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Afterschool Snacks CRE Training 2011

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1 Afterschool Snacks CRE Training 2011
Ask sponsors at each training if anyone in the group is participating in after school snacks before starting presentation. Afterschool Snacks CRE Training 2011

2 Operation Requirements
Snacks must be served after the school day Must provide educational or enrichment activities in a structured and supervised environment Snacks for after school program, must be served after the official school day has ended. Students receiving snacks must participate in a supervised, structured program (study hall, Spanish club, book club, dance class) that provides educational and/or enrichment activities. Non competitive, intramural sports (after school Frisbee golf) can participate in after school snacks, competitive sports (middle school basketball team) cannot participate in after school snacks. An exception would be if basketball team attended supervised tutoring/study hall and then later went to practice, snacks were provided to study hall where basketball team players happened to attend.

3 Reimbursement Foods served must meet the snack menu pattern
1snack per student Snacks are not eligible for reimbursement = weekends, holidays, and vacation breaks Show/reference snack menu pattern and production record handout Must serve at least 2 of 4 components and components must be from different categories (e.g. celery sticks with peanut butter and water – YES, cereal and milk – YES…….apple juice with apples – NO, milk and juice – NO) Fruit/Veg component must be at least ¾ cup/6oz for children ages 6 -18

4 Record Keeping Required records:
List of educational or enrichment activities Two monitoring review reports Snack production records Attendance Roster Snack meal counts These are the 5 required documents to have on file for after school snack programs. Daily required items = attendance roster, production record, snack meal counts (slash mark sheets)

5 Monitoring 1st on-site review, within first 4 weeks of operation
2nd on-site review, halfway through the program year If problems found, correct immediately On-site review form on ODE website under Program Areas -> After School Snacks -> Forms -> Site Review Forms with directions After School Snack Page:

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