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Exploring The Use of A WebQuest developed by Lauretta Burton, Dekalb County Schools Sandra Owen, Georgia State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring The Use of A WebQuest developed by Lauretta Burton, Dekalb County Schools Sandra Owen, Georgia State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring The Use of A WebQuest developed by Lauretta Burton, Dekalb County Schools Sandra Owen, Georgia State University


3 What are WebQuests? Simply Put, a WebQuest is a
Lesson Plan in the form of a Web page with links of curriculum-based challenges and timely resources.

4 WebQuests Should Focus On
Using information rather than looking for information

5 Short Term Vs. Long Term Short Term WebQuests Long Term WebQuests
Designed to be completed in one to three class periods Long Term WebQuests Designed to take between one week and one month


7 Why Use Them? Provide Learners the Opportunity to:
Alternatives to text based instruction Discover facts and concepts while completing their tasks Work in a team environment Develop authentic products Use creative-thinking and problem solving skills to find solutions to problems.

8 Overview Participants will: Explore a variety of existing WebQuests
Work through a step-by-step approach to writing their own Participants will explore existing WebQuests and work through a step-by-step approach to writing their own.

9 Where is the Tech Connect????
Standards:NETS S 1.Basic Skills...knowledge/skills essential for effective use of technology 2. Productivity...application of technology knowledge/skills to organize, display, and present ideas and information 3. Communication...use of technology to share ideas/information within and beyond the classroom 4. Societal and Ethical Issues...ethical behavior in the use of           technology 5. Research...obtain and integrate a variety of information sources to answering a research question 6. Problem-solving/decision-making...collaborate with others in applying a variety of resources to solve an issue  

10 WEBQUEST FORMULA FIVE Introduction Task Process/Resources Evaluation

11 Introduction Provide a “hook” Capture interest
Create a scenario or situation to be resolved? Problem solving process that is authentic and real world

12 Task focuses learners on what they are going to do and what they are working towards sets the expectation for the out come of the learners problem solving

13 Process/Resources The process outlines each of the roles and responsibilities that students will assume during the WebQuest Teacher’s main responsibility is to gather valid Internet resources for students Teacher facilitates group process

14 Process/Resources Teacher’s main responsibility is to gather valid Internet resources for students Teacher facilitates group process Teacher provides detailed explanation of roles and several leading questions to initiate the group process

15 Process/Resources May also include: Print materials Video tapes
Personal Interviews Consult with experts in the field

16 Evaluation Task and Evaluation must match
Look at how you would weight the outcome(s) of the WebQuest

17 Conclusion Brings closure through reflection of process and final outcome of the WebQuest Encourages the students to be reflective on benefits and limitations of WebQuest activity

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