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Taxes & The Economy & You

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Presentation on theme: "Taxes & The Economy & You"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxes & The Economy & You
The differences between death and taxes? death doesn’t get worse every time congress meets Securities offered through Crown Capital Securities, LP., a registered Broker/Dealer. Member FINRA/SIPC 104 S Freya Spokane WA Jarvis Financial Services Inc. is an SEC registered RIA

2 “Important” Disclaimers
Past performance is no indication of future results. The following material is for educational use only and should not be viewed as tax, legal or cooking advice. Securities offered through Crown Capital Securities, LP, a registered broker/dealer/ Member FINRA/SIPC. Jarvis Financial Services Inc is a SEC registered RIA The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of stocks that can not be directly invested into. Historical illustrations do not take into account the effects of fees or taxes. The world did not end yesterday. Please note that the world did not end yesterday.

3 “Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.”


5 Fair Share? >$465k $133k to $189k <$39k
The bottom 50 percent of taxpayers (taxpayers with AGIs below $38,173) faced an average income tax rate of 3.45 percent. As household income increases, the IRS data shows that average income tax rates rise. For example, taxpayers with AGIs between the 10th and 5th percentile ($133,445 and $188,996) pay an average rate of 13.7 percent – almost four times the rate paid by those in the bottom 50 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers (AGI of $465,626 and above) paid the highest effective income tax rate, at 27.2 percent, 7.9 times the rate faced by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers.




9 Single $12,000 Married $24,000

10 Multi-year focus Group Itemized Deductions RMD to Charity
ROTH Conversions

11 Pay Now or pay later? IRA vs. ROTH

12 Economic update

13 How much higher can we go?

14 What do we know? We DON”T know the market level
We don’t know how far down it will go We DO know it will be temporary (1) The equity market historically corrects temporarily by an average of 14% a year. (2) One year in five or six, it has historically gone down temporarily an average of about twice that. (3) It has in every case then resumed the permanent advance of both values and dividends. (4) The benefit of being able to ride out those declines (with my empathetic coaching) is wealth that has historically compounded at about seven full percentage points over inflation. That’s quite a bit more than twice the real compound return of quality corporate bonds. (5) The challenge to successful equity investing, therefore, is not intellectual or analytical, but temperamental. To wit: If you can’t ride out a 14% average annual market decline, and a decline averaging twice that one year in five or so, you can’t be an equity investor. (6) Everything else (including the the bear market chart, all graphs, all facts and all numbers) is commentary. What do we know?



17 What pops the bubble?

18 Inflation? $4 TRILLION

19 Equites plus 5-year war chest

20 Side Note: The Bet S&P Vs. Hedge Funds

21 Side Note: Bitcoin & beanie babies


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