage-voluntary muscles undergo alternate contractuion/relaxationbiting of tongue ,breathing sterterous,blood stained frothy secretions fill mouth,cyansis disappears gradually-1 to 4 min Stage of coma-for brief period or lasyts till next convulsion,pt may be in confused state foll seizure,coma may occur without prior convulsion

11 r/o other causes of convulsions-epilepsy/,hysteria,encephalitis,meningitis,poisoning,cerebral malaria,neurocysticercosis,intracranial tumours o/e-temp raised,^ pulse,resp rate,BP Disoriention-cerebral haemorrhage Urine output-markedly decreased,haematuria with jaundice(HELLP syndrome),anuria-b/l renal cortical necrosis Injuries-tongue bite,due to fall RS-basal crepitations- pulmonary edema(aspiration),signs of hypostatic/infective pneumonia,pulmonary embolism(cyanosis,resp distress) Shock-acute LVF-due to anoxia ,muscular exhaustion Generalised bleeding tendency-DIC Blindness

12 Tests of prediction Based on the abnormal vascular responsivity/sympathetic overactivity in women destined to develop HT later in pregnancy. ROLL OVER TEST weeks Positive predictive value-33% Positive roll over test indicates abnormal angiotensin 2 sensitivity Angiotensin 2 infusion test

13 Early prenatal detection
Increased prenatal visits during 3rd trimester If overt hypertension(>140/90mm 0f hg)-admit the patient and evaluate the severity of pih Pts with new onset diastolic BP of mm of hg or wt gain>2 pounds/week should come for return visit in 3-4 days Once admitted-daily scrutiny for symptoms/signs of imminent eclampsia Daily wt chart 4th hrly BP chart Clinical evaluation of fetal size,amniotic fluid volume

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