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1 Review

2 Print Challenge Bruce asked, “When was the last time you had fish?”
Now try these: Bruce asked, “When was the last time you had fish?” He’s leading an FEA group. FEA stands for “Fish Eater’s Anonymous.”

3 Printing variables You can print the data that is stored within a variable by passing the variable as an argument into the print function name = “Donald” name = “Donald” print (name) print (“Hello, my name is”, name) >> Donald >> Hello, my name is Donald

4 Changing variables Variables are called variables because the data stored in them can be changed You can change the value/data stored in a variable with a second assigning statement dollars = 19.99 print (“I have”, dollars, “in my account”) dollars = print (“Now, I have”, dollars, “in my account”)

5 Multiple Assignments You can assign multiple variables on the same line: x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 # the variables will assume the values in order You can also assign the same value to multiple variables x = y = z = 10 # variables x, y, and z will all hold the value of 10

6 Practice You’re working on a simple inventory management system for a small store. You’d like to store the name and price of two products and print them, so that your inventory page looks something like this: Item: Bread, price: $ 1.99 Item: Eggs, price: $ 3.49

7 Let’s make our programs more interactive!
Input Function Let’s make our programs more interactive!

8 Reading input from the user
So far, we have learned how to: OUTPUT information (print function) STORE information (variables) Now, we will learn how to get INPUT from the user, via the keyboard

9 Input Function You can make your programs interactive by asking the user to input some sort of information, using the input( ) function Notice that again, this keyword has a set of parentheses for an argument This means we CAN use the word input as a variable name

10 Input Function input ( ) has the same function as print ( ) , in that, they output whatever argument is passed into the function However, the input function only accepts one argument

11 Input Function The program will wait for the user to enter a response and continue to run the program when the user hits ENTER (in other words, the input function will cause a pause in the execution of your program) WARNING: You must store the data SOMEWHERE! (in a variable)

12 Input Function Example: username = input (“What is your username?: ” )
print (“Welcome,”, username, “!”) >> What is your username?: Donald >> Welcome, Donald !

13 Input function The input ( ) will always “return” a string
This means that its output will always be treated as a string, as well as when it is stored in a variable price = input (“Give me a number:”) new_price = price+ 2 print (new_price)

14 Input function The input ( ) will always “return” a string
This means that its output will always be treated as a string, as well as when it is stored in a variable price = input (“Give me a number:”) new_price = price # you are trying to add a string to an integer value print (new_price) # this will run an error because you added two values that were not the same type

15 Input function (Solution)
price = input (“Give me a number:”) new_price = price + “2” print (new_price) >> Give me a number: 43 >> 432

16 Let’s try it again This time, using the input function, ask the user for the name and price of two products and print out a similar inventory for your store: Item: bread, Price: $ 15.99 Item: orange juice, Price: $ 34.67

17 Programming Challenge
Write a program that allows the user to enter in their first name, and then their last name. Then, greet the user with a welcome message. First Name: Donald Last Name: Seok Welcome, Donald Seok !

18 Let’s have a little fun …
Name a place: Another place A verb: A type of plant: An object: A color: An adjective: A type of weather: A feeling:

19 Mad Lib Exercise

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