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Persian Gulf & Eastern Mediterranean Natural Environments

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1 Persian Gulf & Eastern Mediterranean Natural Environments
The Middle East Persian Gulf & Eastern Mediterranean Natural Environments

2 Landforms and Rivers Tectonic forces have shaped the physical features of this region Rugged Mountains Narrow gulfs and seas Turkey lies in Europe and Asia, most lies in Asia and is known as Anatolia Three narrow bodies of water separate Europe from Asia (Bosporus, Dardanelles and Sea of Marmara)

3 Middle East Map

4 Mountains Zagros Mountains Elbruz Mountains Kopet-Dag Hindu Kush
SW. Iran Elbruz Mountains N. Iran near Caspian Kopet-Dag N. Iran Near Turkmenistan Hindu Kush Afghanistan – Western extension of the Himalayas Pontiac & Taurus Mountains N & S Anatolia

5 Physical Map

6 Mesopotamia To the north and east of the Arabian Peninsula & lies mostly in Iraq In Greek it means “between the rivers” Large plain through which two great rivers flow Tigris and Euphrates (longest in Mid East) Exotic Rivers – begin in humid regions and then flow across dry areas Join at the Shat al Arab before draining into the Persian Gulf

7 Mesopotamia – cradle of civilization

8 Rivers

9 Turkey’s coastal plain
Runs from Turkey south along the coasts of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel Jordan River flows south into the Dead Sea Dead Sea lies 1312 ft below sea level Lowest land on Earth Once part of Mediterranean salty

10 Dead Sea

11 Climates – Persian Gulf
Hot and dry dominate Southern interior mostly uninhabited desert Rub’ al-Khali (“empty quarter”) – aka Arabian Desert An Nafud Humid in N Iran and Yemen – Orographic Lowlands of Saudi Arabia among hottest on Earth – high humidity along coast

12 Arabian Desert

13 Climates – Eastern Mediterranean
Arid, semiarid, and Mediterranean Syrian Desert covers both Syria and Jordan Negev Desert lies in N. Israel Distance from sea, elevation, and rain shadows affect rainfall and temperatures Evergreen forests once covered much of E. Mediterranean Highlands Cedar trees of Lebanon

14 Lebanon

15 Natural Resources OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL, & more OIL!!!!!!!!!! Water
Most along Tigris and Euphrates Oasis – only surface water in desert areas Deep wells can reach fossil waters Fossil waters cannot be renewed Desalinization – remove salt Dead Sea provides potash and Magnesium Potash used to process wool, make glass, fertilizers and soft soap Magnesium is a light metal used in aerospace

16 Oil

17 Desalinization

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