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CreationCorruptionCataclysmConfusion CallCastaways

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Presentation on theme: "CreationCorruptionCataclysmConfusion CallCastaways"— Presentation transcript:

1 CreationCorruptionCataclysmConfusion CallCastaways
CampConquest CrownCaptivity Construction ConceptionCross ChurchCaughtAway ChastisementComing CoronationCondemnationConsummation beginning

2 Rapture

3 The 7 year tribulation begins.

4 4 horsemen


6 7 trumpets

7 3 woes

8 the antichrist

9 7 bowls of wrath are poured out

10 Here is the pouring out of the 7 bowls of wrath from the throne of God Himself!

11 The 7 bowls are poured out upon the earth 1 by 1.

12 Bowl # 1

13 since they bear the mark of the beast

14 Bowl #2

15 picture the world’s shorelines

16 Bowl #3

17 the Father now turns it to blood

18 Gal. 6:7 Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

19 Bowl #4

20 bodies will be scorched

21 little water to drink, mind you

22 4 words to describe the judgment of God…

23 1st PM slide: Bowl #5

24 Bowl #6

25 Dams are being built upstream.

26 In the news THIS WEEK:



29 When we read v. 13

30 Bowl #7

31 Eph. 2:2


33 this is a massive air exchange

34 This is tectonic

35 Then every major city of the earth is leveled





40 Imagine Hawaii disappearing

41 hailstones

42 Will fade to black automatically ‘til the end

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