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Nature’s Fierce Feline Cotton Couture Fashion Inspired by Nature

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Presentation on theme: "Nature’s Fierce Feline Cotton Couture Fashion Inspired by Nature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature’s Fierce Feline Cotton Couture Fashion Inspired by Nature
Rebecca Floros

2 The Dress

3 The Fashion Show

4 Why Cotton? Cotton Incorporated Grant Cotton is a natural fiber
Cotton is a sustainable fiber

5 Cotton Incorporated

6 A Trip to Cotton Incorporated

7 Cotton as a Natural Fiber

8 Cotton’s Sustainability

9 Incorporation of Worldview
Genesis 2:15 (KJV) “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”

10 References Cotton Incorporated. (2016). Cotton incorporated's history. Retrieved from: Fletcher, K., & Lynes, J. (2015). Sustainability in style. Alternatives Journal, 41(3), 16-18,6. Retrieved from: docview/ ?accuntid=12085 Kopnina, H. (2014). Sustainability in environmental education: new strategic Thinking. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 17. Retrieved from: md=addFacetValueFilters%28IsScholarly%2C+true%29&s.fvf5B%5D=&s.q=sustainability+in +environmental+education&t.AuthorCombined=&t.TitleCombined=&t.isbn=&t.issn=&t.issue =&t.publicationtitle=&t.volume= Weber, S., & Hui, S. (2015). Designing a better world. Alternatives Journal, 41(3), 46. Retrieved from: / ?accountid=12085 Weiss, C., Trevenen, A.,White, T. (2014). The branding of sustainable fashion. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 1(2), doi: /fspc _1. Retrieved from: = dFacetValuefilters%28IsScholarly%2C+true%29&s.fvf%5B%%D=&s.q=Thebranding+of+sus tainable+fashion&T.AuthorCombined=&t.TitleCombined=&t.isbn=&t.isn=&t.issue=&t.publica tiontitle=&t.volme= Price, A., & Cohen, A.C. (2012). J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science. 10th Edition. New York, New York: Fairchild Books. Pp

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