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Analyzing Political Cartoons

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1 Analyzing Political Cartoons

2 Uses of Political Cartoons
Present a point of view. Propaganda. Draw attention to an idea, event, or person. Encourage a course of action. Stimulate debate on an issue.

3 Elements of Political Cartoons
Although many cartoons are for just entertainment several cartoons we see today make clear political statements. Ex. The Simpson’s and South Park

4 #1 - Symbolism This is to use a picture or sign to represent something other than itself. Example: Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” cartoon.

5 This cartoon shows a picture of a cut up snake
This cartoon shows a picture of a cut up snake. As we look closer we see each piece Is labeled for a different US colony. So each piece of the snake symbolizes a colony.

6 Exaggeration and Distortion
Cartoonists often will exaggerate or lessen sizes of objects in order to make a statement about the subject of the cartoon. This can be making a statement about – -weakness or power -importance or insignificance -dangerous or helplessness -drawing attention to different aspects of the subject.

7 The Steroid Needle is exaggerated in order to make a comment about Barry Bonds
His use of Steroids.

8 Stereotyping Stereotyping is used to make exaggerations and generalizations about the feature of an entire group. (example: African Americans, Irish, Asians, etc). This is directed at our unconscious biases that we have.

9 What stereotypes are present for the Mexican man crawling through the flag. What
does the flag symbolize?

10 Caricatures Caricatures are exaggerations.
These exaggerations have to deal with the prominent facial and body features of the object being drawn.

11 Look at the exaggeration of President Bush’s Facial Features (Ears, Nose, Eyebrows,
Etc. What do think the Cartoonist is trying to say about the President?

12 Captions Captions are used to reinforce the pictures within the cartoon. Many times famous sayings, slogans, songs are used. The Captions should not take away from the purpose of the cartoon.

13 The use of the phrase “Stay the course” is an example of a caption.

14 Examples: On a sheet of paper write down the examples of elements of Political Cartoons that are present

15 There is also another element
To political cartoons that Must be understood in order To understand the meaning. That is the symbolism of the Historical Time. First of all what elements of Analyzing Political Cartoons Are present? What do you think the Tiger Represents?

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