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Revision - 6 mark questions

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1 Revision - 6 mark questions

2 1. Uses light energy… A A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Vacuole D. Cell wall B C D 10/11/2018

3 2. Contains cell sap… A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Vacuole
D. Cell wall B C D 10/11/2018

4 3. Not found in bacterial cells…
A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Vacuole D. Cell wall B C D 10/11/2018

5 4. Only found in plant and bacterial cells…
A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Vacuole D. Cell wall B C D 10/11/2018

6 5. Maintains structure and rigidity…
A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Vacuole D. Cell wall B C D 10/11/2018

7 Label the plant cell 1. 2. 3. 7. 6. 5. 4.

8 Label the bacterial cell
1. Label the bacterial cell 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9 Question: Circle the command word and underline the key points.
Keywords / points to remember: The 3 sections of this answer are: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Re-read your answer. Have you missed words out? Have you used capital letters and full stops? Have you written in short sentences and got straight to the point?

10 Compare and contrast bacterial and plant cells (6)
Similarities = 2 marks Both have cell walls (1), cell membranes (1), ribosomes (1), cytoplasm (1). Differences of bacterial cells = 2 marks Bacterial cells have plasmids (1), chromosomal DNA (1), flagella (1), pilli (1), capsules (1). Differences of plant cells = 2 marks Plant cells have chloroplasts (1), a nucleus (1) cellulose cell wall.

11 Identify the parts of the blood.
C. B.

12 Describe the function of these (A,B and C) components of the blood (6)

13 Describe the function of these (A,B and C) components of the blood (6)
Plasma carries dissolved substances around the body. Example – water, glucose, urea, amino acids. (2 marks). White blood cells are part of the immune system, produce antibodies/antitoxins, carry out phagocytosis/engulf, act against pathogens (2 marks). Red blood cells carry oxygen, attached to haemoglobin. Forms oxyhaemoglobin. (2 marks).

14 Explain how red blood cells are adapted for their function (6)

15 Explain how red blood cells are adapted for their function (6)
small / flexible cells -> to squeeze through capillaries -> to reach all cells. (2 marks) no nucleus -> contains haemoglobin -> to carry more oxygen (2 marks) Biconcave shape -> large surface area -> for faster / greater movement of oxygen {into / out of} cell (2 marks)

16 Mini Whiteboards 1. State the meaning of the term tissue.
A group of cells that carry out a similar function.

17 2. How can phagocytes destroy pathogens?
Mini Whiteboards 2. How can phagocytes destroy pathogens? Engulfing them.

18 3. Name the liquid part of the blood.
Mini Whiteboards 3. Name the liquid part of the blood. Plasma

19 4. Which animal cell has a flagella?
Mini Whiteboards 4. Which animal cell has a flagella? Sperm cell

20 Mini Whiteboards 5. What is the function of mitochondria?
Carry out respiration and release energy.

21 Mini Whiteboards 6. If you had a low red blood cell count, how would you feel? Tired / lack of energy/ lethargy/ short of breath

22 Mini Whiteboards 7. Describe fertilisation. (3) Sperm and egg fuse.
Nuclei combine. Haploid gametes become a diploid zygote.

23 A change in the DNA base sequence.
Mini Whiteboards 8. What is a mutation? A change in the DNA base sequence.

24 Mini Whiteboards 9. Why does a red blood cell have a thin membrane?
Faster diffusion of oxygen.

25 Mini Whiteboards 10. Why does a red blood cell have a biconcave shape? (2) Large surface area. Increase oxygen absorption.

26 Splat! Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen
White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

27 1. A group of similar tissues that carry out a function…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

28 2. Another word for a sex cell…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

29 3. These engulf bacteria…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

30 4. Substances in blood plasma are…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

31 5. This has a biconcave shape…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

32 6. This binds with haemoglobin…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

33 7. This is how glucose travels around the body…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

34 8. This is transported in blood plasma…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

35 Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell
9. A pig’s sperm cell contains 20 chromosomes. How many are found in it’s liver cells? Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

36 10. The genetic content of a zygote…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

37 11. A change in the genetic code…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

38 12. A group of cells that carry out a similar function…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

39 13. A fertilised egg cell… Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved
Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

40 14. A haploid cell… Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote
Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

41 15. Part of the immune system…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

42 16. This contains mitochondria…
Red blood cell Sperm Haploid Dissolved Zygote Oxygen White blood cell Tissue Diploid Organ Plasma Mutation Gamete 20 40 Carbon dioxide

43 Explain how plasmids are used to produce insulin (6)
Make a list of keywords/points. Split this into three sections.

44 Explain how plasmids are used to produce insulin (6)
Isolate the human gene for insulin. Cut it out using restriction enzymes. (2 marks) Remove a plasmid from a bacterial cell using the same restriction enzyme. Insert the gene into a plasmid. Using ligase enzyme. (2 marks) Insert the plasmid into a bacterial cell. Bacteria replicate. Isolate/filter/collect the insulin. (2 marks)

45 Which part of protein synthesis is shown in this diagram
Which part of protein synthesis is shown in this diagram? Describe what happens. (3) A G C T A G C U A G C T Transcription DNA strand unzips / unwinds. DNA strand used as a template. To produce a complimentary strand of mRNA C-G and A-U

46 1. What is the shape of the DNA molecule?
Mini Whiteboards 1. What is the shape of the DNA molecule? Double Helix

47 Mini Whiteboards 2. What is the function of DNA?
Codes for proteins / controls the cell activities.

48 3. What are the complimentary DNA base pairs?
Mini Whiteboards 3. What are the complimentary DNA base pairs? C-G A-T

49 4. What are the base pairs held together by?
Mini Whiteboards 4. What are the base pairs held together by? (Weak) hydrogen bonds

50 Mini Whiteboards 5. Which technique was used by Franklin and Wilkins to discover the DNA structure? X ray crystallography

51 6. Which process produces genetically identical cells?
Mini Whiteboards 6. Which process produces genetically identical cells? Mitosis

52 A change in the genetic code/order of bases.
Mini Whiteboards 7. What is a mutation? A change in the genetic code/order of bases.

53 Mini Whiteboards 8. What is the main disadvantage of genetically identical organisms? Can’t adapt to their environment.

54 9. If a gene contained 13% adenine, how much thymine would it contain?
Mini Whiteboards 9. If a gene contained 13% adenine, how much thymine would it contain? 13%

55 10. How many amino acids does this mRNA strand code for?
Mini Whiteboards 10. How many amino acids does this mRNA strand code for? AUGCGGGGUAUUAAAGUC Six 18/3 = 6

56 How is water absorbed by the roots
How is water absorbed by the roots? (3) How are minerals absorbed by the roots? (2)

57 Water – osmosis (1) through root hair cells (1) from a high concentration to a low concentration through a partially permeable membrane (1) Minerals – active transport (1), against a concentration gradient (from low to high concentration (1).

58 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have… Water moves into the roots by... From… Minerals move into the roots by… From…This requires... Water & minerals move up the stem in the…by the … Sugar in the form of…moves up and down the…in solution. This is… Water and minerals move into the leaf by… Water exits the leaf through…by… Higher temperatures and wind…

59 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

60 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

61 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

62 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

63 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

64 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

65 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

66 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

67 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

68 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

69 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

70 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

71 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

72 Explain how plants obtain substances for growth (6)
Root hair cells have a large surface area. Water moves into the roots by osmosis. From a high conc to a low conc through a partially permeable membrane. Minerals move into the roots by active transport. From a low conc to a high conc. This requires energy. Water & minerals move up the stem in the xylem by the transpiration stream. Sugar in the form of sucrose moves up and down the phloem in solution. This is translocation. Water moves into the leaf by diffusion. Water exits the leaf through the stomata in transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed up transpiration.

73 Describe water movement through the plant (6)
Absorbed through root hair cells (1) Osmosis (1) From a high concentration to a low concentration (1). Transported through xylem (1) In one direction only (1) Exits leaves through stomata (1) By transpiration (1) Evaporation (1)

74 Exercise = more muscle contractions that require more energy
Exercise = more muscle contractions that require more energy. How do the muscle cells make more energy?

75 EXERCISE More muscle contractions. More blood flow to muscles.
More oxygen and glucose to muscles. More aerobic respiration. More energy produced. More CO2 produced.

76 What happens when a heart problem causes a lower cardiac output
What happens when a heart problem causes a lower cardiac output? Make sure you use the words more/less.

77 Less cardiac output = Less blood flow to muscle cells.
Less oxygen and glucose to muscle cells. Less aerobic respiration. Less energy produced. Glucose is only partially broken down. More anaerobic respiration. More lactic acid produced. Causes cramps and fatigue (not tiredness).

78 1. Which part of the digestive system is pH 2?

79 2. How does food move through the intestines?

80 3. Where is bile made?

81 4. Where are the digestive enzymes made?

82 5. Where does water get reabsorbed?

83 6. Where is digestion completed?

84 7. What is the function of HCl?

85 8. How do nutrients move into the blood?

86 Describe the locations and functions of the digestive enzymes (6)
Amylase / carbohydrase breaks down carbohydrates / starch (1) Into sugar / glucose (1) In the mouth / small intestine (1) Protease / pepsin breaks down proteins (1) Into amino acids (1) In the stomach / small intestine (1) Lipase breaks down fats / lipids (1) Into fatty acids and glycerol (1) In the small intestine (1)

87 Mitosis Meiosis Daughter cells produced? Number of divisions Genetic content? Purpose? Genetically identical or genetic variation? Number of chromosomes?

88 Genetically identical
Mitosis Meiosis Daughter cells produced? Number of divisions Genetic content? Purpose? Genetically identical or genetic variation? Number of chromosomes? 2 4 1 2 Diploid Haploid Growth & Repair Production of gametes Genetically identical Genetic variation Full set Half a set

89 Compare the two types of cell division (6)

90 Splat! Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Amino acids
Transcription Amino acids Codon

91 Enzymes are made of… Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome
Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

92 This causes a change in the genetic code…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

93 This is the first stage of protein synthesis…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

94 This is produced in the first stage of protein synthesis…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

95 This has an active site…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

96 3 bases makes one… Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation
Transcription Amino acids Codon

97 In the stage, DNA is used as a template…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

98 The mRNA is read by the… Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome
Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

99 Codons match to tRNA that brings…to the ribosome.
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

100 mRNA is read by a ribosome during this stage…
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

101 If the sequence of amino acids is wrong then the shape of the… will be wrong.
Mutation mRNA Protein Enzymes Ribosome Translation Transcription Amino acids Codon

102 Enzymes are… Transcription forms a strand of… A mutation in the DNA would… The mRNA leaves the… And joins to a… The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a… This stage is… The codon matches tRNA that brings… A chain of… form. If the codons are wrong then… A different…

103 Explain how a change in the DNA results in an inactive enzyme being produced during protein synthesis. (6) 10/11/2018

104 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

105 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

106 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

107 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

108 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

109 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

110 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

111 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

112 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

113 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

114 Enzymes are proteins. Transcription forms a strand of mRNA. A mutation in the DNA would result in a different mRNA strand. The mRNA leaves the nucleus. And joins to a ribosome. The mRNA is read 3 bases at a time; this is a codon. This stage is translation. The codon matches tRNA that brings the amino acid. A chain of amino acids form. If the codons are wrong then the amino acid sequence will be wrong. A different protein will be formed.

115 Splat! Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination
Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

116 GM crops reduce… Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin
Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

117 Golden rice contains a gene for…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

118 Vitamin A reduces… Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin
Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

119 Plants can be genetically engineered to be…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

120 Bacteria can be genetically engineered to produce…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

121 Famers cannot afford GM seeds because they are…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

122 If both weeds and crops are herbicide resistant then there is more…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

123 Genes can pass between crops and weeds by…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

124 Weeds that become herbicide resistant would become…
Vitamin A Herbicide resistant Insulin Cross pollination Competition Biodiversity Super weeds Eyesight problems Expensive

125 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of GM organisms. (6)

126 Golden rice contains a gene for…
This reduces… Plants can be engineered to be… Bacteria can be genetically engineered to produce… Genes could pass from crops to weeds by… This would create… And would increase… GM crops reduce… Farmers cannot afford to buy GM seeds because…


128 Describe the stages used in the laboratory to clone and produce Tegon from the genetically engineered cell. (6) 10/11/2018

129 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

130 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

131 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

132 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

133 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

134 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

135 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

136 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

137 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

138 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

139 Obtain a body cell and remove the nucleus.
Obtain an egg cell and enucleate it. Insert the nucleus from the body cell into the egg cell. Give the cell an electric shock. Stimulates cell division. By mitosis. Put embryo into surrogate mother. Animal is born.

140 Quick quiz 10/11/2018

141 What is the substrate for amylase?
DNA Fat C Protein Starch

142 What is the substrate for lipase?
C DNA Fat Protein Starch

143 Pepsin is an enzyme that digests protein into…?
C Amino acids Fatty acids Glucose Glycerol

144 What is the optimum pH for pepsin?
C 1 3 5 9

145 Which pH does neither pepsin or trypsin work at?
1 3 C 5 9

146 Where in the body would you find pepsin?
C Salivary glands Stomach Small intestine Liver

147 Starch is broken down by which enzyme?
Amylase Protease Lipase Restriction

148 Protein is broken down by which enzyme?
Amylase Protease Lipase Restriction

149 Fats are broken down by which enzyme?
Amylase Protease C Lipase Restriction

150 Where would you find all 3 digestive enzymes?
Salivary glands Stomach C Small Intestine Liver

151 What are fats broken down into?
Fatty acids Glycerol C Fatty acids & glycerol Amino acids

152 Which organ produces the digestive enzymes?
Salivary glands Liver C Gall Bladder Pancreas

153 Which digestive enzyme is this?
Amylase Protease Lipase Restriction

154 The digestive enzymes are made in the…
Lipase Fats need to be emulsified before lipase can work. Bile turns large fat droplets into smaller ones with a larger surface area. Lipase can then break them down into fatty acids & glycerol Amylase Protease Type of carbohydrase. Breaks down starch into glucose. Breaks down proteins into amino acids. Optimum pH – 2 Provided by HCl 10/11/2018

155 The digestive enzymes are made… Amylase is a type of…
Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made… Amylase is a type of… Amylase is found in… Amylase breaks down...into… Protease is found in.. Protease breaks down… The HCl in the stomach… Lipase is found in… Bile must… Lipase breaks down fats into…

156 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

157 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

158 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

159 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

160 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

161 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

162 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

163 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

164 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

165 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

166 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

167 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

168 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

169 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

170 Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. Amylase is found in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. Protease is found in the stomach. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. The HCl in the stomach provides the optimum pH – 2 - for protease. Lipase is found in the small intestine. Bile must emulsify fats before they can be broken down. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol.

171 The whole answer must be memorised!

172 The digestive enzymes are made… Amylase is a type of…
Describe the action of carbohydrase, protease and lipase in different parts of the digestive system. (6) The digestive enzymes are made… Amylase is a type of… Amylase is found in… Amylase breaks down...into… Protease is found in.. Protease breaks down… The HCl in the stomach… Lipase is found in… Bile must… Lipase breaks down fats into…

173 Challenge: What does the graph show?
Enzymes What is an enzyme? An enzyme is a…that…. Challenge: What does the graph show? 10/11/2018

174 Make bonds or break bonds
Splat! Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

175 Make bonds or break bonds
1. This word describes when the shape of the enzyme matches the shape of the substrate… Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

176 2. This is where the substrate joins to the enzyme…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

177 3. This is what enzymes do to the substrates…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

178 Make bonds or break bonds
4. The shape of the enzyme is complimentary to the shape of the substrate. This hypothesis is called… Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

179 5. This increases as temperature increases…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

180 6. This changes shape at extremes of pH.
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

181 7. This decreases in cold temperatures…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

182 8. The order of these changes the shape of the active site…
Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

183 9. This is what is used in the reaction…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

184 10. These increase as the kinetic energy increases…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

185 11. This happens to enzymes at very hot temperatures…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

186 12. These are joined together during protein synthesis…
Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

187 Make bonds or break bonds
13. This is when the active site changes shape and can no longer bind with the substrate… Active Site Substrate Lock and key Amino acids Kinetic energy Collisions Specific Denatured Make bonds or break bonds 10/11/2018

188 pH There is no increasing/decreasing trend
pH There is no increasing/decreasing trend. Just look for optimum, slow and denatured. 10/11/2018

189 The differences in the reactions is due to… The optimum pH is… I can tell because… At the optimum pH… The pH that causes a slow reaction is… I can tell because… The pH that denatures the enzyme is… I can tell because… When an enzyme is denatured…. 10/11/2018

190 Describe The optimum…is… The enzyme is denatured at…
The trick: does the graph show, pH, temperature or substrate concentration? Describe The optimum…is… The enzyme is denatured at… 10/11/2018

191 Describe The optimum…is… The enzyme is denatured at…
The trick: does the graph show, pH, temperature or substrate concentration? Describe The optimum…is… The enzyme is denatured at… 10/11/2018

192 The optimum…for arginase is… The enzyme is denature at…
The trick: does the graph show, pH, temperature or substrate concentration? Describe The optimum…for arginase is… The enzyme is denature at… 10/11/2018

193 The trick: does the graph show, pH, temperature or substrate concentration?
Describe The optimum…for pepsin is… You would find pepsin…it is a type of protease enzyme. It breaks down…. The…is pH2 because… 10/11/2018

194 The trick: does the graph show, pH, temperature or substrate concentration?
Describe The optimum…for amylase is… You would find amylase…. It breaks down…. 10/11/2018

195 Extremophiles live in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents.
Apply Extremophiles live in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents. Use the graph to suggest why the bacteria can live in the hydrothermal vents. 10/11/2018

196 Describe the effect of temperature of the volume of juice produced between 10ᵒC and 40ᵒC. (2)

197 Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) 10/11/2018

198 Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are…one substrate has a … to the enzyme’s … This is the…hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity… Enzymes gain there are more…with substrates. The substrate binds to… At the optimum temperature the most… The rate of reaction is.. and most products… After the optimum temperature enzyme activity… The enzyme becomes… The shape of the active site…

199 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

200 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

201 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

202 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

203 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

204 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

205 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

206 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

207 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

208 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

209 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

210 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
Use the lock and key hypothesis to help you explain the activity of pectinase in juice production between 10ᵒC and 70ᵒC. (6) Enzymes are specific; one substrate has a complimentary shape to the enzyme’s active site. This is the lock and key hypothesis. As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

211 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

212 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain less kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

213 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most substrates are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

214 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes dead. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

215 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the product site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

216 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the product activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

217 Spot the mistake! As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Products are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

218 What comes next? As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis. The substrate binds to the active site. At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases. The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

219 What comes next? As the temperature increases the enzyme activity increases. Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions.

220 This is the lock and key hypothesis.
What comes next? Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes. This is the lock and key hypothesis.

221 The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed.
What comes next? At the optimum temperature the most enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed.

222 The enzyme becomes denatured.
What comes next? The enzyme becomes denatured. The shape of the active site changes so the substrate can no longer bind.

223 Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions.
What comes next? Enzymes gain more kinetic energy so there are more collisions. Enzymes are specific, the enzyme and substrate have complimentary shapes.

224 What comes next? The rate of reaction is fastest and most products are formed. After the optimum temperature enzyme activity decreases.

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