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The Ins and Outs of Indexes

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Presentation on theme: "The Ins and Outs of Indexes"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ins and Outs of Indexes
Indexing Basics in SQL Server Mindy Curnutt TMW Systems, Inc. VP, Information Management SQL Server MVP

2 About Me Wife & Mother Busy-Bee Musician Soap Making Baking Crocheting
Business Owner Event Planning

3 About Me VP, Information Management, TMW SQL Server MVP
SQL Server since 6.5 / 1995 (20 Years) SQLPASS Speaker, 2005, 2012, 2013, 2015 PASS Program Manager 2015

4 Agenda Objectives Clustered Indexes Non Clustered Indexes

5 Objectives Understand how to create effective and efficient indexes
Clustered Index Learn what are they and why important? Non Clustered Indexes When and how are they used? What are Included Columns? Uniqueness Why you should care

6 Types of Indexes The Basics Clustered Non Clustered Unique
Getting Fancy (not in this presentation) Filtered Full-Text Spatial XML

7 Agenda Objectives Clustered Indexes Non Clustered Indexes

8 Clustered Indexes Clustered Index – sort order of the data within the table on the hard drive and in memory. One per table

9 Clustered Indexes Desired Qualities Narrow Data Type Unique Static

10 Clustered Indexes Narrow Data Type Less Data Duplicated Smaller…
Databases Backups Maintenance Plan Times Scans

11 Clustered Indexes Unique Not Required Prevents Uniqueifier
Best to be Narrow…remember?

12 Clustered Indexes Static Changes cause…
Additional overhead for Non Clustered Indexes Clustered Index Fragmentation A Bit of Advice? Bad Idea

13 Clustered Indexes Increasing Data is added to the end of the index
Reduces fragmentation

14 Clustered Indexes Demos No Clustered Index (Heap)
Non Unique Clustered Index Unique Clustered Index

15 Agenda Objectives Clustered Indexes Non Clustered Indexes

16 Non Clustered Indexes For Common Queries
Link to Clustered Indexes or Heap through Key or RID Bookmark Lookup

17 Bookmark (Key/RID) Lookup

18 Non Clustered Indexes Demo Bookmark (Key/RID) Lookup Covering Index

19 Platinum Level Sponsors
Gold Level Sponsors Venue Sponsor Key Note Sponsor Pre Conference Sponsor

20 Silver Level Sponsors Bronze Level Sponsors

21 Mindy Curnutt Director, Database Architecture, TMW Systems
Q U E S T I O N S Mindy Curnutt Director, Database Architecture, TMW Systems p: e: twitter M O V I N G Y O U F O R W A R D T H A N K Y O U

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