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WATER QUALITY Vol 3: Biological Characteristics

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1 WATER QUALITY Vol 3: Biological Characteristics

2 I. Biological Characteristics
The composition of the community of organisms living in and around a body of fresh water

3 II. EPT Index While we look at the aquatic community as a whole (the variety of plants, animals, microbes, etc.) that live in a freshwater ecosystem Macroinvertebrates- large insects, snails, crustaceans and worms can tell us the most about water quality. EPT INDEX- is a measure of water quality as indicated by three types of insect larva that are especially sensitive to pollution

4 III. Indicator Species Tolerant- these animals can handle poor water quality, such as low oxygen levels and chemical pollution Slightly Tolerant-these animals can handle moderate levels of pollution and oxygen, so they indicate fair water quality. Intolerant-these organisms require perfectly clean water with high oxygen levels. They indicate good water quality.

5 IV. What Affects the Quality of Surface Water?
The overall quality in a given water body is determined by a combination of four categories: Water chemistry Sediment chemistry Physical habitat Biological community

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