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The Slab Boys Textual Analysis

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1 The Slab Boys Textual Analysis

2 Final Question The final question is worth 10 marks. This will be worth 10% of your overall Higher marks, so it is a very important question. This could easily make the difference between two bands – an A could easily become a B if you fail to answer this question correctly.

3 Approach to this Question
Approach the final question using a mini-essay approach. Split your mini-essay into five different points which relate to theme/ character identified in the extract, and write two marks worth of answer for each theme.

4 Final Question Advised Structure
Intro – Use P.E.E. 1st P.E.E. – link to something in the extract in the exam 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th – link to character/ theme in the rest of the play

5 Question: This extract looks at the relationship between Phil and Curry. With reference to this extract and the rest of the play, is Phil a likable character? 1st PEE In this extract Phil is extremely angry that Curry has found his art work and has found out his plans for art school. He shouts ‘That’s private’ and when Curry tells him that he needs permission he answers ‘You must be joking’ This suggests that Phil doesn’t like to conform to normal rules and has no respect for authority.Rebellion. He wants to do better and escape the dead end job in the factory. Class system.We can admire him for his drive to do better but the way he goes about it, in that he is always causing friction, is not helping him achieve what he wants. 2nd PEE Later/earlier in the play we see the… side of Phil Quote Explain REMEMBER To include as many links to themes as possible – mental health- bullying- class – rebellion etc All these will allow you to comment on both the good and not so good aspects of Phil’s personality

6 Example Structure


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