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Offensive line run technique

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1 Offensive line run technique
Mike Kirschner Head Coach Ben Davis High School State Champions 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2014, 2017 MIC Champions 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012, 2013, 2017

2 THE DRIVE BLOCK Phase I: Stance and Start Stance: Feet:
The blocker should keep a good base with feet approximately armpit to shoulder width apart. Feet should be never be set deeper than the instep of the opposite foot. Toes should be about even with possible a toe to instep relationship; the foot on the down hand side should slightly turned in. Power Angles: The blocker’s weight should be carried on the inside balls of the feet. Your heels should be slightly off the ground. The blocker’s knees should be straight in line with the foot. A “z” should be formed by the thigh, lower leg, and foot. Down Hand: Place your down hand slightly inside the line of the rear foot. Weight distribution should be about 60% on hand, 40% on feet.

3 DRIVE BLOCK CONT. Stance continued
Place offhand wrist beside knee; this keeps shoulders square Back, Shoulders, Neck and Eyes: Off Hand: Back should stay parallel to the ground. Shoulders should stay parallel to the line of scrimmage. Tail should be slightly higher than shoulders. Neck should be bulled up. Eyes should be straight ahead; see the feet of the defender. Start: Initial movement should be forward, not up. The first step should be a short 4-6 inch step so that the knee is slightly past the toe. Keep feet on the ground for power. Knee of the forward foot should point to the ground on the first step. Arm action is similar to sprinter’s start. Back is flat; chest is over the lead thigh. Bull neck – sight target. Follow immediately with short 2nd and 3rd step.

4 CONTACT Contact Timing the Pop
Rip arms up in unison and simultaneous with first 4-6 inch step. Hands may be either clenched or open. Tim the pop: Hands make contact as lead foot hits the ground. Thumbs up, and elbows in. Elbows should rub your sides.

5 THE FIT POSITION The Fit Fit Position
Fists or palms should be at bottom of the breastplate so that hands and helmet form a triangle. Feet should be parallel with toes slightly turned in. Knees should be slightly bent to retain power angles. Knees should be over ankles. Blocker should keep his tail down. Arch back, as in squat position, with shoulders kept square. Face should be up with neck bulled. Eyes should be under chin of defender at all times.

Blocker will drive defender off the ball using proper leverage, hip roll, feet acceleration, and maintenance of block. The blocker should take short, choppy steps. From a fit position, blocker moves defender, by straightening knees and unlocking hips as the block progresses. It is very important during this phase to not over-stride and not over extend. The defender will be moved back and up as the block continues. Blocker should pigeon toe feet and hear feet pound into the ground.

7 DRIVE BLOCK DRILLS Time the pop drill Follow through drill-boards Walk
Run Mattress Sled Chute Drive – shade alignment

8 REACH BLOCK First step must be taken with the play side foot to take the blocker to where the defender is or will be – this step is 45-degree angle step 4-6 inches in length The second step should split the crotch of the down defender as inside hand is brought to defenders breastplate The third step should square play side foot. The step should extend outside hip of the defender as the play side hand contacts play side defender should pad

9 REACH BLOCK CONT. Be sure to lock out the outside arm and post it to help gain leverage Complete the block using stomp/drag technique If defender skates flip hips and run defender to the sideline Drills Start from fit and work post/stomp/drag Start from stance walk-jog-run Have defender work up field or skate outside

10 COMBO BLOCK Purpose – to create movement on a down defensive lineman at the same time locating second level defender Both blockers will step simultaneously with the play side foot(to the defender) and stair step up Both blockers must create movement on the down defender – preach patience and physicality

11 COMBO BLOCK CONT. They must not put second hand on defender as this causes the OL to turn his shoulders and slows reaction time for 2nd level defender Once second level defender appears Playside blocker releases to 2nd level defender and cuts him off Remaining OL, on down defender, will attempt to cut the man off Communication ME/YOU call

12 TRAP BLOCK From stance have OL put his weight on the foot he plans to push off of First step is a slight angle step toward the leg of the center – by taking this angle the OL will not get so flat and will be able to work technique into LOS Drill this with a center blocking back on a defender so that he gets use to the path. Also he lets the center know that he has to get out of the way

13 POWER PULL I do not have guards open up to the sideline – they can’t see any type of run through and are never ready to react Never pass a different color jersey on your way Know potential person you are pulling for pre-snap Work depth of stance pre-snap

14 POWER PULL CONT. From stance have OL put his weight on the foot he plans to push off of Keep shoulders squared as you pull and eyes up Turn up into first space past the playside guard Take 2nd level defender anyway he wants to go – let your RB be an athlete

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