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Presentation on theme: "CANNABIS AND CANNABINOIDS: THE CONUNDRUM"— Presentation transcript:

A MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE 2018 Dr. Melissa Snider-Adler Chief MRO, DriverCheck Inc. Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

2 Prescription vs. Authorization Cannabis Impairment
AGENDA What are cannabinoids Prescription vs. Authorization Cannabis Impairment Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

3 WHAT IS CANNABIS Anything derived from cannabis plant
Over 100+ different cannabinoids Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol = THC Cannabidiol = CBD Influences Endocannabinoid system Appetite Mood Memory Pain sensation Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

4 CANNABIDIOL - CBD Not itself psychoactive Available in an OIL form
Presence of THC in ALL AVAILABLE Will still test positive Low THC so less impairing but cannot state NO IMPAIRMENT OFTEN PURCHASED FROM DISPENSARY OR ILLEGALLY ON LINE – no quality control Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

5 TOOLS FOR PRACTICE – Alberta College of Family Physicians, November 2017
Compared to other medications, cannabinoids no better with more adverse events No difference in Quality of Life For most conditions (example anxiety), cannabinoid evidence is sparse (at best), low quality and non- convincing Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

6 Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

7 Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

8 2017 MARIJUANA STATS 39% Driven under the influence of cannabis (within 2 hrs) 39% Passenger with driver under influence of cannabis (within 2 hrs) 23% Full time/Part-time workers use cannabis 21.5% Used cannabis to get ‘high’ before or at work (last year) 7.7% Use cannabis to get ‘high’ before or at work weekly or daily Canadian who drove within one hour of THC use 5.6% for males 19.2% of males and 10.2% of females used THC in the last year 48% admitted to use more frequently than once a month 45.1% of the population who used marijuana in the past year had moderate or high risk TCH use. Meaning just under half of those who use marijuana would meet the criteria for substance use disorder Roadside testing with oral fluid in BC (randomly done) = 5.5% tested positive for cannabis Canadian Cannabis Survey – 2017 9215 respondents – telephone and then survey through mobile phones Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

9 How does marijuana impair?
What do companies do with Cannabis authorized by a medical provider? Is the employee safe? How do you determine impairment while at work? Do you need to accommodate? Can you insist on no marijuana or other sedating medications? Time distortion Difficulty with divided attention Cognitive impairments memory & learning Euphoria and relaxation Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

10 ACUTE Depends on the drug “high” “numb” Cognitive changes Attention
Reaction time Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

11 RESIDUAL Hang-over Crash from cocaine/methamphetamine fatigue
Comprehension issues Unclear mind Attention Reaction time Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

12 WITHDRAWALS Most severe with opioids
Seen with cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine Cognitive changes Attention Reaction time Concentration Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

Doubles car crash risk Cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident - substantial evidence of a statistical association The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2017 Jan 12 DOUBLES risk of car crash Second most commonly detected substance among drivers who die in traffic crashes in Canada Euphoria Relaxation Driving UNDER the speed limit Changes in perception Time distortion Attention span deficits Difficulty with divided attention Damage Prevention Symposium 2018

14 SUMMARY Medical evidence is still developing for use of cannabis
Many physicians who authorize cannabis do not consider workplace safety issues Impairment is a real concern for those in safety sensitive positions There are no tests of impairment, only of recent use and LIKELY impairment Just because something is authorized or prescribed does not mean it is safe to use in the workplace Damage Prevention Symposium 2018


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