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Declaration of Conflict of Interest

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1 Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Allan Davison declare that in the past 3 years: I have received manufacturer funding from the following companies*: No I have done consulting work for the following companies*: I have done speaking engagements for the following companies*: None I or my family hold individual shares in the following*: *pharmaceutical or medical/dental equipment

2 Allan Davison
Making hunger history? kwash; out of teens, PhD aa in urine. Weekly ward rounds. Lethal disease 1 of 4 didn’t make it. Me sick & angry. So after retirement, I was asked if I wanted to help develop SFU’s first program in Global Health. please disturb! 2

3 Task of making hunger history-MDG1
Where are we? Much better since the MDGs, but far from making hunger history Where are we going? HOW FAR? STEADY. But UNDERFUNDING MOST goals will be mostly met, close to schedule. But even if MDGHALF WAY! That’s the plan Like SLAVERY global-scale hunger will be shameful history. After 30-50y Does NOT ASSUME incr aid. Which 5-10 nations will be paying their share. BETTER AID we see clearly what kinds of aid work & what doesn’t Hunger on a global scale will disappear, in 2 or 3 more 15y plans. New initiatives What’s working, what’s not? Only 5-10 nations of 23 will reach 0.7% of GDP. None will forgo unfair trade rules

4 Aid isn’t working Trade for profit instead
Profit motive hasn’t worked - aid is needed Trillions wasted! - 1 b still starving V little is wasted Population outstrips food supply Malthus is wrong Most aid corrupt dictators Corrupt multinationals diagnosis wrong, treatment .. L based on ideology R on data. Greed-driven unfettered trade is best for everyone. Is billions starving true Is it true about corrupt dictators? 3) Who’s giving what in aid? We ca see that US, Canada, and Japan will continue to diminish MDGs won’t be achieved Broken promises Never promised 0.7% and anyway … You did so! … we give more than anyone! ½ what EU gives! “Trade not aid” Trade barriers. Fair trade & aid 2008 recession “They” didn’t cause it 4

5 World GDP $PPP per cap (est) 1500-2100
Manifest destiny of world - wealth China + India ? World GDP $PPP per cap (est) Boy isn’t free enterprise GREAT? TRICKLE down. KOFI Anand: FLOOD from the poorest to the richest. “RISING TIDE lifts all ships” neglects the “poverty TRAP”. Trap because they can’t attain self-sufficiency, to start up the ladder of development will require external help.

6 Number of malnourished world-wide
See also: WHO, UN, WB, USDA, CIA, OECD, IFPRI UNICEF 2009 Food insufficient for sustenance water-carrier Here are the DATA for those caught in the property TRAP. They remain there because effective aid hasn’t reached them I’m going to show you 2 more views of this SAME DATA next selected for optimism

7 World % undernourished
The MDGs are to ”decrease the %” from 22-11% When we get to 11% (before 2020) The next slide shows number fed & number hungry on the same slide You should be able to figure out why the remaining 11% will be easier Absolute vs relative. Let’s look at good and bad news on same slide. 22% same data 14%

8 Number fed & under-nourished worldwide
Prediction millions Target REALISTIC VIEW # fed is rocketing up # hungry isn’t changing much! => more wealth more spread out even if no fewer hungry. 33% 14% 11% 6% 8 8

9 Last 2 or 3 points are projections
Percentage stunted 60% Africa Asia 40% Latin Am If we viewed world as a whole, Asia dominates Africa is pulled down by 5-7 nations, mostly torn by conflict except the first data slide For the world, the absolute values are decreasing for almost all measures This is true across 50 databases, using different measures, compiled by different agencies The data show mostly met, most places, almost on time Before MID CENTURY 20% 1980 & every 5 years Last 2 or 3 points are projections

10 Paying for total strangers to eat?
} Not us, not if it goes to corrupt dictators”  NORWEGIAN said: Our own people have homes to live in, food, health care. We still want to help people, so we have to give it to other countries. For the bottom 9 Official development aid, partic agric aid has dropped steadily. 1010

11 “Phantom aid”, the wasted 47%
“Development aid”, not spent on poverty or development Lost to: Inefficiency Unfair trade Emergency aid Refugees Tied to benefit rich & Debt relief Refers to ODA, not MDGs Real aid 53% This shows that a lot of aid is WASTED. GOVT IS TRAPPED in inefficient processes. We know where it goes. But no significant amount goes to corrupt DICTATORS 60% of US ODA goes to Israel & Iraq

12 Corrupt? Dictators? Rich...
Accept personal & campaign “contributions” peddling influence. Could stop bribery at home & abroad by abolishing secret a/c wikipedia Lockheed Swiss Air Con you name 5 corrupt dictators in countries receiving aid? Lockheed: Paid off Leaders in Japan, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Kashoggi got $106m, Netherlands (Prince Bernard [Q Juliana] $1.1m). A former Canad PM got $75k, Karl Hans Schreiber says he paid $300k. Both impoverish people. The poorest don’t need money: seeds, ARVs, nets, fertilizers, water, drugs. Rich countries could solve it in a week: transparency in international deals and banking. ... & Poor $10k corrupt dictators $1000k presidents, PMs, bureaucrats $100k bureaucrats Billions MNCs Accept “bribes” for trade concessions. Their people suffer, & hate them 12

13 We know what works: Paul Collier Unrealistic? Let’s see ...
Transparent & accountable , open bids Partnerships not paternalism Goals, objectives, timed milestones Strategies revised annually by both partners Externally monitored. No political pressure Sustainable emphasis on poverty, agriculture Serves recipient needs, not donor / ideology Firm long-term commitments: MV, Grameen For many people Bottom Billion is the most enlightening and convincing book on what works and doesn’t. Paul Collier Unrealistic? Let’s see ... 13

14 Beyond MDGs: amazing changes:
The Millennium Village project Grameen Family of social enterprises Billionaire philanthropists & foundations Perfect storm of ASTONISHING developments! Raj Patel, Jeffrey Sachs, Dambisa Moyo, Muhammad Yunus, Vandana Shiva, Paul Collier, Joe Kasonde, Tom Smith, Vic Neufeld Instant spread of innovations: agric, educ, &c Passionate & influential voices for change Scientists & students bring energy to future 14

15 Passionate renegades In 2000 I didn’t know any of these faces. Now I’m guessing you know at least 7 of them. If you don’t, get reading. 2 in the CORRIDORS You are sorely out of touch of some of the most important ongoing initiatives that will determine the future. Paul Collier, Raj Patel, 15

16 The End

17 Number stunted 200m Asia 100m Africa Latin Am 1980 & every 5 years
Asia 100m Africa World still looks like Asia, but Africa is going the wrong way. Pulled down by about 7 large conflict-torn states Latin Am 1980 & every 5 years 17 17

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