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Cardiovascular System

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1 Cardiovascular System
Major function = transport blood which carries O2, nutrients, cell wastes, hormones and many other substances vital to homeostasis

2 Heart size of YOUR fist, cone-shaped, pumps 6 qts. of blood
Normal =75 bpm, hollow, weighs < 1 lb. apex = pointed part, lies above left hip base = where large vessels emerge, near 2nd rib, points toward rt. shoulder pericardium = slippery sac around heart, (less friction) 2 parts visceral/ epicardium = inside layer parietal = outside layer, anchors it to diaphragm and sternum pericarditis= inflammation of the pericardium, less fluid, adhesions stick

3 Heart walls (3 parts) Epicardium = outer most
Myocardium = thick cardiac muscle, ring like arrangement Endocardium = thin, glistening sheet inside of the chambers 4 Chambers 2 atria = collecting, low pressure 2 ventricles = pumping, hi pressure, thick walls interventricular septum divides the ventricles 

4 Heart is a double pump Left side = systemic circulation,
Rt. side = pulmonary circulation , receives O2 poor blood and pumps it to the lungs to drop off CO2 and get O2, then back to heart Left side = systemic circulation, blood pumped out the aorta to body and back to heart Lt. Ventricle walls much thicker b/c blood has to travel all over body!

5 4 Valves (operate by pressure one-way flow!!)
2 btwn. the atria and ventricles Rt. side = tricuspid Left side =bicuspid(mitral) has 2 flaps 2 semi-lunar (open only when contracting) * pulmonary(rt. side) aortic (lt. side) *** Faulty valves make heart work harder  eventually have to replace it with a pig’s valve

6 Cardiac circulation left and rt. coronary arteries branch off the aorta, lie in the crease btwn. a/v, oxygenate and nourish the heart itself ** When myocardium is deprived of O2, crushing chest pain called angina pectoris. Should never be ignored. If prolonged, “myocaridal infarction”  “coronary heart attack”

7 Heart Conduction regulated by the “nodal system”= an intrinsic cross btwn. the nervous and muscle systems Sinoatrial node (SA) = “pace maker” (sets pace for whole heart) Fibrillation = rapid uncontrolled heart rate, major cause of death Tachycardia = rapid HR. Over 100 bpm Bradycardia = low HR, less that 60 bpm


9 Cardiac sounds (of ventricles)
cardiac cycle = one complete heartbeat(both A and V contract and relax) With a stethoscope, you hear 2 distinct sounds 1. “lub” = closing of AV valves, longer and louder 2. “dup’ = SL valves close, short and sharp murmurs = abnormal/ unusual heart sounds * common in children and elderly * can indicate valve problems

10 Regulation of Heart Rate
During stress, sympathetic N.S. stimulates SA and AV nodes to increase HR, which increases O2 and glucose to body Then, the parasympathetic N. S. regulates HR back to normal. All of the following can affect HR!! Epinepherine, thyroxine, amt. of ions Ca+2, Na +, Cl- , age, gender, exercise, and body temp, Fetus = bpm females= males = 64-72

11 Homeostasis Heart tries desperately to maintain the balance of output and input. A decrease in pumping efficiency is called “congestive heart failure”, due to progressive weakening of the vessels, increase in fat in vessels and constant hi BP. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR HEART!! IT TAKES CARE OF YOU 

12 Stroke Heart attack
Disorders of Blood and CV system VWD: Stroke Heart attack Patrick’s story

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