Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support
Alberto Fernández School of Experimental Sciences and Technology University Rey Juan Carlos Madrid - Spain

2 Introduction Decision Support Systems Relevant in complex domains
Intelligent DEcision-making Assistant (IDEA) Reactive: What is happening? Why is it happening? What can be done? What may happen if? Proactively: warnings Application of agent technology to design IDEAs

3 Analysis UER (User-Environment-Responsibility) technique
User-centred Analysis use cases Environment-Centred Analysis reaction cases Responsibility-Centred Analysis goal cases

4 Task Design Tasks Questions A priori distribution
Problem identification, Diagnosis, Action planning, Prediction Questions What is happening?: problem identification + diagnosis What to do?: action planning + prediction What may happen if?: prediction + p. identif.+ diagnosis What to do if?: predict. + identif. + diagnosis + planning A priori distribution physical, organisational, availability of knowledge, ... => multiagent system Interdependencies => co-ordination task

5 Method Design Tasks => Problem-Solving Methods
Problem Identification classification method with two options: a) reference situation + difference classification b) direct classification Diagnosis: several methods a) classification method with additional information b) cover & differentiate method

6 Method Design Action Planning Prediction Co-ordination
classification reasoning on predefined plans collection of plans to perform subtasks plan refinement strategy Prediction a) specific simulation methods b) a simplified model: envisionment graph simple systems, level of precision is not very high Co-ordination 1) dependency detection 2) option generation 3) management decision

7 An example: Road Traffic Management
The domain: urban motorways Traffic Control Centre (TCC) is to assure a smooth flow of vehicles The task: assist TCC engineers in their decision-making respecting coherent signal plans Infrastructure (Barcelona): 52 VMS 3 groups of traffic lights 7 ramp access controls >300 sensors (loop detectors)

8 Traffic Management: Analysis

9 Traffic Management: Design
Problem Identification and Diagnosis raw data pre-processing + fuzzy abstraction knowledge base of frames (problem scenarios)

10 Example scenario

11 Traffic Management: Design
Problem Identification and Diagnosis raw data pre-processing + fuzzy abstraction knowledge base of frames (problem scenarios) Action Planning and Prediction calculation of contribution of each path to the problem coherent alternative signal plans are generated knowledge base of frames (traffic distribution scenarios)

12 Example scenario

13 Traffic Management: Design
Co-ordination Centralised (TRYS) co-ordinator agent knowledge base of rules for managing dependencies Decentralised (TRYSA2) 11 autonomous traffic agents for managing problem areas knowledge base distributed among agents

14 Conclusions Agent-based approach can be applied to the construction of advanced DSS Agent-oriented knowledge and software engineering techniques can be applied Illustrated in the road traffic domain Improving integration of the different phases Currently, evaluation in traffic control (Basque Country) and bus fleet management (Southern Spain)

15 Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support
Alberto Fernández School of Experimental Sciences and Technology University Rey Juan Carlos Madrid - Spain

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