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1 Sectionalism

2 Democrats vs Whigs Election of 1848 Popular Sovereignty
As we discussed before the north for moral reasons opposes slavery but for economic reasons cannot call for its end called for no spread of slavery, Democrats vs whigs- these were not purely regional parties as we had seen in the past and will see in the future, so thought that the best way to keep the lid on the slavery issue was to ignore it, so as to not divide the political parties. election of polk stepped down and the democrats chose General Lewis Cass, although the party in general was silent on the slavery issue, cass was very adamant and seen as the father of popular sovereignty- the idea that the state got to choose, political compromise- we don’t want to have to deal with this awful issue so let the people decide. election- whigs bypass clay again and choose zachary taylor- did not take a public stance on slavery but owned a sugar plantation in LA antislavery men not trusting either option created the Free-Soil Party, (still did not advocate end of slavery, just not in the territories) split the democrats whigs won

3 California Constitution
Gold Rush Gold Fever California Constitution Wanted to still ignore the slavery issue but gold rush forced the politicians to begin to take sides Gold fever-m moved west mostly in 49, most did not strike it rich, those who sold things to the miners did though, Lots of lawlessness- killings and bad people, good people wanted to protect themselves, so Cal drafted a constitution in 1849 banning slavery. South- super mad, there was a balance 15 slave states 15 free states cal could throw off that balance.

4 Sectional Balance South’s Grievances Underground Railroad
Compromise of 1850 Election of 1852 California could set a precedent for all other mexcian territories being free, which was got mostly through southern blood. Texas- upset that they owned a large portion of what is now New Mexico and part of Colorado and this was being taken a way form them. Norhterners aslo called for the abolition of slave trade in DC And of course the south was also super upset about the north harboring runaway slaves. URR- series of safe houses, Harriet tubman- conductor, only lost abt 1,000 slaves a year, Oct southerners anounce their intentions to meet in nashville the next year and discuss leaving the union, - congress had to do something Compromise- Clay’s last hurrah, urged the north and south both had to make concessions, John c calhoun, also dying championed the south, webster, also dying, supported clay, these old senators although having different views on compromise all wanted to preserve the nation, a new group of congressmen, wanted to pruify the country with little regard to union. William H Sewardsenator from new york argued against northern concessions, Taylor dies in 1850, but was going to veto any compromise any ways, his VP millard fillmore,who was for the compromise, Fugitive slave act- runaway slave captured in boston in had to be removed from the city under guard, undergroung RR stepped up its game, but so did slave catchers, 1850- would have been a good year for the south to secede, time was on the norths side- growing in population and abolitionist sentiment, Election democrats- nobody Franklin Pierce, New Hampshire, enemy less, prosouthern northerner, so appealed to both the northern and southern democrats whigs- had a great victory in the compromise of 1850 and could have nominated fillmore or webster who were both associated with its victory, but had only won with military leaders in the past, so they nominated Winfield Scott the successful general of the Mexican American War, Whigs- were split over slavery, and free soil party will steal northern whig votes, abt 5,000 southerners will vote for webster even though he died 2 weeks before the election, this election was the effective end of the whig party

5 South America Asia America in the World
SA_ was seen as a possible extension of the south (manifest destiny) GB was encroaching into SA (Nicaragua) and the US wanted control of SA particularly the isthmus of Panama which was controlled by New Granada (Columbia) – signed a treaty in 1848 that said we would protect the neutrality of the now land route if we were allowed transit across the first transcontinental RR. Then in 1850 we signed the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty w GB sayingneither of us would seek exclusive control of the isthmus. William Walker- a southern adventurer had gone into Nicaragua and overthrew their gov and declared the country a slave country- SA countries quickly crush him esp when pierce pulled his recognition of the new country Cuba- Southerners wanted to first buy cuba but spain refused, south sent two different forces to overtake cuba, both were rebuked, the last force the majority of southerners were shot or strangled leading to the sack of the Spanish consulate in New Orleans. In response spain will take control of America steamer Black Warrior, in the souths eyes this was the time to act- Europe was about to be engulfed in the Crimean War so the European powers could not help Spain, Ostend Manifesto- offer 120 million for cuba if not taken would take cuba from spain by force, was supposed to be secret but got out, northerners super angry, so pierce dropped his claims to Cuba Asia- Cal and Oregon- now mad the US a part of the Pacific world, GB had just won the opium wars putting control of 5 Chinese ports and control of hong kong, US was worried they would be cut out, sent Caleb Cushing with 4 warships to “persuade” china to trade with us- Treaty of Wanghia gave US most favored nation status, America trade with China flourished, Japan- extreme isolationist Tokugawa Shogunate, started around Jamestown and will continue for more then 2 centuries, by 1853 Japan was ready to emerge from its isolationist state, US sent Commodore Matthew perry to open up trade with Japan, in came ashore with two large black flag bearers and handed the japanese delegation a silk wrapped letter asking for free trade and explaining he will be back in a year for their response. In 1854 he returned with even more warships and fancy gifts, Japan signed the treaty of Kanagawa in 1854 provided proper treatment of shipwrecked sailors, America got coaling rights in Japan, and established consulates- cracked japan’s isolationism, within the decade the Meiji restoration would end the shogunate and propel the land of the rising sun into the modern world,

6 Continued Westward Expansion
Transcontinental RR Kansas-Nebraska Act RR- should it be built in the North or south- South advocated and got the Gadsden purchase for RR. This purchase officially organized New Mexico- giving the south and organized route from coast to coast North responded by organizing the territory of Nebraska Stephen A Douglas senator from Illinois, proposed the Kansas- Nebraska Act- the territory of Nebraska would be divided into two sections and they would bothe be decided by popular sovereignty- contradicted the Missouri compromise of 1820 and had to repeal the act in order to get the bill passed, debate over the issue saw many congressmen come to work armed. led to the slippery slope that is the civil war. created the Republican Party- foes of the Kansas Nebraska act- free soilers, northern whigs, and Know-Nothings, - purely sectional political parties

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