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Disorders of the Digestive System

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1 Disorders of the Digestive System

2 ALACTASIA Also called “lactose intolerance” Very common
Individuals don’t produce enough lactase (enzyme) Lactose (sugar from dairy products) does not get absorbed and ferments in large intestine Symptoms: Flatulence, cramps, diarrhea Treatment: decreased lactose intake dietary lactase supplements

3 APPENDICITIS Inflammation of appendix
Most often occurs b/w ages 10 – 30 Signs/Symptoms: (vary) - fever - pain in Right lower quadrant - high WBC (white blood cell) Treatment: Appendectomy - surgical removal of appendix

4 CHOLECYSTITIS Inflammation of gallbladder
Occurs when stones form in gallbladder from crystallized cholesterol, bile salts, and pigments Signs / Symptoms: abd pain Treatment: Diet changes to reduce fats Lithotripsy – disolves stones using bile acid & ultrasonic waves Cholecystectomy – surgical removal of gallbladder (may be laproscopic)

5 CIRRHOSIS Chronic degenerative condition of liver accompanied by formation of scar tissue Common cause is alcoholism Symptoms: jaundice skin lesions enlargement of liver anemia (low RBC) / bleeding disorders Treatment: designed to relieve symptoms - diet modification / Stop alcohol intake FATAL if liver is severely damaged

6 COLON CANCER Abnormal growth in large intestine
Warning signs: rectal bleeding, abd pain, change in bowel habits Testing: recommended after age 50 - digital rectal exam - fecal occult blood tests - colonoscopy Precancerous polyps removed to prevent CA Treatment: Removal of affected section - may require colostomy

Inability to defecate Usually caused by diet lacking fiber or roughage, insufficient fluid intake, lack of exercise Abd discomfort / distention Treatment: correcting above causes or laxatives Diarrhea Frequent watery stools Caused by infection, stress, or diet Treatment: bland diet and sometimes medication

8 ULCER Open sore or hole in lining of digestive tract
Affect 1 in 4 adults in US Stomach (gastric) ulcers – also called peptic ulcers: caused by emotional stress that increases secretion of stomach acid Most duodenal ulcers: believed to be caused by bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori) – the bacteria digests stomach lining and increases amt of acid production - presence of bacteria determined by blood test for antibodies, or biopsy of stomach tissue

9 ULCER (cont) Aggravated by tobacco, caffeine, aspirin, & alcohol
Treatment: bland diet, reduced stress, & medication to decrease amount of acid - If caused by bacteria the ulcer is treated with antibiotics - Surgery is sometimes needed to remove affected tissue

10 DIVERTICULITIS Weakening of the colon wall leading to formation of a pouch (diverticula) Can cause infection or abcesses if fecal material is trapped Unknown cause Symptoms: constipation, abd pain, loss of bowel sounds, & sometimes fever & rectal bleeding Treatment: Surgery may be required to remove the affected part

GERD Symptoms: frequent heartburn or chest pain, bitter taste in mouth, difficulty swallowing, and frequnt hoarseness or coughing Over time may lead to damage of esophagus, difficulty swallowing, increased risk of throat CA Treatment: Medications and/or change in time, type, & amount of food eaten. *If these interventions fail surgery may be used to improve function of sphincter

12 HEPATITIS Viral infection of liver
Hep A – transmitted in food or water by feces of infected person Hep B – transmitted in blood, saliva & other body fluids - more severe than Hep A Symptoms: abd pain, discolored feces, & jaundice Treatment: Bed rest Diet low in fat & high in vitamins

13 CROHN’S DISEASE Inflammatory bowel disease Genetic abnormality
Inflammation & ulceration affecting ileum, colon or both Symptoms: cramping, diarrhea, & bloody stools More than 500,000 Americans have Crohn’s dz Triggered by stress Treatment: diet change, meds, surgery in severe cases to remove portions of bowel

14 ULCERATIVE COLITIS Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Involves wall of colon & rectum Symptoms: watery diarrhea containing blood, mucus, & pus Triggers: Emotional stress Treatment: Diet changes, medication, & surgery in severe cases

15 PANCREATITIS Mild, acute, or chronic condition
Occurs from gallbladder stone blockage, disease, injury, or alcoholism 80% of acute cases are from gallbladder disease & alcoholism Signs/Symptoms: pain, vomiting, abd distention, & fever Treatment: low-fat diet, monitoring blood sugar, pain relief, & sometimes surgery

16 PHENYLKETONURIA Inherited disease Abnormal metabolism of some proteins
Brain damage leading to convulsions & mental disability if untreated 1 in 8000 babies All newborns routinely screened (PKU) Treatment: Diet modification & Monitoring blood levels of proteins

17 PYLORIC STENOSIS Birth defect
Constricted pyloric sphincter – prevents food from passing into small intestine Symptoms: Projectile vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, & weight loss Treatment: Surgical correction

18 TAY-SACHS DISEASE Genetic disorder in which fat cells accumulate in the body and cause damage to normal cells Enzyme that metabolizes lipids is not produced Symptoms appear b/w 3 to 6 months of age - progressive loss of muscle control, blindness, deafness, & paralysis No specific therapy, always leads to death (usually before age 3) People of Eastern European Jewish origin

19 Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach lining which may be caused by many factors including the bacteria H. pylori S/S: stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion, & possible peptic ulcer Treatment: Antibiotics & proton pump inhibitors to heal the stomach lining Group of meds used to decrease stomach acid

20 Halitosis Bad breath Cause: Anaerobic bacteria that produce foul smelling sulfur compounds on the surface of the tongue & throat Treatment: Use of compounds containing a combo of different compounds/toothpaste that removes odor – may also include scraping of the tongue to remove coating of white plaque

21 Heartburn Painful, burning sensation in the esophagus caused by the backflow of acidic chyme from the stomach Treatment: Weight loss, wearing lose clothing, diet modification, maintaining upright position during ingestion of food & after, or antacids to reduce the acid

22 Hemmorrhoid Painful, dilated vein in the lower rectum or anus
Cause: straining to defecate, pressure of enlarged uterus during pregnancy, insufficient fluid intake, refined food, & abuse of laxatives Treatment: soaking the area with sitz bath, fecal softeners, medication & sometimes surgery

23 Mumps Viral infection of the parotid glands Highly contagious
Most common in age 5 – 15 S/S: Painful swelling of the parotid glands, fever - in older patients the infection may cause damage to the testes and ovaries (possibly leading to sterility) Prevention: Vaccine Treatment: Relief of symptoms

24 Peritonitis Inflammation of the peritoneum
Cause: Infection from bacteria or fungi - may enter from injured bowel S/S: Vomiting, abdominal pain Treatment: Antibiotics - treatment is essential before sepsis occurs

25 Page 223 of text lists many illnesses originating from foods:
FOOD-BORNE ILLNESS Page 223 of text lists many illnesses originating from foods: Undercooked food Unpasteurized cheeses Food contaminated with bacteria Preservatives

26 EATING DISORDERS Bulimia: -Eating disorder characterized by
binge eating (rapid, uncontrolled) and purging (self induced vomiting) or use of laxatives - often affects teenage women but may occur in older women and also men

Anorexia Nervosa: - Often perfectionists who appear confident and in control but actually lack confidence & perceive themselves as incompetent and overweight, even when significantly underweight - Often have a very controlling parent and they use food as their method of control

Bulimia & Anorexia are considered addictions Purging - may cause rashes, dry skin, and swollen salivary glands and can lead to destruction of tooth enamel & tooth decay, irregular heart action, ulcers, colitis, muscle weakness & cramps, perforated esophagus, & absence of menstrual period Can be controlled with counseling & behavior modification programs May result in death if untreated!!!

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