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2 EXAM STRESS … and how to beat it
For this session, we will examine ways to beat stress. In later classes, we will revisit this idea of stress and testing. Today, however, let’s visit some common place ways to avoid stress by talking about what Cambridge calls “Revision Notes” and the “Exam Timetable”. Revision Notes Exam Timetable

3 Try to work to a Revision Timetable
Start planning well before exams begin Make your Books, Notes and Essays user friendly with Summary Notes, Headings,Sub-Headings and Revision Cards Use Key Words and / or Spider Charts Get tips on other revision techniques from others For Cambridge, revision is another way of stating reviewing notes. Take my class for example. When you revise the notes, you would be looking over the PowerPoint presentations again and filling in blanks where you missed. I am not the only class you have though. You have four other core classes, and to add, you have Specials classes as well. In other words 8 courses is a great deal to track. Having a timetable, or calendar, to aid your study habits will calm your nerves. It gives you the checklist you need to complete the necessary activities. Notice how revision cards are mentioned. This is the same as making flashcards. The use of Thinking Maps are also in this slide. Taking your notes and breaking them down into a flow or tree map, for example, will help your reviews and make studying that much easier. Also, ask your friends what they do. No matter how many times I tell you what has worked for students in the past or what has worked for me, ultimately, you have to discover what works for you. It is better to start now than leave it up to chance for the test.

4 Revise/Review DON’T Don’t leave Revision to the last minute
Don’t avoid revising subjects you don’t like or find difficult Don’t forget that there is life beyond Revision and Exams Here is a list of ”do nots”. Don’t leave revision for the last minute. Your teachers have taken the time to make sure to notify you about the upcoming exams. Waiting to the last minute defeats the purpose of preparing you. If you make a calendar, stick to it. Having the time will set your mind at ease. Crash studying will only overload you and your nerves. Don’t avoid the classes you don’t like. In fact, pick on those first. Get them out of the way by studying for them. That way the burden is off your shoulders, and you can move on to something you enjoy. Most important. Don’t forget there is life beyond reviews and exams. Think of it like this. As soon as I am done studying for fifteen minutes, I can watch that show, play that game, or do what you want to do. The old saying of there being a “light at the end of the tunnel” is true.

5 Revise/Review (cont.) REMEMBER :
Remember it is important to eat and sleep well Put yourself first – it is an important time for you – try to talk to family about how they can make studying a little easier for you, e.g. by agreeing times when you can have your own space, when they will try to be a bit quieter around the house and when you would rather not be disturbed DON’T REVISE ALL THE TIME – TAKE BREAKS AND DO THINGS YOU ENJOY AND HELP YOU RELAX Important Things to Remember It is important to eat and sleep well. Studies show that if you have a regular eating and sleeping schedule, stress levels decrease. Put yourself first. I know there are chores, sports, and/or other activities where you have responsibilities, but you will not be good for any of these if you don’t set your priorities. Take the time to talk with your parents about the stresses you have with school and such. Allow them to help you in making the time for study. Don’t make your whole life about the next planned activity for revision. Give yourself breaks. Working all the time wears you down and defeats the purpose of life itself. To put is plainly and simply, balance is a necessary part of your life.

6 PREPARE for the BIG DAY CHECK … Have a good breakfast
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the exam room Make sure you know where the exam is being held Take everything you need – pens, pencils, water, anything else? Go to the toilet before the exam starts When the day comes for exams… Have you slept right? Have you eaten? Do you have everything you need (pens, pencils, water, etc.)? Take the restroom break that you need prior. Soon… you will be sitting for a AIMS, AzMERIT, Progression, Checkpoint, and/or IGCSE exams. These are longer tests than class tests. Are you ready for that?

7 PACE YOURSELF Read the instructions
Read all the questions and give yourself time to answer those you are required to answer Plan how much time you will need for each question If you are stuck, go to the next question. You can come back to the unfinished one later. If you are really stuck, try to have an intelligent guess During the exam, pace yourself. Read the instructions. Highlight or underline key terms that will guide you on how you are to answer questions. Read all the questions thoroughly. Give yourself time to answer each one. Plan how much time you will need to answer each question. If you get stuck move on and come back to that question later. If you become really stuck, you may have to guess, but guess intelligently on what you already know.

8 ABOVE ALL … Perform as well as you can – ‘YOU are YOU’ so you can only do the best you can on the day Don’t go through the answers with your friends afterwards, if it is only going to worry you Try to put the last exam out of your mind and look ahead to the next one – you can’t go back to change things Exams are Important, but they are not the only key to a successful future. GOOD LUCK !

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