Module A- Prepare for Take off!

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1 Module A- Prepare for Take off!

2 Objectives: Explain your role as an ESYL for the section you are supporting Explain how local Scouting is organised Summarise the purpose and methods of Scouting Explain how the Child Protection Policy applies to you It’s always good to start with objectives so we know what we are going to be doing for the session. Talk through the objectives and remember to revisit them at the end to see if we have achieved everything.

3 Objectives: Explain the importance of Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) and access the information within it. Show that you understand how POR affects your actions. Explain why it’s important to run activities safely, and necessary to carry out risk assessments. Understand how the Scheme works and how to access further training It’s always good to start with objectives so we know what we are going to be doing for the session. Talk through the objectives and remember to revisit them at the end to see if we have achieved everything.

4 Part One- Warm up

5 Warm-Up ESYLs are in a unique position in scouting. They will get to develop leadership skills while still being able to experience the youth programme as an Explorer Scout. It’s important to remember that the young people ESYLs are working with will consider them to be in a position of leadership, just like the other leaders. This is why ESYLs take part in the same essential training as adult leaders. Like adult volunteers, they have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of young people and of themselves. Begin this session by introducing the module and why it’s compulsory. Take the ESYLs through the aims of the module, and what they should expect to achieve by the end of it. Make sure you cover the following points when you introduce the module: ESYLs are in a unique position in scouting. They will get to develop leadership skills while still being able to experience the youth programme as an Explorer Scout. It’s important to remember that the young people ESYLs are working with will consider them to be in a position of leadership, just like the other leaders. This is why ESYLs take part in the same essential training as adult leaders. Like adult volunteers, they have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of young people and of themselves.

6 Warm-Up Dominoes Treasure Trail Activity
The team need to work together to find the corresponding answer on another domino, to match up with the question. Dominoes treasure trail (Appendix B, suitable for groups of all sizes, approx. 10 minutes) This optional warm-up activity provides a quick introduction to the session. It can be done with a group of any size, and is designed to encourage ESYLs to talk to each other and work together. To begin, place the dominoes from Appendix B all around the room, jumbled up. On each card is a question and an answer. The answer matches another question. Start by giving the team the first domino and ask them to read the question aloud. The team need to work together to find the corresponding answer on another domino, to match up with the question. They should read the question on the domino and search for the relevant answer. The game ends once they have got all the way around and created a chain with the first and last domino meeting.

7 Part Two- An Introduction to the scheme

8 Your Scouting Family Tree
Lots of people in Scouting who can help Lets find out who can help you Your Scouting family tree (suitable for groups of all sizes, approx. 15 minutes) Explain to the ESYLs that there are lots of people in Scouting who can help them succeed at every step of their journey. Sometimes the trickiest thing is knowing where to go and who to go to. Give out some pieces of A4 paper and ask the ESYLs to draw a large tree. On the branches of the tree they should draw or write down the names of all of the people who are part of their ESYL family. These are the people who can help, support and influence them. They should include their ESLYL, ESL, fellow ESYLs, section leader, GSL, DESC, DC and ACC Explorer Scouts as appropriate. You could also run this activity by placing photos of the relevant people on the wall, and asking the ESYLs to match the names and roles to the pictures. How do these roles link up? Encourage the ESYLs to fill out the front page of their Logbook or to record the relevant contact details somewhere safe so that they have a log of who to go to for support.

9 Station Stop Activity:
Station one (Rank it) Station two (Role outline) Station three (Worries box) Group Feedback Station stops (suitable for all size groups of all sizes, approx. 20 minutes) Set up a number of stations around the room to get the ESYLs thinking about the Scheme and discussing it. Station one (Rank it) Get some strips of paper and write down lots of different reasons as to why you might want to complete the Scheme. Examples include: ‘using the Scheme towards my top awards’, ‘developing new skills’, ‘challenging myself to do something new’, ‘giving back to my community’, ‘improving my employability’, ‘making new connections and friends’, and ’enjoying the experience of Scouting with another section’. Ask the ESYLs to rank these reasons in order of what’s most important and motivating to them personally. Make sure they know there are no right or wrong answers. The activity demonstrates that there are lots of reasons to complete the Scheme, and shows that everyone’s reasons and experiences will be unique. Do they all have the same reasons for being there? Did they know about all of the positive benefits of doing the Scheme? Are they surprised by any of these benefits? Asking questions like this will help you to kick-start a wider discussion. Station two (Role outline) Ask the ESYLs on this station to brainstorm what responsibilities they might have as an ESYL. What might they be in charge of? How will their new role change their dynamic with the young people and adult volunteers in the section? Station three (Worries box) Ask ESYLs to write down any worries they may have, and to post them into the box. Reassure them that it is absolutely fine to have worries when you are embarking on a new adventure, and let them know that you will be opening the box during the group feedback session, talking through any concerns together. This can be a great opportunity to link to other modules that may cover some of the areas they feel unsure about. Group feedback: Go over what was fed back on each station. Talk through any worries or differences in opinion. Discuss the following as a group. What experience have you had so far? Did you have an ESYL when you were in a younger section? What do you remember about them? What did they do? If you are using the ESYL Logbook, point out the page that contains a full breakdown of ESYL responsibilities. Go over anything they don’t understand or are unsure about. Conclude this activity by giving ESYLs a more in-depth explanation of the Scheme and where they fit within the organisational structure of Scouting.

10 Our Fundamentals: Integrity Respect Care Belief Cooperation
Our fundamentals (suitable for groups of all sizes, approx. 15 minutes) Stick the following words and definitions around the room: Integrity - We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal Respect - We have self-respect and respect for others Care - We support others and take care of the world in which we live Belief - We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes Cooperation - We make a positive difference; we cooperate with others and make friends Discuss the words and ask the ESYLs what the words mean to them as an individual. Give the ESYLs some Post-it notes. Ask them to go around the room and write down some activities that they have done themselves, both inside and outside Scouting, which might match with the words and their meanings. For example, they might write down some examples of how they have shown respect for others, or explored their faiths. The ESYLs may need a more in-depth explanation of the words. You could offer alternatives. Explain how these keywords relate to the values of Scouting, and show a full example. Using their examples, show them how taking part in a wide variety of activities helps them embody the values of Scouting, often without them even realising. Conclude by giving some other examples of methods used to fulfil the values of Scouting.

11 Part Three- Safeguarding

12 Safeguarding and Scouting:
During any Scouting activity we must think about the interests and wellbeing of young people. We must respect their rights, wishes and feelings. All adults in Scouting are responsible for putting this policy into practice at all times. This means that we must ensure that our behaviour is appropriate at all times. We must also observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people and always follow the procedures for reporting. Safeguarding (compulsory activity) During this session, we recommend adults are close at hand to give additional support to individuals who may need it. The subject matter here is sensitive, and could potentially bring up strong feelings within the group. Explain that The Scout Association has a policy to safeguard the welfare of all members. This involves protecting them from neglect, and also from physical, sexual and emotional harm. Make sure you cover the following points during this discussion: During any Scouting activity we must think about the interests and wellbeing of young people. We must respect their rights, wishes and feelings.  All adults in Scouting are responsible for putting this policy into practice at all times. This means that we must ensure that our behaviour is appropriate at all times. We must also observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people and always follow the procedures for reporting. The Anti-Bullying policy is in place to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. All leaders must take action to deal with bullying behaviour when it occurs, and should allow young people to talk about any concerns they may have. We must encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like.

13 Safeguarding and Scouting:
The Anti-Bullying policy is in place to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. All leaders must take action to deal with bullying behaviour when it occurs, and should allow young people to talk about any concerns they may have. We must encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like. Safeguarding (compulsory activity) During this session, we recommend adults are close at hand to give additional support to individuals who may need it. The subject matter here is sensitive, and could potentially bring up strong feelings within the group. Explain that The Scout Association has a policy to safeguard the welfare of all members. This involves protecting them from neglect, and also from physical, sexual and emotional harm. Make sure you cover the following points during this discussion: During any Scouting activity we must think about the interests and wellbeing of young people. We must respect their rights, wishes and feelings.  All adults in Scouting are responsible for putting this policy into practice at all times. This means that we must ensure that our behaviour is appropriate at all times. We must also observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people and always follow the procedures for reporting. The Anti-Bullying policy is in place to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. All leaders must take action to deal with bullying behaviour when it occurs, and should allow young people to talk about any concerns they may have. We must encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like.

14 Young People First: This Code of Contact is about:
Ensuring young people are kept safe Being a role model to other young people Behaving appropriately at all times Reporting any concerns Introducing ‘Young People First - Guidance for ESYLs (Orange Card)’ (compulsory) Young People First – Guidance for ESYLs (Orange Card)’ is available free of charge from Scout Store. Remind ESYLs of the Codes of Conduct that they may have created when they were active in other sections. Now they are leaders, there is a new Code of Conduct set out specifically for them to follow. This is laid out in full in the Young People First (Orange Card). Make sure you cover the following points in your group discussion: ESYLs should have their own copy of the orange card, and should keep it with them at all times. The Young People First (Orange Card) contains a code of behaviour that ESYLs must follow. It also has procedures to be followed if they have any concerns about a young person or an adult. Sometimes, changes in a young person’s behaviour, whether that involves becoming more aggressive, withdrawing, or other personality changes, may be a cause for concern. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the young person is being abused. There may be other reasons, like an illness or changes to their family dynamic. As leaders, it is our duty to think about young people’s welfare. This is why it is so important for us to get to know our young people and their personalities. As ESYLs, this will be much easier for you to achieve, because the younger sections are more likely to relate to you. If you have concerns about young people or adults, it’s important that you report it to the leaders you are working with, rather than trying to decide what’s happening yourself. If it’s a concern about an adult you are working with, you may report this to your Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) or to another adult outside the group. If you are concerned about a young person you must act immediately. Never keep things to yourself or rely on someone else to take action. You can play an important part in helping to encourage everyone to talk freely about behaviour or attitudes they do not like. You may choose to explain how the ESYLs may be more aware of issues than some adult leaders. With that awareness, they can position themselves so nobody is out of sight. They could also suggest more appropriate ways of organising activities. While all adults should have attended a safeguarding session, they may not pick up on things that ESYLs notice. Highlight that adult volunteers abide by similar rules, following the guidance set out in Young People First (Yellow Card).

15 Listening to young people:
What an ESYL should do if a young person tell them that something is wrong: Stay calm Listen to what the young person says Reassure the young person they are right to tell Move on to talking about what an ESYL should do if a young person tells them that something is wrong. Explain that they should: stay calm listen to what the young person says reassure the young person they are right to tell let the young person know that you will treat what they have said seriously, but that you have to pass the information on to an adult leader immediately tell an adult leader immediately make a note of the facts as you know them and give these to the same leader

16 Listening to young people:
What an ESYL should do if a young person tell them that something is wrong: Let the young person know that you will treat what they have said seriously, but that you have to pass the information on to an adult leader Immediately tell an adult leader Immediately make a note of the facts as you know them and give these to the same leader Move on to talking about what an ESYL should do if a young person tells them that something is wrong. Explain that they should: stay calm listen to what the young person says reassure the young person they are right to tell let the young person know that you will treat what they have said seriously, but that you have to pass the information on to an adult leader immediately tell an adult leader immediately make a note of the facts as you know them and give these to the same leader

17 Being a role model activity:
During the activity think about: Not being left on their own with a whole section Having their own sleeping accommodation on nights away Whether or not they are friends with younger members on social media sites such as Facebook Being a role model (suitable for groups of any size, approx. 15 minutes) Ask the ESYLs to share an example of someone who is a role model to them. This could be a description of someone they know or a celebrity or person who has inspired them. The ESYLs could think about this ahead of completing the module. Ask them to explain why the person they have chosen is their role model. What it is that they admire about that person? and if that person has inspired the ESYLs to behave in a certain way. Once they have shared their role models, summarise some of the key attributes that their role models have in common. Highlight any particular skills or behaviours. Hopefully this will include things like being kind, listening and being helpful. Remind them that they are now role models to the younger members in the section they are volunteering with. They need to set an example that other young people will want to follow, and behave in an appropriate way. Stress that it means they will need to act in a more grown up way, even though they are still young people themselves. You could develop this discussion by asking them to think of people who they don’t consider to be good role models, and why. It can provide a useful contrast to highlight the differences between negative and positive attributes. Try to pull out key points from Young People First (Orange Card) that talk about respect, equality, behaviour and attitudes. Link this to their understanding of being a role model to others.

18 Child protection scenarios:
During the activity apply what you have learned to the different scenarios Child protection scenarios (suitable for groups of any size, approx. 40 minutes) This part of the session gives ESYLs the chance to apply what they’ve learned to certain situations. Explain that part of keeping young people safe is being able to spot if something is wrong or concerning. Split the group into small teams. Give each team a child protection scenario (Appendix C). Ask the ESYLs if this is something they should be concerned about, and what they might do about it. They could use their experience as young people to think about times they might have been in similar situation. This will help them to see life through the eyes of a younger member and realise that they can probably spot concerns quicker than adults might. We’ve included some examples in Appendix C, with some discussion points you might cover with the ESYLs. You can add to or amend these to provide the best examples for your group. You might also want to explain that they will talk about supporting positive behaviour in ‘Module D – Understanding behaviour’, which will help them to determine whether a young person’s behaviour is usual or a cause for concern.

19 Part Four- Health, Safety and POR

20 Scouting safety policy:
Scouting activities should be exciting but not dangerous Explain that Scouting has a safety policy to ensure that Scouting is exciting but not dangerous, and adventurous but not hazardous. The safety policy is about providing activities with minimal risk to young people’s health. It’s as important as all other policies within The Scout Association and applies to everyone in Scouting. It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that: they do not endanger the health and safety of themselves or others they observe the rules established for the safety of those involved in Scouting activities This White Card helps identify hazards and takes leaders through a simple risk assessment process.

21 Spot the Hazard/ Dodgeball:
Think about what you have learned and apply it to this activity Spot the hazard (suitable for groups of any size, approx. 25 minutes) Split ESYLs into two groups and give each group a scenario. For example, building bird boxes with Beaver Scouts, and running an obstacle course with Scouts. Then, ask the groups to go around your meeting place and to stick sticky notes onto anything that could be a hazard. Were there any differences in what the groups spotted as hazards? Hazards can change depending on the context. Highlight that it is important to think about the young people you are supporting, and the activity you are doing within the area. Ask ESYLs to think about the different levels of risk associated with the various hazards. Ask them: which hazards could you, as ESYLs, deal with (eg trip hazards)? which permanent hazards do you need to be aware of, regardless of the space or context? ESYLs could suggest things like road traffic outside, steps or kitchen facilities, for example When you have finished, walk back around the room as a whole group and ask the ESYLs to discuss what they consider to be a hazard and what they would do to remove or reduce the risk. Dodgeball (suitable for larger groups, approx. 25 minutes) Ask ESYLs to set up a game of dodgeball. Before they start, ask them to carry out a risk assessment, pointing out the hazards and risks. How can they make the space and situation as safe as possible? Not all risk assessment focuses on the space. Remember to also think about who is playing and what is being played. Do they need to introduce some additional rules? After playing dodgeball, ask them to review their risk assessment. Did they miss anything? Would they change anything next time? Next, ask them to identify and list who is responsible for carrying out or managing the controls they would put in place. Ask them what they think would be the most effective way to communicate this

22 Introduction to POR: Think about different rules that you come across in your everyday life: Education The Law Work Scouts Sport To start this session, play a game of your choice, with players split in two teams. This can be any game, as long as it has a number of set rules. During the game, remove the rules for one team so that it has an advantage over the other. If you’re playing a game of football, you could widen the goals, give one team more players than the other, or say that one team has to play on one leg, for example. See how long it takes before people start to complain that the game is unfair because of the different rules. At this point, stop the game and have a discussion about what they think life would be like if there were no consistent rules. Write up some of the reasons why we have rules. Think about different rules that the ESYLs come across in their everyday lives, such as: the law education work Scouts any sports they play Lead a whole group discussion about how The Scout Association is no exception, and has its own rulebook called POR. Give a brief explanation of what it is, why we have it and where to find it. End the session by providing a roundup of what they have learned in the module. Link this back to the first activity you did, looking at the question: ‘What is an ESYL?’ Discuss what the next steps of the Scheme are. Explain that as well as a risk assessment, it is important to check if there are any policies or rules that need to be followed. These can be found online. Top tip: You could adapt the above activity for smaller groups by choosing a game like Jenga

23 Further Modules and Next Steps

24 What happens now? The ESYL Logbook Module A badge and woggle
Next Training Dates Also Mention that the Young Leader Scheme is part of the Institute of Leadership and Management Development Programme


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