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Warm-Up 3/1/17 and 3/2/17 Think of a Bumble Bee… What is its habitat?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up 3/1/17 and 3/2/17 Think of a Bumble Bee… What is its habitat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up 3/1/17 and 3/2/17 Think of a Bumble Bee… What is its habitat?
What is its niche? 3) Identify the abiotic and biotic factors in the picture? 4) What is the organization of life? (Start with organism and get larger). Loss of an organism

2 Predator and Prey

3 Adaptations Every organism has a variety of adaptations (characteristics) that are suited to its specific conditions which help the organism to survive. The adaptations can also assist them in their interactions with other organisms.

4 Predation An interaction in which one organism hunts and kills another organism for food is called predation. Definitions: Predator the hunter Prey the hunted

5 Predator Adaptations Helps them catch & kill their prey Speed
Stingers, toxins, sharp teeth Camouflage (blending in) Night vision

6 Prey Adaptations Also known as “defense strategies” to avoid predation: Camouflage Protective coverings Warning coloring Defensive chemicals Mimicry False coloring

7 Camouflage Prey blend in to their environment to avoid being eaten by predators.

8 Protective Coverings This might include needles, spikes, shell, etc.

9 Warning Coloring Bright colors warn predators that the prey may be poisonous and to stay away!

10 Defensive Chemicals Some animals defend themselves with distinctive sprays/smells.

11 Mimicry The ability some animals have to resemble another animal (usually a more harmful one) so closely that they can fool either their prey or their predators. Coral Snake King Snake Ex: Coral Snake is venomous. King snake is not, but closely resembles Coral snake. Ex: Monarch caterpillars eat milkweed. The white, milky substance in milkweed is toxic to many animals--but not to monarchs. This poison carries over to the adult butterflies, therefore predators avoid eating monarch butterflies because of this poison. Viceroy butterflies do not have this poison but resemble Monarchs. Monarch Viceroy

12 False Coloring Used to trick predators (spot can be mistaken for eyes, etc.)

13 Please remember… Adaptations are traits with a current functional role in the life of an organism This can go beyond predator/prey relationships Mating/reproduction Environmental Adaptations Ex: For the proboscis monkey, the larger the male’s nose, the better chance he has for finding a female mate. The nose also helps make loud warning calls. Ex: These Fennec foxes use their large, sensitive ears to let off heat, and to hear prey moving underground.

14 Twig Videos Link: OR
Video 1: Predators and Prey Video 2: Adaptation Link: OR

15 Let’s turn to the left hand pg. 70
Animal Chart Fill out the chart with a partner Trait How it benefits the animal Predator or prey?

16 Owl Pellet Lab Let’s dissect a real example of a predator-prey relationship… Download the Owl Pellet Lab from my class website You will complete the lab with your group Step 1: Measure length, width and mass of owl pellet and take picture Step 2: Write observations about the exterior Step 3: Match bones on owl pellet bone chart and take picture Step 4: Build prey-animal skeletons and take picture, label skeletons Analysis Questions will be HW if not finished in class *Submit to JG when completed* (Make collage if file is too big)

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