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“The church and its members” (Part 1)

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Presentation on theme: "“The church and its members” (Part 1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The church and its members” (Part 1)
1 Timothy 2

2 Specific instructions for the behavior of the saints -- Let prayers be made for all!
The Men; Praying Everywhere (1Timothy 2:1-8) The priority of prayer (Verse 1a) The variety of prayer (Verse 1b) The objects of prayer (Verse 1c-2) Reasons for prayer (Verses 3-4) Basis for prayer (Verses 5-7) The attitude one should have in prayer (Verse 8)

3 Specific instructions for the behavior of the saints -- Let prayers be made for all!
The women; Submitting (1 Timothy 2:9-15) Modest dress (Verse 9) Godly works (Verse 10) Quiet learning (Verse 11) Respecting authority (Verses 12-15)

4 “The church and its members” (Part 1)
1 Timothy 2

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