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Presentation on theme: "Tone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tone

2 Do Now If you were to tell a student “watch your tone”, or “that tone is not appropriate” or “don’t use that tone with me”… what are you really referring to? Write your thoughts in your notebook.

3 TONE Tone is the AUTHOR’S attitude towards the audience, the subject, or the character. *Tone is shown through: Dialogue - talking Descriptions – author’s diction [word choice]

4 Words that describe TONE
Amused Informal Playful Angry Ironic Pompous Cheerful Light Sad Critical Matter-of-fact Serious Clear Mocking Sincere Formal Resigned Suspicious Gloomy Optimistic Quizzical Humorous Pessimistic Witty

5 TONE According to the author’s descriptions, what is the tone?
FOR EXAMPLE: He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school. According to the author’s descriptions, what is the tone? Serious, Intense, Formal, Focused

6 Determining the TONE Identify the setting and how it’s described.
Decide if it’s positive/negative/neutral. Be more specific about the tone. What words accurately describe the tone?

7 Why is TONE important? Helps you understand what the author is trying to say. Can help you determine the theme, author’s style and purpose.

8 You Try! On the following slides identify the author’s tone and explain how you knew.

9 The TONE of the passage is _________ The author’s ______________ relays the tone.
My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy. There is no other who is that lazy. He whines to Mom and Dad night and day Until he eventually gets his way. What is a sister to do When he screams 'til he's blue? There is no way to win, For he gets under your skin. He does his best to kill all joy. Oh, how my brother does annoy!

10 The TONE of the passage is FRUSTRATED The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone.
My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy. There is no other who is that lazy. He whines to Mom and Dad night and day Until he eventually gets his way. What is a sister to do When he screams 'til he's blue? There is no way to win, For he gets under your skin. He does his best to kill all joy. Oh, how my brother does annoy!

11 The TONE of the passage is _____________ The author’s _______________ relays the tone.
There is no one That can be better Because you are brilliant. There is nothing That you cannot you do Because you are unbeatable. There is no place That you cannot go Because you are always welcomed. There is no person That can hold you back Because you are unstoppable

12 The TONE of the passage is INSPIRING The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone.
There is no one That can be better Because you are brilliant. There is nothing That you cannot you do Because you are unbeatable. There is no place That you cannot go Because you are always welcomed. There is no person That can hold you back Because you are unstoppable

13 The TONE of the passage is ____________ The author’s _____________ relay the tone.
We’re contacting you today to let you know about the Special Olympics annual fund drive. You have been kind enough to support us generously in the past, and we’d like to ask for your help again, as we send our athletes with special needs to compete at the national level. Please fill out the form below and return it in the enclosed envelope with your donation. It will make a child’s day if you do.

14 The TONE of the passage is FORMAL/POLITE
The TONE of the passage is FORMAL/POLITE. The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone. We’re contacting you today to let you know about the Special Olympics annual fund drive. You’ve been kind enough to support us generously in the past, and we’d like to ask for your help again, as we send our athletes with special needs to compete at the national level. Please fill out the form below and return it in the enclosed envelope with your donation. It will make a child’s day if you do.

15 The TONE of the passage is ____________ The author’s _____________ relay the tone.
We received your request for a refund for your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not function as advertised. We will process the refund in as timely a manner as possible. In the meantime, if we can help you in any other way, please ask.

16 The TONE of the passage is APOLOGETIC/PROFESSIONAL The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone.
We received your request for a refund for your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not function as advertised. We will process the refund in as timely a manner as possible. In the meantime, if we can help you in any other way, please ask.

17 The TONE of the passage is ______________ The author’s _______________ relay the tone.
Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish, seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

18 The TONE of the passage is SAD/HEART BROKEN The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone.
Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish, seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

19 The TONE of the passage is ___________
The TONE of the passage is ___________. The _________________ relays the TONE. “Would you be so kind as to help me with my groceries?” asked the elderly woman. “Not a problem ma’am,” replied the young man, “I would be happy to help.”

20 The TONE of the passage is POLITE. The DIALOGUE relays the TONE.
“Would you be so kind as to help me with my groceries?” asked the elderly woman. “Not a problem ma’am,” replied the young man, “I would be happy to help.”

21 Practice With Movie Clips
We will practice identifying tone by watching two trailers of the same movie. As we watch be sure to write down the tone, but include lots of evidence to prove your point. Use your list of tone words to help you. For example if the tone is happy, explain why. People may be smiling and laughing to show their happiness. Don’t fill in the mood column yet!

22 Movie Rules Please remain calm and hold your ooohs and ahhhhsss.
Please do not distract others by mimicking the dialogue. Save your comments and opinions for your notes.

23 Mood

24 Do Now Think back on the past week. What different “moods” have you experienced? Consider, what mood are you in right now? What mood were you in yesterday?...etc. Write you thoughts in your notebook.

25 MOOD *Mood is the feeling the reader gets from a story.

26 Words to describe MOOD Light-hearted Welcoming Suspenseful Playful
Liberating Foreboding Tender Tense Painful Warm Gloomy Threatening Hopeful Violent Terrifying Peaceful Pessimistic Lonely Idyllic Cold Joyous Confining Inclusive Haunting

27 How would you describe the mood of each person?

28 MOOD According to the setting, what is the mood?
FOR EXAMPLE: He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school. According to the setting, what is the mood? Playful, informal, silly, exciting

29 How does a writer create mood (atmosphere)?
The setting Word choices/Choosing words that have particular connotations Sentence structure Figurative language Point of view Author 's tone

30 Mood and Setting Possible answers: eerie, lonely, empty, deserted, depressing The author would describe this setting in writing or use this setting in a film if he or she wanted to create what mood?

31 Possible answers: hopeful, wishful, contemplative
The author would describe this setting in writing or use this setting in a film if he or she wanted to create what mood?

32 The answers for this one could really vary (I think)
The author would describe this setting in writing or use this setting in a film if he or she wanted to create what mood?

33 Watch your mood ring change!
There may be, and usually is, more than one mood in a piece of literature. Just think of the last movie you watched... For example, the movie Avatar has romance, suspense, humor….

34 However, setting isn 't everything
However, setting isn 't everything! A empty, barren landscape or a cemetery can be cheery just as a wedding can be horrifying. It all depends on the details the writer chooses to include. The old house above could be describe in many different ways: spooky, mysterious, peaceful, tranquil, nostalgic....etcetera.

35 Mood and Connotation Most words have a dictionary definition (denotation) and a connotation. Connotation goes hand in hand with mood. The words that are used help to set the mood Grey A mixture of black and white (denotation) Depressing, sad, and gloomy (connotation)

36 Mood and Connotation Since everyone reacts emotionally to certain words, writers often deliberately select words that they think will influence your reactions and appeal to your emotions. All words have either a positive, negative or neutral connotation.

37 Mood and figurative language
The author’s use of figurative language, such as simile, metaphor, hyperbole, alliteration, and personification and sensory details can affect the overall mood.

38 Why is it important? When moods change it helps keep readers interested. It hooks the reader. Makes the story believable.

39 “A Fright In The Night” By:Tasha Gilden
Carmen squinted through the thin curtains on her window, seeking the source of the sound that had awakened her. Unable to focus through the fabric, she pinched the hem with two fingertips and pulled the curtain aside slowly. She held her breath and her whole body completely still—but there was nothing. I know I heard something; I thought it was the wind out in the old oak tree. But the tree was still and Carmen’s chest pounded a little and her palms went sweaty because something had made a noise, and it wasn’t the tree. Carmen settled back into her blankets but stayed upright and scanned her room. The moonlight created an eerie glow on her bookshelves, and the rainbow mobile cast shadows more serpentine than serene.

40 Underline words that convey the mood
Carmen swallowed the lump in her throat when she heard the sounds again—rustle, rustle, thump—coming clearly now from the opposite side of the room. She pulled her toes in tight, as if that could prevent something from grabbing them. Her mouth opened as she prepared to yell, because there just shouldn’t be anything rustling in her room in the night. And then—rustle, rustle, scratch—Carmen’s cat finished pushing its way out of the bottom drawer of her dresser! Carmen’s near–yell turned into a laugh. “Dandy–Lion, you must have been more scared than I was!”

41 Let’s practice some more!
Read the following passages and determine the mood. Identify words and phrases that helped convey the mood.

42 The MOOD of the passage is ______________ The ______________ relays the MOOD.
The door swings open to reveal all of my family members standing around the Christmas tree. The lights are twinkling and the fireplace is roaring with a warm fire. Everyone is singing Christmas carols as the snow falls quietly outside the window.

43 The MOOD of the passage is COZY/FAMILIAR The ATMOSPHERE relays the tone.
The door swings open to reveal all of my family members standing around the Christmas tree. The lights are twinkling and the fireplace is roaring with a warm fire. Everyone is singing Christmas carols as the snow falls quietly outside the window.

44 The MOOD of the passage is ____________ The ____________ relays the MOOD.
The gym of the high school was brightly decorated. The red and white streamers covered the walls and heart shapes were scattered all over the floor. Red glitter was thrown on all the tables and love songs were playing in the background. The Valentine’s dance was about to begin.

45 The MOOD of the passage is ROMANTIC The SETTING relays the MOOD.
The gym of the high school was brightly decorated. The red and white streamers covered the walls and heart shapes were scattered all over the floor. Red glitter was thrown on all the tables and love songs were playing in the background. The Valentine’s dance was about to begin.

46 The MOOD of the passage is ______________ The ______________ relays the MOOD.
The door swings open to reveal a Christmas tree, alone in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of lights. Silence greets me as I glance around the room. The fireplace is empty and the snow storm howls outside the window. My family has gone and I am left alone with my thoughts.

47 The MOOD of the passage is GLOOMY/LONELY The ATMOSPHERE relays the MOOD.
The door swings open to reveal a Christmas tree, alone in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of lights. Silence greets me as I glance around the room. The fireplace is empty and the snow storm howls outside the window. My family has gone and I am left alone with my thoughts.

48 The MOOD of the passage is ______________ The ______________ relays the MOOD.
The night it happened was one we will never forget. The wind was screeching outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost electricity hours ago and had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery powered radio we had was broadcasting a warning to lock your doors and stay inside; there was a killer on the loose.

49 The MOOD of the passage is SCARY/SUSPENSEFUL The ATMOSPHERE/SETTING relays the MOOD.
The night it happened was one we will never forget. The wind was screeching outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost electricity hours ago and had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery powered radio we had was broadcasting a warning to lock your doors and stay inside; there was a killer on the loose.

50 The MOOD of the passage is ______________
The MOOD of the passage is ______________. The ______________ relays the mood. Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish, seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

51 The MOOD of the passage is COMFORTING. The SETTING relays the mood.
Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish, seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

52 Why is it important? Helps you understand what the author is trying to say. Can help you determine the theme and author’s style.

53 Practice With Movie Clips
We will practice identifying tone by watching the same movie trailers as we did with tone. As we watch be sure to write down the mood, but include lots of evidence to prove your point. Use your list of mood words to help you. For example if the mood is cheerful, explain why. Maybe there are flowers everywhere and the sun is shining.

54 Mood vs. Tone The author’s tone often affects the reader’s emotions.
For example, the teacher is yelling at the student. Her tone is what? What is the student’s mood? What would yours be? The teacher's tone affects the student’s mood.

55 TONE IS NOT MOOD The tone could be serious but the mood could be ridiculous. Sometimes tone and mood can be the same. They are usually different. Tone Mood

56 TONE IS NOT MOOD FOR EXAMPLE: He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school.

57 Practice You walk into a restaurant wearing a cut off tee and gym shorts. Everyone else is dressed in suits. The tone of the restaurant is __________ Your mood or feelings are likely to be________

58 Practice If a writer wanted to make you feel scared (mood) what tone of voice would he or she use? If a writer uses a sarcastic tone you are likely to feel what mood? If a writer wants to make you feel tense or on edge? Sympathetic?

59 Practice Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her fiance and their wedding plans. Tone: Mood:

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