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Literary Terms Background Greek History

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1 Literary Terms Background Greek History
The Odyssey Literary Terms Background Greek History

2 Genre EPIC POEM A long narrative poem Begins w/ invocation Adventure
Heroic Figure Setting is vast Supernatural forces Serious tone (elevated language)

3 The Epic Hero An epic’s central character
Larger-than-life figure from history Undertakes a dangerous voyage Demonstrates loyalty, courage, and honor Valued by society

4 Literary Techniques Simile Metaphor Personification Epithet

5 Simile A comparison between two things using “like” or “as”
Example: “…and leaned on it turning it as a shipwright turns a drill in planking,…” (p.992)

6 Metaphor A comparison between two things without using “like” or “as”
Example: “Why bait the beast again?” (p.996)

7 Personification Describing an object by giving it human qualities
Example: “…The Cyclops bellowed and the rock roared round him…” (p.992)

8 Epithet Short, descriptive title
A characterizing word or phrase associated with a person or thing Example: “Richard the Lion-Hearted” “…the young Dawn with fingertips of rose” (p.990)

9 Foreshadowing Clues that suggest events that have yet to occur
Creates suspense

10 Archetype The most typical example of a particular kind of person or thing; ideal example Universally recognized Examples: the mother figure, the wise old man, the child, or the hero

11 The Greek Hero Strong in mind and body High social standing
Actions affect others Struggle against human weakness

12 The Hero’s Journey CYCLE: Hero possesses supernatural ability
Charged with a quest Hero is tested Travels to supernatural world Hero nearly gives up A resurrection: moves from defeat to triumph Restitution: regains rightful place on throne

13 Hubris Excessive pride or self-confidence Arrogance
Think about Achilles in Troy.

14 The Odyssey Begins “in medias res” In the middle of things

15 The Iliad The prequel to The Odyssey
Concerned with the events of the Trojan War Written by Homer

16 The Trojan War Historical Context
Fought between Spartans and Trojans Spartans- from Sparta V. Trojans- from Troy

17 Map of Ancient Greece

18 Where is Greece?

19 The Odyssey A Journey Home
King Odysseus fought on behalf of the Spartans. He attempts to return home to Ithaca after 10 years at war. Gods are angered by Odysseus’ pride and curse him to wander the earth for 10 years.

20 The Journey

21 Characters Odysseus- King of Ithaca Penelope- Queen of Ithaca
Telemachus- son of Odysseus & Penelope Agamemnon- leader of the Greek forces Polyphemus (Cyclops)- son of Poseidon Poseidon- god of the sea Calypso- sea goddess who loves Odysseus Circe- enchantress who helps Odysseus

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