Jesus Christ was Jehovah of the Old Testament

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus Christ was Jehovah of the Old Testament"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus Christ was Jehovah of the Old Testament
“He was the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament” (The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles)

2 What do you know about this name/title in the scriptures?
the Lord What do you know about this name/title in the scriptures?


4 “MESSIAH-GLADNESS” Sweet John 3:16
1 Prince of Peace 1 Savior 8 Emmanuel 8 Healer 5 Mighty God 5 Lamb of God 4 The Rock 4 Faithful One 3 Redeemer 3 Good Shepherd 6 Holy One 6 Alpha & Omega 7 King of Kings 7 The Word 2 Messiah 2 Older Brother

5 “MESSIAH-GLADNESS” Sweet John 3:16
1 Prince of Peace 1 Savior 8 Emmanuel 8 Healer 5 Mighty God 5 Lamb of God 4 The Rock 4 Faithful One 3 Redeemer 3 Good Shepherd 6 Holy One 6 Alpha & Omega 7 King of Kings 7 The Word 2 Messiah 2 Older Brother

6 “MESSIAH-GLADNESS” Sweet John 3:16
1 Prince of Peace 1 Savior 8 Emmanuel 8 Healer 5 Mighty God 5 Lamb of God 4 The Rock 4 Faithful One 3 Redeemer 3 Good Shepherd 6 Holy One 6 Alpha & Omega 7 King of Kings 7 The Word 2 Messiah 2 Older Brother

7 “MESSIAH-GLADNESS” Sweet John 3:16
1 Prince of Peace 1 Savior 8 Emmanuel 8 Healer 5 Mighty God 5 Lamb of God 4 The Rock 4 Faithful One 3 Redeemer 3 Good Shepherd 6 Holy One 6 Alpha & Omega 7 King of Kings 7 The Word 2 Messiah 2 Older Brother

8 Which title resonates most with you?
“MESSIAH-GLADNESS” Sweet John 3:16 1 Prince of Peace 1 Savior 8 Emmanuel 8 Healer 5 Mighty God 5 Lamb of God 4 The Rock 4 Faithful One 3 Redeemer 3 Good Shepherd 6 Holy One 6 Alpha & Omega 7 King of Kings 7 The Word 2 Messiah 2 Older Brother Which title resonates most with you?

9 I Am Statements in the New Testament
John 6:51 John 8:12 John 10:9 John 10:11 John 11:25 John 14:6 John 15:1 Rev 1:8 I AM the living bread I AM the light of the world I AM the door I AM the good shepherd I AM the resurrection I AM the way I AM the true vine I AM Alpha and Omega

10 The Names of the Lord

11 The Names of the Lord

12 Hint: What are some opposites of “I am”
Exodus 3:1-6, 11-14 Why the title “I AM”? Hint: What are some opposites of “I am”

13 Elder Holland, “Today, the Most Important Day of your Life” BYU-Idaho Devotional 1982

14 Elder Holland, “Today, the Most Important Day of your Life” BYU-Idaho Devotional 1982

15 The Names of The Lord Which attribute has he been in your life?
Name: Elyon “The most high God” Passage: Genesis 14:17-20 Name: Roi “The strong one who sees.” Passage: Genesis 16:13 Name: El-Shaddai “The Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.” Passage: Gen. 17:1 Name: Jireh “The Lord will provide” Passage: Genesis 22:13-14 Name: Shammah “The Lord who is present” Passage: Genesis 28:15 Name: Rapha “The Lord our healer.” Passage: Exodus 15:26 Name: Adonai “King of kings and the Lord of lords” Passage: Judges 6:15 Name: Shalom “The Lord is peace” Passage: Judges 6:24 Name: Sabbaoth “The Lord of Hosts” Passage: 1 Samuel 17:45 Which attribute has he been in your life?

16 Which attribute of god do you need now?
Yahweh. “He will always exist” Adonai “King of kings” Elyon “The most high God” El-Shaddai “The Almighty Creator.” Shammah “The Lord who is present” Rapha “The Lord our healer.” Jireh “The Lord will provide” Nissi “The Lord our banner and victor” Shalom “The Lord is peace” Sabbaoth “The Lord of Hosts” Roi “The strong one who sees.” Are you concerned about the future? Do you need someone to rule your life? Do you need more power in your life? Do you need God to create something? Do you need Him present in your life? Do you need healing? Do you need him to provide something? Do you need a victory? Do you need peace? Do you need backup? Is there something you need to see better?

17 “Because God has been faithful and kept His promises in the past, we can hope with confidence that God will keep His promises to us in the present and in the future. In times of distress, we can hold tightly to the hope that things will work together for our good.” (“The Infinite Power of Hope,” Ensign, Nov. 2008, 23)

18 The Names of Jehovah In the Old Testament

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